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Everything posted by domandapiano

  1. Omg page 3000 right around the corner Nfr getting what it deserves <3
  2. I love the HTD production crucify me. The fake/real saxophones are so Playboy Mommy by Tori Amos
  3. I can’t believe Lana ruined NFR by not saying fuck right god clearly h8s fags
  4. I just like.... it’s clear she’s not just accidentally pronouncing it that way. The whole vibe of that snippet is cheeky and silly. The background when she sings “put the radio on dancing to a pop song” is weird (in a good way). The way she pronounces it gives off the air of a silly lovestruck airhead which is like the whole Lizzy vibe. It all works. Honestly y’all bitch about her not being Lizzy anymore and then she does something that is very reminiscent of the way Lizzy would have sang the song and it’s something you can’t possibly get past? Wild. And she’s clearly saying fuck. Like you can hear the consonant. ANTYWAYS.
  5. I think VB and MAC already stand out in her discography and there is no reason for me to believe the rest won’t follow suit.
  6. I don’t want it to leak. We’ve waited all this time and finally we have the end in sight I’d kinda hate if it came too early (premature ejaculation insinuation entirely intentional). I’d love if someone who has actually heard the whole thing gave opinions on it, though.
  7. domandapiano


    Reading this now. LOL
  8. domandapiano

    The Greatest

    ^mildly This actually sounds like it could be a good song tho
  9. I listened 3 times and I’m going to try desperately to not cave and listen again until they are out.
  10. I’m not disappointed with a single one! The never grew attached to the BAR so I can’t relate to caring about the changes lyrics. HTD sounds cute af. If I had to say I was not as into one as I want to be I’d say Love Song does not go in the immediate direction I want it to but that means nothing because I have now only heard like 10 extra seconds of it. It could still and probably will still be pretty amazing. The greatest sounds absurdly good. Bartender sounds sweet. Fuck it I love you sounds so Lizzy.
  11. Yeah she’s a public figure and blah blah blah, but I mean my god what year is it? 19 fucking 50, aren’t we getting over women being “required” to wear fucking makeup? It’s fucking 2019, dismantle the fucking patriarchy, stop leaning into and perpetuating harmful societal norms like “she didn’t wear eyeliner and she’s a woman which means she didn’t even try”. You can try and deny what you’re doing, you could be completely oblivious to it, but you ARE the problem when you say shit like that. Yeah she’s a celebrity and that means she’s far more likely to be judged but let’s at least update the fucking criteria to be with the times. She’s wearing a cute dress and she let her hair look natural. It’s not like she showed up in a fucking sweatshirt and leggings and sneakers. My god. Anyways, about that NFR I sure am looking forward to it. Hopefully the season of the witch thing is tru it’s sounds really neat.
  12. I want her next tour to scrap all old songs and play NFR as a whole. I know she wouldn’t do it but if the album goes the direction I expect it to go, I feel like it’ll be stuff she excels at live.
  13. I think this will b my fav Lana record and it definitely has potential to be her most critically acclaimed. She deserves an 80+ on Metacritic I will speak it into existence. And love song (in ur car)? That snippet has so much power. I listen and for a minute I forget all my worldly troubles. The song will b amazing. Periodt.
  14. @@Cacciatore I doubted your taste as you don’t like hope but your posts since the cover + tracklist were revealed have proven me wrong. Intelligence and taste to the max. I Stan.
  15. It’ll be for the best! I want to try and hold out listening to anything from NFR until the whole thing comes out. Of course if she releases another song I won’t be able to hold back listening at all, but maybe I’ll just listen once.
  16. I’m sure someone already brought this up, but I haven’t seen it so I’m interested: the iTunes main page always has that slideshow of music advertisements, right? There is one for NFR and it mentions a preorder AND a new single, but the only 4 songs you can listen to are the ones we’ve had for months. Probs indicative of a new song next week?
  17. I can’t believe we thought she was being lazy and doing nothing while she was actually preparing to scalp us bald by giving us everything we ever wanted. I mean this era went from dry to iconic in 2 days: -the cover is a complete serve out of left field, it’s meant to be both loved and hated and over the top, but it fits so perfectly -she gives us LIME GREEN vinyl which is hideous and wonderful and perfect all at the same time -most of the songs are 5ish minutes long and the album is over an hour -THAT TRAILER. I mean my god we wished for surf vibezzz and she gives it to us. I wish for beautiful wide shots of the city and sea during the golden hour and she gives them to me. She throws in some witchy shit which I’m all about. Cap it off with some psychological mumbo jumbo that I’ve come to know and love from her. Lit rally a dream, a beautiful dream. If there is one thing I can take from it all it seems so very “in your face” in a way I didn’t expect from her and it makes me so proud.
  18. At this point I live for the lime green vinyl. Iconic troll. The 2 less tracks on some versions IS weird and disturbing, tho.
  19. The cover is so wild I love it more every time I look at it.
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