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  1. FLA to the Moon liked a post in a topic by kik in The crowds at Lana shows   
    Lana Del Rey @ The Royal Albert Hall.
    With a full orchestra.
    My dream.
  2. theeternalstars liked a post in a topic by kik in lana kissing fans   
    Well shit at least he tried.
  3. kik liked a post in a topic by alexandro in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    Perfect, thank you so much for answering my questions!
    I am so excited for the show.
  4. kik liked a post in a topic by Emmet in Ridgefield, WA @ Amphitheater Northwest - May 22th, 2015   
    I'm going to post my story here too! I also got a photo with Lana and was front row in case you don't have time to read it.
    So I got to the venue at like...1pm I guess, and I saw a long(ish) line. However, I recognized some people from the Seattle show. One girl Janet knew I had Silver and asked me to give Lana a book she made. Then a VIP Nation Employee, Natalie, came out with wristbands. I realized that for VIP I was #12! I thought I was at least 20-30 people back. We could hear Lana soundcheck Blue Jeans and Serial Killer, but that's all. Then they setup merch. There's no coke necklace anymore. I bought the lighter and the shirt that's printed allover, also please note the lighter doesn't have fuel! One girl in line broke her lighter trying to figure out how to use it. 
    At 4:00 Natalie lined us up. I got the VIP gift bag, and then some of my friends from school who also had silver showed up. They didn't get with me in line because we were numbered, but they were the last there and only numbers 33-34. I would really recommend the Silver package, everyone got barricade.
    Then we walked into the venue and I saw that the steps were off to the right. I got a spot in front of the steps initially, but then I saw there wasn't enough room between the steps and the barricade so I moved down a bit. It ended up being the perfect spot!
    Courtney was great. So funny and super interactive. She kept yelling at girls for wearing their flower crowns. She passed out flowers and shared cigarettes with the crowd. However she played a little too long, a manager even came onstage and asked her to leave. 
    The wait between Courtney and Lana was pretty short. I had made some art for Lana on a pretty large piece of paper that was hanging over the barricade. When she came out she waved right to me! I know that there's no way to know for sure but I could feel the eye contact.
    She looked so good. Reminded me of Belle from Beauty and the Beast. Her energy was really happy and positive, it seemed like she was having such a good time! Then after Cola she came offstage. She stopped for a few people before me, and then she was taking a picture with the guy next to me (between the girls from school and I). Her hair was right in my face and I even got into his picture a little. 
    Then Lana turned around and I was like "Lana can I please give you my art?" I think she said something about liking it but I don't really remember. She handed it to the security who put it on the stage, and then I asked for a hug. I whispered in her ear asking that she read the letter, and she promised she would. Then I said "We took a Polaroid last year, can we take another one?" And she leaned in and we took the photo. I don't think the overall meeting Lana experience was as good as last time, she seemed more rushed, but she still was so sweet and genuinely seemed interested in meeting us. 
    Then she went back onstage and continued with the show. I will say the show was way too short. She didn't need to cut songs, she could've added songs. I know she will never play some of my favorites like TIWMUG, Florida Kilos, but I would've loved to hear FMWUTT, Old Money, Gods and Monsters, or Body Electric. 
    Her vocals were really spot on, I loved the stage setup so much. The lighting and visuals were a step up from the last tour. I still would've loved to see the original Paradise Tour setup, but this came pretty close in my opinion!
    It took forever to get out of the venue and I didn't get home until like 2:45-3am, as I live 2:30 hours away. The show was so amazing though, and getting Silver VIP really paid off! 

  5. kik liked a post in a topic by nickloveslana in Ridgefield, WA @ Amphitheater Northwest - May 22th, 2015   
    Hey you guys I just got back to my hotel from the show. I had silver VIP so I ended up being dead center front row like right in front of her microphone! I took so many pictures and videos, I'll have to post some tomorrow!!! I also got a selfie with Lana:)!!! So glad I flew from Alaska to see this show. Waited in line all day, it was so worth it! The venue workers were not the best, but overall I had a great time! It was my first time being up against a barricade and I was strong enough to hold my ground/spot and no one pushed me out of the way or got in front of me so that was good! But my back and legs are sore and the pit was definitely super uncomfortable! It was worth it though:). I'll try to remember to post pics tomorrow!
  6. kik liked a post in a topic by nickloveslana in Ridgefield, WA @ Amphitheater Northwest - May 22th, 2015   
    I'm the 3rd person in line you guys:)
  7. kik liked a post in a topic by Racheljanex in The crowds at Lana shows   
    I saw Lana just last year in 2014 in May, in Chicago at the Aragon Ballroom. There were different types of people there. I met another really hardcore fan and I talked with him throughout the entire show, he was really funny and cool. Then, on the other hand, there were people shoving up against my back the ENTIRE time trying to get to the front.... and I was in the middle of the GA floor. I have no idea how they could even think that they would get to the front all the way from the middle, but whatever. A lot of the fans were really possessive of Lana and acted like she belonged to them, I hate fans like that. It's like, she's a fucking human being. If you wanted to meet her so bad, you would have gotten there and camped out or something the night before. I hope the pits are better this time around. 
  8. kik liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana’s Fib About Her Age-Some Thoughts   
    This article has some interesting points about women in entertainment changing their ages and what happens when their backgrounds are brought into question.
  9. BBM Baby liked a post in a topic by kik in The crowds at Lana shows   
  10. lazybooklet liked a post in a topic by kik in Cocaine Rosary Merchandise for the Endless Summer Tour   
    Damn, I wanted to use the spoon to eat my granola yogurt. Déceptions, déceptions, rien que des d;éceptions!!!
  11. kik liked a post in a topic by annedauphine in Cocaine Rosary Merchandise for the Endless Summer Tour   
    They apparently already stopped selling them 
  12. kik liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Cocaine Rosary Merchandise for the Endless Summer Tour   
    Yas! Lana is using cocaine! Now she can be skinny for the Honeymoon photoshoot! 
  13. kik liked a post in a topic by electra in Cocaine Rosary Merchandise for the Endless Summer Tour   
    So, apparently, the new Lana Del Rey Rosary Necklace added to the tour merchandise today....store cocaine?
    It's similar to the rosary in the film "Cruel Intentions". It apparently has a spoon to scoop cocaine out of the heart, which is detachable (which was shown on the merchandise stall). Can anyone confirm this? It's a damn pretty necklace but I think this is hilarious and cute.
    I originally found it off of MsLizzyGrant on Twitter, which was then reposted by Lana Del Rey Global.

    Apparently it's been confirmed by people who have bought it.
    This is definitely the best merchandise piece Lana's released yet.
  14. kik liked a post in a topic by Jennaydelrey in Ridgefield, WA @ Amphitheater Northwest - May 22th, 2015   
    ^ there is 2 different pits for this show 100% for sure. Also I feel like 2 lines would be more chaotic when it's time to get in the concert. I like the idea of one line better :/
  15. EmilinkLady liked a post in a topic by kik in lana kissing fans   
    Well shit at least he tried.
  16. kik liked a post in a topic by marc in Montreal, QC @ Bell Centre - June 4th, 2015   
    Perfect I love meeting other fans. 
    I will do anything for that front row spot 
  17. kik liked a post in a topic by Baby V Alex in LIFE IMITATING ART AKA HAUNTED BY LANA DEL REY   
    I've been in the metro here in México, and they tend to put her videos, I just sing a long as the fag that I am
  18. kik liked a post in a topic by May in Lana Memes   
    moving from the farmland to the city bc you have an arranged marriage with your millionaire cousin looks
  19. kik liked a post in a topic by Go Go Dancer in Lana Memes   
  20. kik liked a post in a topic by buster in Chula Vista, CA @ Sleep Train Amphitheatre - May 16th, 2015   
    I hear you. I am actually happy that you did it alone. I mean, in my opinion, your wife was not correct in this situation. You bought these tickets in December. With early entry, who would not line up so early in the morning. She needs to be more understanding in my opinion. I am all for "happy wife, happy life" but it needs to be logical. This was something you really wanted to do and if it were me, nothing will stop me. I am very thoughtful and understand of my significant other. I would never stand in the way of what they really wanted to do and my expectation is the to receive the same in return. All in all, it sounds like it worked out for the best. Once you have had that Lana experience, nothing can take it away. Happy you did it and went all the way @!
  21. kik liked a post in a topic by hopeanddiamonds in The Endless Summer Tour 2015   
    I can't wait to finally see Lana live tomorrow! I'm not sure what time to arrive or what the best situation is for parking. Every one I've spoken with said to not park in the venue. Hmmm..any suggestions? I've also heard that some people show up tje night before and sleep in line. I'm assuming that because this is not GA that this won't be a problem. it's a pleasure to meet everyone on the board :-) I'm going to keep checking back for updates and/or tips from anyone attending tomorrow. I will also update myself once I arrive
  22. sodaserialkiller liked a post in a topic by kik in Favorite Lana Boyfriend   
    Because you remain an alcoholic all your life in most cases. Sober or not. It's mental. Alcohol was like one of her first lovers, the ones you usually never forget.
  23. kik liked a post in a topic by Honeymooner in Chula Vista, CA @ Sleep Train Amphitheatre - May 16th, 2015   
    I meant to take note of all the songs she sang, but wasn't able to due to the craziness in the pit.  I do know she did NOT sing FMWUTTT.  I'll admit, I don't know some of her older/unreleased material, so I can't confirm YCBTB.  Not sure about UATW either, or if she went straignt from West Coast to Born To Die.  There was a short pause before Born To Die, too.  Also, she stopped West Coast about 30 seconds in due to sound balance problems, which is when she did an a cappella sound check (which was beautiful -- same one she did last year at Hollywood Forever, but I don't know what song it was; she didn't sing as much of it last night as she did at HF).
    It was kind of cool that she sat down to sing Chelsea Hotel.  I suppose it goes with the more subdued nature of the song.  She did NOT sing National Anthem, or (thank goodness) Carmen.  No Body Electric, either, which was surprising, so Cola was the only representative from Paradise. 
    Since some people asked, I'll post my personal account of the concert here:
    I arrived on-site at 8:45 AM.  Parking lots were closed, so I parked almost a mile away and walked down the hill with my chair, umbrella, and backpack.  I was in line right behind a group of people who had arrived at 8 AM (surprising that no one had arrived between them and me).  Everyone was in the same line to start, regardless of the ticket type.  I estimated that I was about #50 in line.  We did not do the number thing, but the line was very calm and everyone was respectful about maintaining their places.  They had portable bathrooms for us, too, although no handwashing station, so I was glad I brought hand wipes and sanitizer.
    Thanks to @@buster for the tips on what to do, so I had plenty of food and water with me, and the chair was an excellent idea.  We were told later that sometime around 2-3 PM, Natalie from VIP Nation (part of LiveNation) would come around to separate out the VIP people from the regular ticket holders.  The group I was hanging out with had one Silver VIP ticket holder among them.  I had also sold one of my extra VIP tickets to someone else, who arrived around noon or so.
    Around 3 PM, Natalie came by to find the Silver VIP ticket holders.  After confirming our IDs, she gave us all yellow numbered wristbands.  She said we would be lining up at a separate location at 5 PM to go in at 5:30.  At that point, we no longer needed to stand in the regular line and were basically free to leave or whatever we wanted to do, as long as we were back by 5.  The girl who bought my extra ticket had also parked up the hill like me, so she and I walked back to our cars.  She went to a store to buy some things, and I ran home (I live close by) to drop off my extra food and my chair/umbrella.
    I got back to the theater around 4:15.  By then, the parking lots were open.  I parked and found where the VIP crowd was, and found my other two silver VIP friends and hung out with them.  Another friend of mine had agreed to buy my other extra VIP ticket (last-minute extra since my wife opted not to go to the show), and arrived around 4:45 and got in line with us.  We were ID-checked again and led inside the gates at about 5:30 or so.  We then had to wait inside for security to tell us to proceed.  Another 30 minutes, and then we were led to the entrance to the pit, where we waited again for another 30 minutes or so.  At about 6:30, we were finally allowed into the pit, and we scrambled for good spots.
    I managed front-row pit!  I was just to the right of the stair platform.  The original schedule had Courtney Love coming on at 7:30, and Lana at 8:45.  That got pushed back about 45 minutes or so; Courtney was scheduled for 8:15 (she came on closer to 8:30), and Lana at 9:30 (she came out at about 9:45).  Courtney was fun, though I don't know any of her music and it was hard to understand the words.  She did a good cover of Stevie Nicks' "Gold Dust Woman."
    In the pit, there was an annoying guy behind/next to me.  He was basically behind me and the girl to my left, but he had a hand on the barricade.  He kept trying to push his way up to the barricade, and at one point during Courtney's performance, had somehow managed to get up there and push ME back.  After Courtney was done, though, I muscled my way back up to the front and held on for dear life.  We held our positions waiting for Lana to come out, which she finally did.
    Every time Lana even got *near* our side of the stage, I could feel the pit crowd surge forward.  It was like being moved by current in the water; sometimes I felt like I was going to be picked up and moved.  I had to hold onto the barricade and really hold my ground to avoid being pushed back.  The annoying guy I mentioned also had smelly hair, which didn't help every time his head got in my face.  My one friend that bought my 2nd extra ticket had to leave about 2/3 of the way through Lana's set, another annoying guy that was behind her got her spot.  (He was annoying because he kept yelling "Lana, fuck me!" and "Lana, take me backstage!"  He was yelling the same thing to Courtney, too.)  But it was all good.  The concert itself was fabulous.
    As I mentioned, I was just to the right (stage left) of the stairs.  Unfotunately, when Lana came down off the stage, she started going to the left (her right), and when she came back, she stopped 3 people down from me.  When she went back up the stairs, she said she'd be back, but she didn't come back down again, so I didn't get my selfie.   I also was unable to personally hand her the CD some friends of mine and I had made for her, so I gave it to one of the security guys at the end, who put it on the stage with some other stuff people had given them for her.
    Other than that, the concert was really good.  I liked the covers she performed, and the fact that she sang some previuosly unreleased songs.  Courtney Love was fun, too.
    I'm glad I got to experience the whole arriving early and getting into the pit thing, but would I do it again?  No.  Not even for Lana.   Once was definitely enough.  My lower back is not the best, and by the time it was over, it was *really* sore from standing so much.  My feet were hurting, too, and my chest/abs were hurting from being pushed up against the barricade so much.  It was worth the discomfort one, but I wouldn't do it again.  Hopefully, I'll have an opportunity to meet Lana someday, but time will tell.
  24. brooklynbaby91 liked a post in a topic by kik in Lana Del Rey: 'I wish I was dead already' (The Guardian Interview)   
    I don't think she wants her fan to leave her alone, It think she just mean that although she enjoys the love and attention from her fans, that kind of love is not enough to make her happy. When you reach the top and you realize that, it must be really scary.
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