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About SouthInGuy

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  1. I got a shipping notification from that Toronto store today! I just assumed mine would be cancelled from them so I ordered it from that Estonia store too. That still hasn't showed up yet. I can't believe I'm still waiting for it lol?
  2. Got the boob towel today. Don't think we're supposed to post pics of it here? I hope a link is ok. The quality (thickness) of the towel is not worth the money but it's cute? https://twitter.com/BeardedSteven/status/1722416423065002176
  3. Very nice. Where on earth did you track it down? My Hungarian should finally be here soon!!
  4. I'm not sure what happened buy my Hungarian copy of the book got sent to the US Virgin Islands where I (obviously) don't live so they had the carrier destroy the package... Going to have to try ordering again and hope it works. Like I had a tracking number that it was in New Jersey on the way to me. How it got to the Virgin Islands i have no idea.
  5. She did Florida Kilos at both the Miami and Orlando shows for LA To The Moon. I really thought she'd bring it back again. No hope for my Tampa show.
  6. Ugh my Russian one is coming from the same store so hoping we both get it! My Hungarian version is on the way but stuck in UPS limbo....
  7. Chemtrails live is a thing of beauty. I'm glad she's keeping it in the setlist.
  8. Man that took me a while to fumble through checking out on that website but I finally got it to work! Thank you so much for the link and the help!
  9. Ugh I always forget Nashville is an hour behind me. If Nikki just went on she won't be on for another 2 hours. Gonna be a long night...
  10. I honestly don't remember where I got it from. I think it was a Swedish bookstore site but I really couldn't say which one. Wish I could help! I've gotten lucky with a couple of these just clicking on these websites I can't read or understand.
  11. That puts me at 8 copies. American and British English, Spanish, Polish, Swedish, French, Italian, and Chinese. I'm ready for more translations! Thanks to everyone that helped me acquire these.
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