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West Coast

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Everything posted by West Coast

  1. Whilst I think it was completely stupid and unnecessary to namedrop anyone in her letter to the "culture", I kinda wish that she had namedropped Lorde and Halsey instead. This would've turned into a completely different situation.
  2. As someone that has shit all over the production of NFR and has dragged Jack through the pits of hell and back over the subpar/cheap production/mastering of the album (and will continue to do so), I'm kinda digging the instrumentation in Lana's latest spoken word piece. I hope it follows a similar path sonically for LDR7.
  3. bold of you to assume that she even thinks of Halsey in the first place
  4. I just want to point out that two days ago you said that all these clout chasers and hiveminded people could suck on Lana's artistic dick and that really says it all, she's not going to play this era
  5. No holds barred I've been sent to destroy, yea
  6. it's a pandemic after aaaaall
  7. Dully noted, and the feeling is mutual.
  8. You're right, in that situation I just wanted to give her mother the benefit of the doubt, since unlike Lana she doesn't really have a platform to speak up on this. But, I also did acknowledge that toxic/shitty moms are a thing and that Lana might've been subject to that as well. It's all in the air, like you said: who knows why.
  9. I'm not shading, I just don't see the point of making bold claims about Lana's upbringings? I just don't see why she'd have a reason to lie about any if not all of that as she was already subject to harsh criticism when she said all those things. If you feel as though it was her "shtick" as you elegantly put it that is your prerogative, and you got every right to do so. I guess I just like to give her the benefit of the doubt, but that's also my prerogative. It is her life after all. That is all. I won't DM you, don't worry.
  10. Can't wait for you to write Lana's official biography.
  11. Yes her mom was a teacher and teaching positions are notoriously underpaid and treated like crap int the USA. I don't feel like Lana grew up in a castle. She grew up with fortunate circumstances and comfortably for sure, but to pretend like her dad was a wealthy beyond belief is basically like regurgitating what was said by the very same critics she called out in her letter to the "culture", back when she "first" came on the scene. Which also makes me wonder how Rob felt when people were using that dumb rhetoric to drag Lana early on.
  12. I sadly agree with everything on here. I feel like while trying to push Lana towards creative/artistic highs, there was definitely tension whilst recording/producing Ultraviolence... but I think it paid off. We could argue about the pros and cons of this kind of creative dynamic, but I feel like, like you said, it turned out to be a "once-in-a-lifetime" album. I think they both alluded to fighting over certain aspects of the record, but ultimately dancing together to it. On the other hand, I feel like Jack is the exact of opposite of Dan. He just gives me this "Yes" person vibe. Nothing wrong with that, but like I said earlier that doesn't seem to be very challenging artistically speaking. Hence why I initially felt a little iffy about Jack having his hands all over LDR7, like it was going to be a continuation of the beige sound/aesthetic we had on NFR. Though, time will tell, with Lana's recent Instagram antics... I feel like there is some negative/chaotic energy that's been repressed on her part that she actually will devote into her art.
  13. I feel like with her recent antics, she needs to find someone that can like push her in the right direction artistically, Jack has proven to be too beige for Lanz. Dan on the other hand, he could legit convey all that negative energy and turn it into fire. I don't want him to turn the current situation into some cringy "Reputation" 2.0 moment.
  14. I mean that doesn't sound too farfetched, like Lana did start the rollout of NFR earlier to divert us from the Israel gig debacle. At this point I likely see us getting some sort of single in like the next two weeks.
  15. Sorry, I tried to make a joke of the matter, but I understand what you mean and I agree. I sincerely apologize if my short message came off like I just come on here to spew hate on Lana, or imply that this is what other people come on here to do as well, because that was not my intention. In hindsight, it was a bit tone deaf. I guess I just tried to imply that people on this community have, for a lack of better wording, a love/hate relationship with Lana and whilst they love her to death they are sometimes also very critical of her choices both personally and professionally. We all feel very, veeery, passionately about her. Also, it probably explains why there is a "Biggest Lana hater" category at the Lipsters. No hard feelings. xx On a lighter note, I can't believe that I've reached my 1000th post. I finally have my three dots!
  16. You're new here and it shows. You got a lot to learn, sweetie. Love/hating Lana that's our specialty. Sit tight and learn from the bestests.
  17. Cancel/Call out culture is toxic and stupid (most of the time). Lana will be fine.
  18. Shallon Lester... enough said.
  19. He'll shove his way up to be front and center again for sure, he gives me that strong delusional vibe. I think it's the hair.
  20. Goodnight, thank you for your valuable input today! Get some rest, because I feel like the show has just started.
  21. Maybe that's just me but when I lurked on his profile way back, the only account I had in common (that were actually following him) was Lanz's.
  22. I'm pretty sure they exchanged direct messages. I doubt Lana just went on to unfollow her if nothing was said between the two. Or maybe Lana sent something to Ariana and she ghosted her, or was just too busy promoting that sucky song with Lady Gaga.
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