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  1. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by kik in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    I'm not back to reality yet.

    The pre-concert experience:

    I got a Silver VIP ticket. Silver VIPs had to wait at an other entrance on the other side of the building. I got there at 10:30pm the night before. If you are hesitant to camp, well just do it. I was worried about my comfort, but the key is to arrive prepared. I thought I would look like a fucking tourist, but for Lana it was worth it. I packed all my stuff, called Uber (too heavy to carry in the subway), headed downtown and arrived at the waiting spot. Five people were in line already. I installed my stuff and 15 minutes later we where smoking a joint, talking about Lana, laughing, having fun.

    Here's the list of things I brought with me:

    Everything would have been perfect if it wasn't for the cold night. My sleeping bag was not warm enough and I was shivering at times.

    I started trying to sleep around midnight and every time I'd wake up I was pissed to see nobody else was getting in line. The next people in line got there at 5am. It's a gamble, but this time I didn't take any chance and got my ass in line early. I was #8. I thought I was #6 at first, but someone was saving a spot for two people who arrived around 6am. It didn't change a thing as I got the spot I wanted on first row (2-3 feet left of the center of the stage, right in front of the stairs).

    A lot of people stopped their car to ask us what artist we were going to see, as people usually don't linup in that part of the venue. Most of them had no clue who was Lana Del Rey. @@NuclearHeart: mention spéciale au vieux couple qui nous a demandé si on faisait la file pour acheter des billets pour voir Michel Louvain. Une fan dans la quarantaine lui a répondu non, on vient pour voir Elvis et le gars a pensé au show de Martin Fontaine et rendu à ce stade-là on a juste lâché prise sur eux. Voyons calisse...

    The wait didn't seem long at all during the day. Grimes passed in front of us I think it was around noon. Someone recognize her and wanted to take a picture, but she declined with a smile as she had to go to the hospital. Something with her leg. She performed later with a splint on her foot and she didn't seem to give a fuck about her situation. She performed like a firecracker, dancing and everything. Her show was great. I'm not a fan of her music, but I still enjoyed the performance. She was super happy to be there and I think she mentioned Montreal was her hometown.

    Then Lana came and I burst in tears. Seriously, I couldn't control my face. I was too excited, too emotional (I'm Cancer, I can't help it). She looked like a goddess in her long lace dress. She was so elegant, so feminine, so confident. She was moving on the stage so gracefully, she was totally comfortable and in control. Her vocals where great. No sound problems that distracted her. It was a good day She was generous, we got 15 songs! It's much appreciated considering how tired she must have been (two concerts in a row. I think she enjoy a day off between shows). She also gave us 5 star as an audience (*cough* Toronto… )

    (Just kidding!)

    The Setlist:

    She went to the barricade twice. The first time didn't last long, just a few seconds. People obviously lost their mind and the heavy pushing started. Maybe she saw some people struggling to survive, so she decided to get back to stage so they could breathe again. Seriously, I didn't care much about the pushing. I actually liked it as it was
    massaging my sore back lol. Then, she came down again at the end of the show while her musician where still playing OTTR and spent an average 10 seconds with everybody who was front row. The pushing was so bad I though I would drop my phone.Talking about phone… I had a phone malfunction and my selfie with her was ruined by bad light or something. When she was to my level, I though I would faint. Here's what I remember:

    Me: I love you so much…! I don't know what to say…
    Her: Aww thank you!
    (She gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my entire life, her face was luminous)
    Me: I brought a gift for you

    I handed her my gift bag and she thanked me. Then I asked for a selfie and it went bad, my cellphone was acting crazy and I was loosing precious seconds. I took 3 selfies. The quality of the image is so bad, but hey I got one!

    It's just ridiculous. I spent precious time trying to figure out what was wrong with the phone when I could simply have had a hug. I would have much preferred a warm embrace as I initially didn't plan to share the selfie with anybody and I'm not into bad photography. Oh whatever...
    I didn't have time to ask her to sign my UV vinyl.

    So, almost off to the races she went (The Grand Prix weekend is starting now). A lot of people were waiting for her outside the venue. I waited about an hour to finally discover that she probably left. People have found out an article in the online newspaper saying she left to the airport minutes after the show. There was a picture of her in a SUV getting out of the venue. A paparazzi took it. Now I just saw someone's tweet: "When your dad texts you telling you that Lana Del Rey is staying at the same hotel as him in Montreal. WHY AM I NOT THERE". Is it true? She didn't reply. If that's true then fuck, shoot me. But I understand that she wants to go to NY to be with Francesco, that's alright

    I know, I know... I met her during the concert, but I would have much preferred to talk to her after the show when it's more quiet. I was so emotional, I have like a mini black-out. The most weird part is that I don't remember is we kissed each other. I don't think so, as I would have remembered, but my friends saw us on the giant screen, kissing each other on the cheek. Maybe they didn't see properly. I'll try to find a video, hopefully I will see how it all happened. It was like in a dream and a nightmare at the same time, as I was not in control and I was overwhelmed which I don't like. I felt like I was on painkiller, not 100% there.
    When we got out of the venue and tried to figure out where she would come out, one of the guy I befriended with in the VIP Silver line said that he asked her (while she was taking selfies at the end of the show) if she would meet after and she said yes. So I didn't know what to do. I stayed an hour, then decided to leave. I was exhausted. When I got home I drank 7 shooters of rum back to back and cried in the shower. Post-concert depression. Big time. I also cried when I woke up, starting to think she left so quickly, she probably didn't take my gift(S) and letter with her. I'm alright now.

    Overall it was an amazing experience and I would do it again. I know I said to people around me that it was a one shot thing, but I will do it again.
    My video of Serial Killer:
  2. how the light shines in liked a post in a topic by kik in Worst Lana Lyrics   
    Her mind's like a diamond
    Her mind's multifaceted 
    That's how I see it
    Carmen is a great song imo. I think she took inspiration in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. For me, it's the story of a high-class prostitute.
  3. HollywoodHills liked a post in a topic by kik in Worst Lana Lyrics   
    Her mind's like a diamond
    Her mind's multifaceted 
    That's how I see it
    Carmen is a great song imo. I think she took inspiration in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. For me, it's the story of a high-class prostitute.
  4. DinahLee liked a post in a topic by kik in Worst Lana Lyrics   
    Her mind's like a diamond
    Her mind's multifaceted 
    That's how I see it
    Carmen is a great song imo. I think she took inspiration in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. For me, it's the story of a high-class prostitute.
  5. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by kik in Worst Lana Lyrics   
    Her mind's like a diamond
    Her mind's multifaceted 
    That's how I see it
    Carmen is a great song imo. I think she took inspiration in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. For me, it's the story of a high-class prostitute.
  6. Velvet Elvis liked a post in a topic by kik in Worst Lana Lyrics   
    Her mind's like a diamond
    Her mind's multifaceted 
    That's how I see it
    Carmen is a great song imo. I think she took inspiration in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. For me, it's the story of a high-class prostitute.
  7. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by kik in Worst Lana Lyrics   
    Her mind's like a diamond
    Her mind's multifaceted 
    That's how I see it
    Carmen is a great song imo. I think she took inspiration in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. For me, it's the story of a high-class prostitute.
  8. Mafiosa liked a post in a topic by kik in Worst Lana Lyrics   
    Her mind's like a diamond
    Her mind's multifaceted 
    That's how I see it
    Carmen is a great song imo. I think she took inspiration in the movie Breakfast at Tiffany's. For me, it's the story of a high-class prostitute.
  9. kik liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Worst Lana Lyrics   
    also I was listening to Carmen today and I realised how bad some of the lyrics are like "her mind's like a diamond" like wtf is this shit
  10. WhiteHydrangea liked a post in a topic by kik in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    Thank you everyone!
    I noticed today a really strange bruise behind my leg, probably got it at the pit. WTF is that? It doesn't hurt AT ALL.
  11. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by kik in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    I'm not back to reality yet.

    The pre-concert experience:

    I got a Silver VIP ticket. Silver VIPs had to wait at an other entrance on the other side of the building. I got there at 10:30pm the night before. If you are hesitant to camp, well just do it. I was worried about my comfort, but the key is to arrive prepared. I thought I would look like a fucking tourist, but for Lana it was worth it. I packed all my stuff, called Uber (too heavy to carry in the subway), headed downtown and arrived at the waiting spot. Five people were in line already. I installed my stuff and 15 minutes later we where smoking a joint, talking about Lana, laughing, having fun.

    Here's the list of things I brought with me:

    Everything would have been perfect if it wasn't for the cold night. My sleeping bag was not warm enough and I was shivering at times.

    I started trying to sleep around midnight and every time I'd wake up I was pissed to see nobody else was getting in line. The next people in line got there at 5am. It's a gamble, but this time I didn't take any chance and got my ass in line early. I was #8. I thought I was #6 at first, but someone was saving a spot for two people who arrived around 6am. It didn't change a thing as I got the spot I wanted on first row (2-3 feet left of the center of the stage, right in front of the stairs).

    A lot of people stopped their car to ask us what artist we were going to see, as people usually don't linup in that part of the venue. Most of them had no clue who was Lana Del Rey. @@NuclearHeart: mention spéciale au vieux couple qui nous a demandé si on faisait la file pour acheter des billets pour voir Michel Louvain. Une fan dans la quarantaine lui a répondu non, on vient pour voir Elvis et le gars a pensé au show de Martin Fontaine et rendu à ce stade-là on a juste lâché prise sur eux. Voyons calisse...

    The wait didn't seem long at all during the day. Grimes passed in front of us I think it was around noon. Someone recognize her and wanted to take a picture, but she declined with a smile as she had to go to the hospital. Something with her leg. She performed later with a splint on her foot and she didn't seem to give a fuck about her situation. She performed like a firecracker, dancing and everything. Her show was great. I'm not a fan of her music, but I still enjoyed the performance. She was super happy to be there and I think she mentioned Montreal was her hometown.

    Then Lana came and I burst in tears. Seriously, I couldn't control my face. I was too excited, too emotional (I'm Cancer, I can't help it). She looked like a goddess in her long lace dress. She was so elegant, so feminine, so confident. She was moving on the stage so gracefully, she was totally comfortable and in control. Her vocals where great. No sound problems that distracted her. It was a good day She was generous, we got 15 songs! It's much appreciated considering how tired she must have been (two concerts in a row. I think she enjoy a day off between shows). She also gave us 5 star as an audience (*cough* Toronto… )

    (Just kidding!)

    The Setlist:

    She went to the barricade twice. The first time didn't last long, just a few seconds. People obviously lost their mind and the heavy pushing started. Maybe she saw some people struggling to survive, so she decided to get back to stage so they could breathe again. Seriously, I didn't care much about the pushing. I actually liked it as it was
    massaging my sore back lol. Then, she came down again at the end of the show while her musician where still playing OTTR and spent an average 10 seconds with everybody who was front row. The pushing was so bad I though I would drop my phone.Talking about phone… I had a phone malfunction and my selfie with her was ruined by bad light or something. When she was to my level, I though I would faint. Here's what I remember:

    Me: I love you so much…! I don't know what to say…
    Her: Aww thank you!
    (She gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my entire life, her face was luminous)
    Me: I brought a gift for you

    I handed her my gift bag and she thanked me. Then I asked for a selfie and it went bad, my cellphone was acting crazy and I was loosing precious seconds. I took 3 selfies. The quality of the image is so bad, but hey I got one!

    It's just ridiculous. I spent precious time trying to figure out what was wrong with the phone when I could simply have had a hug. I would have much preferred a warm embrace as I initially didn't plan to share the selfie with anybody and I'm not into bad photography. Oh whatever...
    I didn't have time to ask her to sign my UV vinyl.

    So, almost off to the races she went (The Grand Prix weekend is starting now). A lot of people were waiting for her outside the venue. I waited about an hour to finally discover that she probably left. People have found out an article in the online newspaper saying she left to the airport minutes after the show. There was a picture of her in a SUV getting out of the venue. A paparazzi took it. Now I just saw someone's tweet: "When your dad texts you telling you that Lana Del Rey is staying at the same hotel as him in Montreal. WHY AM I NOT THERE". Is it true? She didn't reply. If that's true then fuck, shoot me. But I understand that she wants to go to NY to be with Francesco, that's alright

    I know, I know... I met her during the concert, but I would have much preferred to talk to her after the show when it's more quiet. I was so emotional, I have like a mini black-out. The most weird part is that I don't remember is we kissed each other. I don't think so, as I would have remembered, but my friends saw us on the giant screen, kissing each other on the cheek. Maybe they didn't see properly. I'll try to find a video, hopefully I will see how it all happened. It was like in a dream and a nightmare at the same time, as I was not in control and I was overwhelmed which I don't like. I felt like I was on painkiller, not 100% there.
    When we got out of the venue and tried to figure out where she would come out, one of the guy I befriended with in the VIP Silver line said that he asked her (while she was taking selfies at the end of the show) if she would meet after and she said yes. So I didn't know what to do. I stayed an hour, then decided to leave. I was exhausted. When I got home I drank 7 shooters of rum back to back and cried in the shower. Post-concert depression. Big time. I also cried when I woke up, starting to think she left so quickly, she probably didn't take my gift(S) and letter with her. I'm alright now.

    Overall it was an amazing experience and I would do it again. I know I said to people around me that it was a one shot thing, but I will do it again.
    My video of Serial Killer:
  12. Miguel3Zero liked a post in a topic by kik in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    I'm not back to reality yet.

    The pre-concert experience:

    I got a Silver VIP ticket. Silver VIPs had to wait at an other entrance on the other side of the building. I got there at 10:30pm the night before. If you are hesitant to camp, well just do it. I was worried about my comfort, but the key is to arrive prepared. I thought I would look like a fucking tourist, but for Lana it was worth it. I packed all my stuff, called Uber (too heavy to carry in the subway), headed downtown and arrived at the waiting spot. Five people were in line already. I installed my stuff and 15 minutes later we where smoking a joint, talking about Lana, laughing, having fun.

    Here's the list of things I brought with me:

    Everything would have been perfect if it wasn't for the cold night. My sleeping bag was not warm enough and I was shivering at times.

    I started trying to sleep around midnight and every time I'd wake up I was pissed to see nobody else was getting in line. The next people in line got there at 5am. It's a gamble, but this time I didn't take any chance and got my ass in line early. I was #8. I thought I was #6 at first, but someone was saving a spot for two people who arrived around 6am. It didn't change a thing as I got the spot I wanted on first row (2-3 feet left of the center of the stage, right in front of the stairs).

    A lot of people stopped their car to ask us what artist we were going to see, as people usually don't linup in that part of the venue. Most of them had no clue who was Lana Del Rey. @@NuclearHeart: mention spéciale au vieux couple qui nous a demandé si on faisait la file pour acheter des billets pour voir Michel Louvain. Une fan dans la quarantaine lui a répondu non, on vient pour voir Elvis et le gars a pensé au show de Martin Fontaine et rendu à ce stade-là on a juste lâché prise sur eux. Voyons calisse...

    The wait didn't seem long at all during the day. Grimes passed in front of us I think it was around noon. Someone recognize her and wanted to take a picture, but she declined with a smile as she had to go to the hospital. Something with her leg. She performed later with a splint on her foot and she didn't seem to give a fuck about her situation. She performed like a firecracker, dancing and everything. Her show was great. I'm not a fan of her music, but I still enjoyed the performance. She was super happy to be there and I think she mentioned Montreal was her hometown.

    Then Lana came and I burst in tears. Seriously, I couldn't control my face. I was too excited, too emotional (I'm Cancer, I can't help it). She looked like a goddess in her long lace dress. She was so elegant, so feminine, so confident. She was moving on the stage so gracefully, she was totally comfortable and in control. Her vocals where great. No sound problems that distracted her. It was a good day She was generous, we got 15 songs! It's much appreciated considering how tired she must have been (two concerts in a row. I think she enjoy a day off between shows). She also gave us 5 star as an audience (*cough* Toronto… )

    (Just kidding!)

    The Setlist:

    She went to the barricade twice. The first time didn't last long, just a few seconds. People obviously lost their mind and the heavy pushing started. Maybe she saw some people struggling to survive, so she decided to get back to stage so they could breathe again. Seriously, I didn't care much about the pushing. I actually liked it as it was
    massaging my sore back lol. Then, she came down again at the end of the show while her musician where still playing OTTR and spent an average 10 seconds with everybody who was front row. The pushing was so bad I though I would drop my phone.Talking about phone… I had a phone malfunction and my selfie with her was ruined by bad light or something. When she was to my level, I though I would faint. Here's what I remember:

    Me: I love you so much…! I don't know what to say…
    Her: Aww thank you!
    (She gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my entire life, her face was luminous)
    Me: I brought a gift for you

    I handed her my gift bag and she thanked me. Then I asked for a selfie and it went bad, my cellphone was acting crazy and I was loosing precious seconds. I took 3 selfies. The quality of the image is so bad, but hey I got one!

    It's just ridiculous. I spent precious time trying to figure out what was wrong with the phone when I could simply have had a hug. I would have much preferred a warm embrace as I initially didn't plan to share the selfie with anybody and I'm not into bad photography. Oh whatever...
    I didn't have time to ask her to sign my UV vinyl.

    So, almost off to the races she went (The Grand Prix weekend is starting now). A lot of people were waiting for her outside the venue. I waited about an hour to finally discover that she probably left. People have found out an article in the online newspaper saying she left to the airport minutes after the show. There was a picture of her in a SUV getting out of the venue. A paparazzi took it. Now I just saw someone's tweet: "When your dad texts you telling you that Lana Del Rey is staying at the same hotel as him in Montreal. WHY AM I NOT THERE". Is it true? She didn't reply. If that's true then fuck, shoot me. But I understand that she wants to go to NY to be with Francesco, that's alright

    I know, I know... I met her during the concert, but I would have much preferred to talk to her after the show when it's more quiet. I was so emotional, I have like a mini black-out. The most weird part is that I don't remember is we kissed each other. I don't think so, as I would have remembered, but my friends saw us on the giant screen, kissing each other on the cheek. Maybe they didn't see properly. I'll try to find a video, hopefully I will see how it all happened. It was like in a dream and a nightmare at the same time, as I was not in control and I was overwhelmed which I don't like. I felt like I was on painkiller, not 100% there.
    When we got out of the venue and tried to figure out where she would come out, one of the guy I befriended with in the VIP Silver line said that he asked her (while she was taking selfies at the end of the show) if she would meet after and she said yes. So I didn't know what to do. I stayed an hour, then decided to leave. I was exhausted. When I got home I drank 7 shooters of rum back to back and cried in the shower. Post-concert depression. Big time. I also cried when I woke up, starting to think she left so quickly, she probably didn't take my gift(S) and letter with her. I'm alright now.

    Overall it was an amazing experience and I would do it again. I know I said to people around me that it was a one shot thing, but I will do it again.
    My video of Serial Killer:
  13. Lad liked a post in a topic by kik in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    I'm not back to reality yet.

    The pre-concert experience:

    I got a Silver VIP ticket. Silver VIPs had to wait at an other entrance on the other side of the building. I got there at 10:30pm the night before. If you are hesitant to camp, well just do it. I was worried about my comfort, but the key is to arrive prepared. I thought I would look like a fucking tourist, but for Lana it was worth it. I packed all my stuff, called Uber (too heavy to carry in the subway), headed downtown and arrived at the waiting spot. Five people were in line already. I installed my stuff and 15 minutes later we where smoking a joint, talking about Lana, laughing, having fun.

    Here's the list of things I brought with me:

    Everything would have been perfect if it wasn't for the cold night. My sleeping bag was not warm enough and I was shivering at times.

    I started trying to sleep around midnight and every time I'd wake up I was pissed to see nobody else was getting in line. The next people in line got there at 5am. It's a gamble, but this time I didn't take any chance and got my ass in line early. I was #8. I thought I was #6 at first, but someone was saving a spot for two people who arrived around 6am. It didn't change a thing as I got the spot I wanted on first row (2-3 feet left of the center of the stage, right in front of the stairs).

    A lot of people stopped their car to ask us what artist we were going to see, as people usually don't linup in that part of the venue. Most of them had no clue who was Lana Del Rey. @@NuclearHeart: mention spéciale au vieux couple qui nous a demandé si on faisait la file pour acheter des billets pour voir Michel Louvain. Une fan dans la quarantaine lui a répondu non, on vient pour voir Elvis et le gars a pensé au show de Martin Fontaine et rendu à ce stade-là on a juste lâché prise sur eux. Voyons calisse...

    The wait didn't seem long at all during the day. Grimes passed in front of us I think it was around noon. Someone recognize her and wanted to take a picture, but she declined with a smile as she had to go to the hospital. Something with her leg. She performed later with a splint on her foot and she didn't seem to give a fuck about her situation. She performed like a firecracker, dancing and everything. Her show was great. I'm not a fan of her music, but I still enjoyed the performance. She was super happy to be there and I think she mentioned Montreal was her hometown.

    Then Lana came and I burst in tears. Seriously, I couldn't control my face. I was too excited, too emotional (I'm Cancer, I can't help it). She looked like a goddess in her long lace dress. She was so elegant, so feminine, so confident. She was moving on the stage so gracefully, she was totally comfortable and in control. Her vocals where great. No sound problems that distracted her. It was a good day She was generous, we got 15 songs! It's much appreciated considering how tired she must have been (two concerts in a row. I think she enjoy a day off between shows). She also gave us 5 star as an audience (*cough* Toronto… )

    (Just kidding!)

    The Setlist:

    She went to the barricade twice. The first time didn't last long, just a few seconds. People obviously lost their mind and the heavy pushing started. Maybe she saw some people struggling to survive, so she decided to get back to stage so they could breathe again. Seriously, I didn't care much about the pushing. I actually liked it as it was
    massaging my sore back lol. Then, she came down again at the end of the show while her musician where still playing OTTR and spent an average 10 seconds with everybody who was front row. The pushing was so bad I though I would drop my phone.Talking about phone… I had a phone malfunction and my selfie with her was ruined by bad light or something. When she was to my level, I though I would faint. Here's what I remember:

    Me: I love you so much…! I don't know what to say…
    Her: Aww thank you!
    (She gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my entire life, her face was luminous)
    Me: I brought a gift for you

    I handed her my gift bag and she thanked me. Then I asked for a selfie and it went bad, my cellphone was acting crazy and I was loosing precious seconds. I took 3 selfies. The quality of the image is so bad, but hey I got one!

    It's just ridiculous. I spent precious time trying to figure out what was wrong with the phone when I could simply have had a hug. I would have much preferred a warm embrace as I initially didn't plan to share the selfie with anybody and I'm not into bad photography. Oh whatever...
    I didn't have time to ask her to sign my UV vinyl.

    So, almost off to the races she went (The Grand Prix weekend is starting now). A lot of people were waiting for her outside the venue. I waited about an hour to finally discover that she probably left. People have found out an article in the online newspaper saying she left to the airport minutes after the show. There was a picture of her in a SUV getting out of the venue. A paparazzi took it. Now I just saw someone's tweet: "When your dad texts you telling you that Lana Del Rey is staying at the same hotel as him in Montreal. WHY AM I NOT THERE". Is it true? She didn't reply. If that's true then fuck, shoot me. But I understand that she wants to go to NY to be with Francesco, that's alright

    I know, I know... I met her during the concert, but I would have much preferred to talk to her after the show when it's more quiet. I was so emotional, I have like a mini black-out. The most weird part is that I don't remember is we kissed each other. I don't think so, as I would have remembered, but my friends saw us on the giant screen, kissing each other on the cheek. Maybe they didn't see properly. I'll try to find a video, hopefully I will see how it all happened. It was like in a dream and a nightmare at the same time, as I was not in control and I was overwhelmed which I don't like. I felt like I was on painkiller, not 100% there.
    When we got out of the venue and tried to figure out where she would come out, one of the guy I befriended with in the VIP Silver line said that he asked her (while she was taking selfies at the end of the show) if she would meet after and she said yes. So I didn't know what to do. I stayed an hour, then decided to leave. I was exhausted. When I got home I drank 7 shooters of rum back to back and cried in the shower. Post-concert depression. Big time. I also cried when I woke up, starting to think she left so quickly, she probably didn't take my gift(S) and letter with her. I'm alright now.

    Overall it was an amazing experience and I would do it again. I know I said to people around me that it was a one shot thing, but I will do it again.
    My video of Serial Killer:
  14. Rem liked a post in a topic by kik in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    I'm not back to reality yet.

    The pre-concert experience:

    I got a Silver VIP ticket. Silver VIPs had to wait at an other entrance on the other side of the building. I got there at 10:30pm the night before. If you are hesitant to camp, well just do it. I was worried about my comfort, but the key is to arrive prepared. I thought I would look like a fucking tourist, but for Lana it was worth it. I packed all my stuff, called Uber (too heavy to carry in the subway), headed downtown and arrived at the waiting spot. Five people were in line already. I installed my stuff and 15 minutes later we where smoking a joint, talking about Lana, laughing, having fun.

    Here's the list of things I brought with me:

    Everything would have been perfect if it wasn't for the cold night. My sleeping bag was not warm enough and I was shivering at times.

    I started trying to sleep around midnight and every time I'd wake up I was pissed to see nobody else was getting in line. The next people in line got there at 5am. It's a gamble, but this time I didn't take any chance and got my ass in line early. I was #8. I thought I was #6 at first, but someone was saving a spot for two people who arrived around 6am. It didn't change a thing as I got the spot I wanted on first row (2-3 feet left of the center of the stage, right in front of the stairs).

    A lot of people stopped their car to ask us what artist we were going to see, as people usually don't linup in that part of the venue. Most of them had no clue who was Lana Del Rey. @@NuclearHeart: mention spéciale au vieux couple qui nous a demandé si on faisait la file pour acheter des billets pour voir Michel Louvain. Une fan dans la quarantaine lui a répondu non, on vient pour voir Elvis et le gars a pensé au show de Martin Fontaine et rendu à ce stade-là on a juste lâché prise sur eux. Voyons calisse...

    The wait didn't seem long at all during the day. Grimes passed in front of us I think it was around noon. Someone recognize her and wanted to take a picture, but she declined with a smile as she had to go to the hospital. Something with her leg. She performed later with a splint on her foot and she didn't seem to give a fuck about her situation. She performed like a firecracker, dancing and everything. Her show was great. I'm not a fan of her music, but I still enjoyed the performance. She was super happy to be there and I think she mentioned Montreal was her hometown.

    Then Lana came and I burst in tears. Seriously, I couldn't control my face. I was too excited, too emotional (I'm Cancer, I can't help it). She looked like a goddess in her long lace dress. She was so elegant, so feminine, so confident. She was moving on the stage so gracefully, she was totally comfortable and in control. Her vocals where great. No sound problems that distracted her. It was a good day She was generous, we got 15 songs! It's much appreciated considering how tired she must have been (two concerts in a row. I think she enjoy a day off between shows). She also gave us 5 star as an audience (*cough* Toronto… )

    (Just kidding!)

    The Setlist:

    She went to the barricade twice. The first time didn't last long, just a few seconds. People obviously lost their mind and the heavy pushing started. Maybe she saw some people struggling to survive, so she decided to get back to stage so they could breathe again. Seriously, I didn't care much about the pushing. I actually liked it as it was
    massaging my sore back lol. Then, she came down again at the end of the show while her musician where still playing OTTR and spent an average 10 seconds with everybody who was front row. The pushing was so bad I though I would drop my phone.Talking about phone… I had a phone malfunction and my selfie with her was ruined by bad light or something. When she was to my level, I though I would faint. Here's what I remember:

    Me: I love you so much…! I don't know what to say…
    Her: Aww thank you!
    (She gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my entire life, her face was luminous)
    Me: I brought a gift for you

    I handed her my gift bag and she thanked me. Then I asked for a selfie and it went bad, my cellphone was acting crazy and I was loosing precious seconds. I took 3 selfies. The quality of the image is so bad, but hey I got one!

    It's just ridiculous. I spent precious time trying to figure out what was wrong with the phone when I could simply have had a hug. I would have much preferred a warm embrace as I initially didn't plan to share the selfie with anybody and I'm not into bad photography. Oh whatever...
    I didn't have time to ask her to sign my UV vinyl.

    So, almost off to the races she went (The Grand Prix weekend is starting now). A lot of people were waiting for her outside the venue. I waited about an hour to finally discover that she probably left. People have found out an article in the online newspaper saying she left to the airport minutes after the show. There was a picture of her in a SUV getting out of the venue. A paparazzi took it. Now I just saw someone's tweet: "When your dad texts you telling you that Lana Del Rey is staying at the same hotel as him in Montreal. WHY AM I NOT THERE". Is it true? She didn't reply. If that's true then fuck, shoot me. But I understand that she wants to go to NY to be with Francesco, that's alright

    I know, I know... I met her during the concert, but I would have much preferred to talk to her after the show when it's more quiet. I was so emotional, I have like a mini black-out. The most weird part is that I don't remember is we kissed each other. I don't think so, as I would have remembered, but my friends saw us on the giant screen, kissing each other on the cheek. Maybe they didn't see properly. I'll try to find a video, hopefully I will see how it all happened. It was like in a dream and a nightmare at the same time, as I was not in control and I was overwhelmed which I don't like. I felt like I was on painkiller, not 100% there.
    When we got out of the venue and tried to figure out where she would come out, one of the guy I befriended with in the VIP Silver line said that he asked her (while she was taking selfies at the end of the show) if she would meet after and she said yes. So I didn't know what to do. I stayed an hour, then decided to leave. I was exhausted. When I got home I drank 7 shooters of rum back to back and cried in the shower. Post-concert depression. Big time. I also cried when I woke up, starting to think she left so quickly, she probably didn't take my gift(S) and letter with her. I'm alright now.

    Overall it was an amazing experience and I would do it again. I know I said to people around me that it was a one shot thing, but I will do it again.
    My video of Serial Killer:
  15. letsescapelizzy liked a post in a topic by kik in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    I'm not back to reality yet.

    The pre-concert experience:

    I got a Silver VIP ticket. Silver VIPs had to wait at an other entrance on the other side of the building. I got there at 10:30pm the night before. If you are hesitant to camp, well just do it. I was worried about my comfort, but the key is to arrive prepared. I thought I would look like a fucking tourist, but for Lana it was worth it. I packed all my stuff, called Uber (too heavy to carry in the subway), headed downtown and arrived at the waiting spot. Five people were in line already. I installed my stuff and 15 minutes later we where smoking a joint, talking about Lana, laughing, having fun.

    Here's the list of things I brought with me:

    Everything would have been perfect if it wasn't for the cold night. My sleeping bag was not warm enough and I was shivering at times.

    I started trying to sleep around midnight and every time I'd wake up I was pissed to see nobody else was getting in line. The next people in line got there at 5am. It's a gamble, but this time I didn't take any chance and got my ass in line early. I was #8. I thought I was #6 at first, but someone was saving a spot for two people who arrived around 6am. It didn't change a thing as I got the spot I wanted on first row (2-3 feet left of the center of the stage, right in front of the stairs).

    A lot of people stopped their car to ask us what artist we were going to see, as people usually don't linup in that part of the venue. Most of them had no clue who was Lana Del Rey. @@NuclearHeart: mention spéciale au vieux couple qui nous a demandé si on faisait la file pour acheter des billets pour voir Michel Louvain. Une fan dans la quarantaine lui a répondu non, on vient pour voir Elvis et le gars a pensé au show de Martin Fontaine et rendu à ce stade-là on a juste lâché prise sur eux. Voyons calisse...

    The wait didn't seem long at all during the day. Grimes passed in front of us I think it was around noon. Someone recognize her and wanted to take a picture, but she declined with a smile as she had to go to the hospital. Something with her leg. She performed later with a splint on her foot and she didn't seem to give a fuck about her situation. She performed like a firecracker, dancing and everything. Her show was great. I'm not a fan of her music, but I still enjoyed the performance. She was super happy to be there and I think she mentioned Montreal was her hometown.

    Then Lana came and I burst in tears. Seriously, I couldn't control my face. I was too excited, too emotional (I'm Cancer, I can't help it). She looked like a goddess in her long lace dress. She was so elegant, so feminine, so confident. She was moving on the stage so gracefully, she was totally comfortable and in control. Her vocals where great. No sound problems that distracted her. It was a good day She was generous, we got 15 songs! It's much appreciated considering how tired she must have been (two concerts in a row. I think she enjoy a day off between shows). She also gave us 5 star as an audience (*cough* Toronto… )

    (Just kidding!)

    The Setlist:

    She went to the barricade twice. The first time didn't last long, just a few seconds. People obviously lost their mind and the heavy pushing started. Maybe she saw some people struggling to survive, so she decided to get back to stage so they could breathe again. Seriously, I didn't care much about the pushing. I actually liked it as it was
    massaging my sore back lol. Then, she came down again at the end of the show while her musician where still playing OTTR and spent an average 10 seconds with everybody who was front row. The pushing was so bad I though I would drop my phone.Talking about phone… I had a phone malfunction and my selfie with her was ruined by bad light or something. When she was to my level, I though I would faint. Here's what I remember:

    Me: I love you so much…! I don't know what to say…
    Her: Aww thank you!
    (She gave me the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my entire life, her face was luminous)
    Me: I brought a gift for you

    I handed her my gift bag and she thanked me. Then I asked for a selfie and it went bad, my cellphone was acting crazy and I was loosing precious seconds. I took 3 selfies. The quality of the image is so bad, but hey I got one!

    It's just ridiculous. I spent precious time trying to figure out what was wrong with the phone when I could simply have had a hug. I would have much preferred a warm embrace as I initially didn't plan to share the selfie with anybody and I'm not into bad photography. Oh whatever...
    I didn't have time to ask her to sign my UV vinyl.

    So, almost off to the races she went (The Grand Prix weekend is starting now). A lot of people were waiting for her outside the venue. I waited about an hour to finally discover that she probably left. People have found out an article in the online newspaper saying she left to the airport minutes after the show. There was a picture of her in a SUV getting out of the venue. A paparazzi took it. Now I just saw someone's tweet: "When your dad texts you telling you that Lana Del Rey is staying at the same hotel as him in Montreal. WHY AM I NOT THERE". Is it true? She didn't reply. If that's true then fuck, shoot me. But I understand that she wants to go to NY to be with Francesco, that's alright

    I know, I know... I met her during the concert, but I would have much preferred to talk to her after the show when it's more quiet. I was so emotional, I have like a mini black-out. The most weird part is that I don't remember is we kissed each other. I don't think so, as I would have remembered, but my friends saw us on the giant screen, kissing each other on the cheek. Maybe they didn't see properly. I'll try to find a video, hopefully I will see how it all happened. It was like in a dream and a nightmare at the same time, as I was not in control and I was overwhelmed which I don't like. I felt like I was on painkiller, not 100% there.
    When we got out of the venue and tried to figure out where she would come out, one of the guy I befriended with in the VIP Silver line said that he asked her (while she was taking selfies at the end of the show) if she would meet after and she said yes. So I didn't know what to do. I stayed an hour, then decided to leave. I was exhausted. When I got home I drank 7 shooters of rum back to back and cried in the shower. Post-concert depression. Big time. I also cried when I woke up, starting to think she left so quickly, she probably didn't take my gift(S) and letter with her. I'm alright now.

    Overall it was an amazing experience and I would do it again. I know I said to people around me that it was a one shot thing, but I will do it again.
    My video of Serial Killer:
  16. letsescapelizzy liked a post in a topic by kik in Toronto, ON @ Molson Canadian Amphithere - June 3rd, 2015   
    My friend was at the Toronto show yesterday and he's in Montreal now for tonights show. He actually saw the person pulling Lana's hair last year and it was not an accident.
    I wouldn't say she hates Toronto because of this, but people seem to behave badly over there. Drunk people being taken out by security and Lana making sarcastic comment about the audience being too loud... Judging her audience negativly is not her style, she's very tolerent, but I guess she was really annoyed this time.
  17. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by kik in Toronto, ON @ Molson Canadian Amphithere - June 3rd, 2015   
    Best review ever! Thanks xx
  18. kik liked a post in a topic by VelvetNight in Toronto, ON @ Molson Canadian Amphithere - June 3rd, 2015   
    Hi everyone, I am home from the concert tonight! Here's my experience, hope this helps for future attendees lining up. BTW I had silver VIP
    - if you're lining up for the pit, split the regular and VIP lines early on
    - my guess is that there were around 70-90 silver VIP
    - I got a selfie with Lana! Life goal complete!!!
    - Lana accepted my gift!!!! It was a embroidered flag of a scene from Ride
    Early line up for pit admission
    I got there at 6am with @@Bae. I was #16 by the system made by the people that arrived first (they camped out from the day before). We had a mixed line of regular and VIP which was a mess. The venue staff came at 1pm and told all regular tickets to come out of the line, and line up in a different area. Of course everyone got up and rushed to the exit. So the regular tickets that had camped out all night were no longer in the first spots, I felt bad for them.
    While lining up around noon (before the lines got split), 2 regular tickets came with their mom and tried to cut in line. Their argument was that there was empty space along the barricade, so they were entitled to bud the ~40 regular tickets and take that space. People tried to reason with them but they (mostly the mom) did not understand respect for others....
    The VIP line got a little mixed up and the venue staff said that our number systems would not matter anymore. But we all agreed that we would stay in our number order, like civilized human beings.
    3:30-4pm the VIP host came to give numbered wristbands. Then we could leave until 5pm to pick up the actual tickets
    Entering the Pit
    We didn't get swag bags, since they will be shipped to us. Maybe this is because we're a Canadian location. Anyway I prefer this.
    Then we lined up again in another area. Later the VIP host put everyone back in order, more waiting, then they lead us in single filed.
    I was front row center! Just to the right of the mic and the stairs (which were in the middle of the stage). I tried to make space for myself along the barricade but every time I moved the smallest muscle, my space would shrink. Another VIP girl with number 50-ish was behind me (2nd row).
    Physical Experience in the Pit
    I suggested to my neighbours that if anyone tried to get on the barricade from behind us, we would grab eachothers' arms. No one tried to get inbetween us! I was amazed. There was constant pressure on my back from the other people. A girl was kneeing me in the back of my knee, but I think it was not intentional. I ended up taking a wider stance and she ended up having a leg inbetween mine :S I'm 5'2" so I guess that was a good position for her to look right over my head.
    When Lana came closer (to the steps or the other side of the barricade) the crowd would surge from sides and behind. When that happened, literally I have not felt so much force across my whole torso ever. I had a letter for Lana between me and the barricade, and I really had to fight to get the smallest gap to slide it out.
    My brother who was in the second row, but ended up 3rd row said the concert felt like being in strong ocean currents.
    I was holding my flag over the barricade, and a photographer came to take some photos of it. I felt very cool. He looked like Francesco but darker haired.
    My Concert Experience
    Grimes- I was not into her music previously, but the energy she puts on just makes you feel like having fun. She's very entertaining, humble and spunky. She was very confident and delivered in her performance.
    Lana (singing)- AMAZINGGGGG! She was gorgeous, confident, smiled a lot, really into it, vocally strong. I'm bad at remembering the set list, but no DR, UATW, YCBTB. She did the SK moan, and had that "I know you're all going to go crazy" look on her face, what a sweetie. She did come down the steps once but didn't really go towards the crowd. I don't remember her saying HM will be released in September, I heard her say "this year".
    Lana (greeting fans)- She came down at the end with OTTR instrumental in the background. So I know there is a theory that she greets people on the her right side of the stairs, but she only went to her left. When she was 5 people away from me I was so nervous that she would for some reason go back or skip me (I'm skeptical and have low expectations to avoid let downs). I swear I saw her hair get caught on something, but it was quickly freed and she smiled as if we all knew that her hair was pulled last year in Toronto.
    When she got to me, she looked me in the eyes and I could not say what I had rehearsed millions of times before. I think I said "I made this for you" about the flag I made. But I think I was really quiet because I was so shocked, and she couldn't hear. Also I didn't want to lean in to say it in case I got pushed forward or she likes her personal space. So we took a picture together!!!! I still cannot believe that this happened! She didn't take my gift because we had the misunderstanding. She moved on to greet others. I wasn't sure if I could give it to her so I motioned to the security guard infront of me to put my gift on the stage, but he gestured for me to give it to her (she was much further down at that point). When she came back to go up the steps again, I stuck out my flag and letter as far as I could. I think I had a crying face on at that point because I was so overwhelmed. She gave me a look of appreciation like "really, you are willing to giving this to me?" I nodded and she took it!!! Omg, what a Goddess indeed. I'm still in shock and can't believe this all happened!! I don't know how to add pictures, but you can see them on my Insta account "weekendirene"
    But sadly a girl I knew from the line was taking a selfie with Lana, but because so many people were pushing, she couldn't get the photo. I feel really bad for her. And I don't understand why people in the back rows stick their arms out to take a really close up photo of Lana or take a photo of Lana and whoever she is taking a selfie with? Anyway, it was unfortunate and I just feel bad for her.
    Hope you enjoyed the story of my experience!
  19. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by kik in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    I'm #6 in line (silver vip) woohoo!
  20. alexandro liked a post in a topic by kik in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    I'm #6 in line (silver vip) woohoo!
  21. kik liked a post in a topic by mrbritster in Tinley Park, IL @ First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre - May 30th, 2015   
    I attended Lana's show on May 30th for Tinley Park. I called the venue on Thursday May 28th. I asked the venue if we were allowed to camp out. She strictly said no! There's no camping out allowed at all around the venue. I asked if we could camp out nearby somewhere else. She said that is not her problem but mine. So I still decided to camp out. I already had a group of 6 people that were going to meet me there to camp out. This is the first venue that was strict on camping out. I mean Lana's concerts is all about camping out. I was disappointed. Well we finally decided to camp out near the venue. I was in charge of the Lanasconcerts snapchat and I told people we were lined up. I was 2nd in line. More people started showing up. So it was around a group of 20 people. We camped out for at least 6 hours when the staff from the venue kicked us out. So we were worried and confused on what to do. A girl that was with us said we all can go to her house and think of a plan. So we decided to keep the line going. We started a number system. We thought it was fair since we showed up first. I think fans would understand and cooperate with us. Which they did. So we were thankful. I just had people who had silver and regular pit to take a pic at the venue once they arrived and I would write their name on the list. I had over 100 people on the list. Fans were upset we couldn't line up at all till they opened the doors at 5:30. so our solution was the numbering system. It was chaotic. I never want to experience something like this before. 
    The weather was ugly!!! It was horrible!! started pouring and it was freezing cold. We were waiting to go in ouside for 2 hrs in the freezing rain. Such a nasty day. But Lana made up for it. 
    One of the people in our group had a flag that was given to her. 
    all the 20 people that were with me through this experience signed the flag. 

    I made Lana a scrapbook!!!!! 

     Here's the full video of my scrapbook!!!
    Lana noticed me and my scrapbook!! 

          When I screamed I love you Lana and she looked right at me and smiled so big! She pointed at me and my  scrapbook and said is that for me? I said yes. She just smiled big!
    here's a video of it. 
    The show was overall amazing!!!! The weather was freezing. All of us in the pit were wet and cold. We were shivering. Lana was cold too!!! She didn't get to calm down after off to the races. She went to the other side after cola and took like 3 selfies. I was disappointed but when she was about to leave she didn't forget to take my scrapbook.
    She turned to me and pointed at me to security to get my scrapbook. 
    Here's the video of her getting my scapbook!

    I will never forget this experience. I went through a lot but it was worth it at the end. 

    here's another far away video when she turned to me and pointed me to security to grab my book! 

    here's another far away video when she turned to me and pointed me to security to grab my book! 

  22. kik liked a post in a topic by Lily in The Endless Summer Tour 2015   
    I understand that, but there's more to it than that. Let's not forget that Lana has openly talked about her struggles with severe anxiety and stage-fright, and she's only recently started to sound seriously amazing live. Some artists can handle stage-fright (like Madonna) and others can't.  It's possible she just can't do more than 13 or so songs without struggling.  I'd rather have a short, amazing concert than a long, crappy one. On that note, her voice might not be able to handle more, either. I used to perform classical and opera concerts locally, and the most I could ever do was 12 songs. Then my voice went to hell.  If Lana has a similar problem, she has every right to stop when she feels like it. Plus, it's common knowledge that her concerts run short. I knew that when I got my tickets, and it went longer than I expected, to be honest. I'm definitely not trying to argue or be a brat, but I just think there are a lot of elements to take into consideration. Whatever she chooses to do is her prerogative. No one is being forced to see her or pay money without checking into how long her concerts generally run. 
  23. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by kik in Grimes Opening the Endless Summer Tour   
    I love your attitude.

  24. Homogenic liked a post in a topic by kik in Grimes Opening the Endless Summer Tour   
    I love your attitude.

  25. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by kik in Cocaine Rosary Merchandise for the Endless Summer Tour   
    Damn, I wanted to use the spoon to eat my granola yogurt. Déceptions, déceptions, rien que des d;éceptions!!!
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