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  1. Sophia liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Tell Me You're Joking   
    "I wanna die, I wanna die" don't let The Guardian hear about this.
  2. Amymal liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Tell Me You're Joking   
    "I wanna die, I wanna die" don't let The Guardian hear about this.
  3. Thunder Revenant liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Tell Me You're Joking   
    "I wanna die, I wanna die" don't let The Guardian hear about this.
  4. MotelHoney liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Tell Me You're Joking   
    "I wanna die, I wanna die" don't let The Guardian hear about this.
  5. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by Just Cherry in Tell Me You're Joking   
    My thoughts exactly, hahah.
  6. Januli liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Tell Me You're Joking   
    "I wanna die, I wanna die" don't let The Guardian hear about this.
  7. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by lagatabajolalluvia in Lana Del Rey Collector's Guide   

    2CD in Jewel Case (UK)

    2CD in Jewel Case (Poland)

    2CD in Jewel Case (France)

    2CD in Jewel Case (Japan)

    2CD in Jewel Case (Taiwan)

    2CD in Jewel Case (UK)

    LP w/Slipcase for Born To Die (UK)

    Deluxe Box Set: Includes 3 CD's, 1 DVD, 1 7" Picture Disc Vinyl & 4 Pictures (UK)

  8. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    I think that's a large part of the problem here. Lana didn't explicitly state she was feeling suicidal, yet the Guardian journalist didn't refrain from implying this. The journalist clearly made it seem that Lana felt suicidal from the title of 'I wish I was dead already' - which, really, suggests right from the start that Lana feels suicidal. He implied a view that Lana didn't make completely clear, which is completely unfair.
  9. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by viagra in Lana Del Rey Defends Herself Against 'The Guardian' Controversy   
    Alexis Petridis is the head of the music section. Its under his competetion and Im sure he was the first who contacted Lana. Naming the article "I wish I was dead"+ waiting such a long time to publish it during the release is definitely SINISTER:
  10. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Member of the Month (June): Rebel!   
    The lack of a MOTM for May is not my fault. The four-day delay on the MOTM for June is, though, so here we are! The handsome and captivating SitarHero caught up with the graphique artiste in the pre-Ultraviolence lull to discuss food, art, being bitter, and Lana haself. Peep his crazy good work here and here while we're celebrating.
    Member of the Month: Rebel!
  11. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by FormerLanaFan in Vox Article- The life of Lana Del Rey & Album Projections   
    This is a mediocre article twisting facts with some inaccuracies, revels nothing worth the reading. It's a negatively biased article regurgitating most of the authenticity BS written about her. She was born in a millionaire family? I'm not even sure that papa Grant has today millions of $ in his account. He has a portfolio of domain names (that maybe worth million of $) but this business was a financial burden for the family for most of the time. Why was a bad thing that she bought back the rights for an album that was shelved for three years? Why are people thinking that she tried to hide anything? She "appropriated latino culture" LEL! that is some "deep" Jezebel level of criticism (I don't care about Tropico it was a misguided and poorly executed project btw). She's controversial because she has commercial success and she doesn't sing the same BS as the Top 40 pop stars and she has more appeal with her music and her looks than most of the indie wannabes. She's envied from everywhere and that's the real source of her controversy. And suggesting that the (unprepared and lazy = bad) SNL performance was what fueled her sales because "there is no bad publicity" it just lacks logic. BTD has sold well because it's a good album, and has sold well in places where nobody gave a shit about SNL or the authenticity debate (Europe).
    Nobody would buy an album just for the sake of controversy in the Spotify era
  12. Deadly Nightshade liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana Del Rey gets interviewed by Laura Leishman at Versailles   
    Actual full interview http://www.franceinter.fr/player/export-reecouter?content=919998
  13. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by Creyk in VIDEO PREMIERE: Shades of Cool   
    What kind of Desperate Housewives mixed with Burning Desire realness
    This is just so great

  14. lili liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana Del Rey Interview With D La Repubblica   

    What do you see when you look at  the mirror? 

    A really tired girl! When i am in tour the day start with the sound check at 4 pm and finish at 2 am, after my all dedication to the fans and the people that come in the backstage.

    And when aren’t you tired?

    I look at the mirror and and i say to myself: “I hope that today everything will be ok”. I hate have problems with my family and with my music, also for the little things like the acoustic during the concerts.

    Are the million copies sold of Born To Die the scale of your success?

    Personally i use two parameters. First, find a musical community to belong with. Second, know that the community respect me and my job. Unfortunately i have to say that musically i don’t find my “tribe” yet, find somebody to love and share a sense of comradeship. Maybe it’s a romantic inspiration but i think about Bob Dylan when in the 60s he arrived in the Greenwich Village and he found his group of folk music. I’ve tried that too when nine years ago i arrived in Brooklyn but i have to please me of a different version, more simple. I hoped to find people that want to base their life on art. Maybe i found those people in London where i lived for 4 years. And now for 7 months i live in Los Angeles, that’s my escape. I love swim, go to the beach everyday and drive along the coast listening to music.

    What do you like to listening to? 

    I really like the soundtracks of movies like American Beauty, Il Padrino, Scarface… But the grunge too, Mark Lanegan, Nirvana, and jazz: Chuck Baker, Nina Simone, Billie Holiday and then Bob Dylan and all the musicians of that period.

    What is your first musical memory? 

    When i was 15 or 16 they sent me to the Kent School for fight my alcohol addiction, it was a private school in Connecticut where i didn’t have a lot of friends but a really young teacher, Gene Campbell, told me about hip hop and the beauty of soundtracks.

    That’s not for change argoument but do you ever smoking so much? You just lighted up another cigarette, is not bad for your voice? 

    Maybe yes but it’s good for me. It relaxes me but i admit that i smoke,i smoke,i smoke. And i drink a lot of coffee. I have to smoke before,after and during the concerts. And also during the breaks with a cup of coffee.

    You say that you’re shy, so how can you stay in front of 5 thousand people during your concerts? 

    Get on the stage it’s the part that i like less of my job. I love write and make music but i don’t like all the things that comes after the realization, for promoting the album.

    How do you react to the critics?

    Not really well. If someone’s write something bad about me and i get to know it i become really disappointed but i try to not let them influence my creativity.

    Where and when do you compose music? 

    I am a nocturnal animal. I write at night, outside, with a lot of noise in the background that comes from the tv or the radio while i’m smoking and drinking coffee. It’s 4 years that i make music with the same group of people, except for Dan Auerbach that produced with me my last album, Ultraviolence.

    Why is Ultraviolence the title of the album?

    It’s different from Born To Die,which is about the years of my alcohol addiction, Ultraviolence doesn’t have a specific argoument ,the compactness is in the sounds,in the energy. It’s ambient music, the atmosphere mixes the sound of the California with the Jazz of the 60s.

    What’s your favourite song of the album?

    The first, Cruel World, which it gives the rythm to the album. The song has 25 seconds of guitar that i define “narco-swing”: it’s like being high. It’s like that for 7 song then the sound became more slow and then it grows up again for the last 20 minutes.

    Can you be a down to earth person with this success?

    It’s really important to me being a normal person. Anonymity and normality are essentials for my creativity. Fortunately  i grew up with strong roots in my family and when they are so deep it’s easy to harvest the fruits of own work. Also live with my brothers help me to be a down earth person.

    Do you live with all your family in Los Angeles?

    I’ve always have a central role in my family, also now that  i live with my sister,of 24, and my brother,of 20: Caroline is a yoga teacher, Charlie studies cinema at the UCLA. I’m doing everything that i can do for help them to follow their passions.

    They say that Lana is an eccentric person but it seems that you have your head screwed on.

    I define myself eccentric psychologically but in the interviews that is often misunderstended. Maybe because my life had a lot of transformations, more transitions. But i’m not provocative, i’m a conservative person, i use words for express myself. Even if i believe in different life-styles and in alternative relationships.

    What is your reference in fact of epoch? 

    In the middle of 60s and 70s when it grows up a new concept of freedom that it was so new to generate deep passions. A lot mor exciting than the freedoms that we have now.

    So thanks for the long conversation, I was biased…

    Everyone is before meeting me, I don’t know what to do. I can only try to talk sincerly and let my personality come out. I don’t want to inspire the other people. But i want to be a good person.

    What does it mean for you?

    A patient person with the people that she loves, generous and that is try to find the serenity.

    Do you think that you made it?

    I am a calm person but it’s been years that i don’t feel in peace. Maybe it’s because i don’t find my tribe yet.



    (Sorry if there are some mistakes but i’m not english and i tried to translate everything in the best way that i can)
  15. princess94 liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana Del Rey to VG: "I am still a sad girl" (15.06.2014)   
    to everyone who didn't jump on the depression bandwagon 

  16. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by LanaDelReyFR in Lana Del Rey on Virgin Radio tonight   
    The audio: 
  17. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by Tammy in Lana Del Rey to Dagbladet: "It makes me so mad." (15.06.2014)   
    Posted 15 June 2014 - 08:17 AM by Rockhouse
    This is why I prefer video / radio interviews more than written articles - you never can be sure that artists really said this or that and in which context.
    Maybe Lana just used an unfortunate choice of words, and the writer misrepresented / twisted her word (intentionally) to make this article more interesting ...
    Current positive German interview: http://www.n-tv.de/l...le12919346.html
    (Maybe you can use an online translator for it.)
    What did I say? That writer twisted her word to make his article more interesting.
  18. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey: The New York Times Interview   
    I really like this interview. She comes off very well in it compared to some other recent interviews. It's nice to see that in a widely read venue like the NYT. But holy shit is she on a major media push right now.
    The print version of this article comes out June 15, six days before she turns 29. So they got it right.
    You and me both, kid.
    Although I'm not sure I'd agree she's not a bit of a dilettante sometimes, it's nice to see a respected paper like the NYT say that much of the criticism of her was inaccurate. And it's nice to see her let the writer say that for her and not complain about it much or add to the inaccuracies herself.
    I'll give the author a pass on the "studying metaphysics" part-- her major was philosophy, but it's possible she focused on metaphysics-- but the album title was just "Lana Del Ray". He even got the wrong title reversed. I'm not sure how he screwed this up. Even Wikipedia has this right now.
    @@SitarHero Frame it. A perfect tagline for Lanalysis if there ever was one.
    This specifically mentions New York City, which fits the theory it's about Atlantic Group. But I find the word "guru" interesting. Translations of some of the other interviews where she talked about this used that word, but I was curious to see if that word would show up in an English language interview. I'll post more of my thoughts about that later.
    You guys are animals.   It's no wonder she wears those extensions.
  19. MaraDreea liked a post in a topic by ExoticFlower in Lana Del Rey to Dagbladet: "It makes me so mad." (15.06.2014)   
    Heeey, I thought these Norwegian interviews were pretty good, so I'll translate another one from Dagbladet. 
    On the performance in Bergen
    It was amazing. Totally amazing. 
    It's 2 AM at night and Lana Del Rey (27), is relaxed and elated at the same time. 
    Dagbladet talks to her an hour short after her performance in Bergen that held place night till sunday. She has already concluded that tonights concert was one of her most memorable performances ever.
    Lana: "I got this feeling that no matter if I sang jazz or one of my new singles, people would be there with me, and have a good understanding of who I am."
    The album
    Both VG and Dagbladet gave Lana a score of 5. Lana describes the album as a mix of the psychedelic 70's, West Coast fusion and underground jazz. 
    "I am not as formal anymore, I feel more spontaneous now. It is more about snapshots of what has influenced me, both the good and the bad."
    - "You sing about money, booze, power and sleeping your way to the top...?"
    Lana: "Everything I sing about on the record is a combination of things that have happened, and things that people think have happened. Money Power Glory, as an example, is about how people interpreted me and misunderstood me. It is sarcastic response to that. West Coast and Cruel World is connected to the excitement I feel when I'm at the west coast, where I live now after I moved from New York. Everything is about how others see me, and how it has affected me."
    - "In other words, you're taking a stand against the prejudice?" 
    Lana: "Yes, that is my answer. I felt very sarcastic when I wrote some of those songs," she says and laughs. (OMG I can almost hear her cute and loud laugh as I'm writing this  )
    Unfortunate circumstances
    For she can laugh, despite how mass media has painted her picture with sad and heavy paint strokes.
    The 27 year old, whose real name is Elizabeth Grant, has previously told a tale about how she got sent away at the age of 14 because she had drinking problems. Also about the cult she was part of, and got used by. And her many rock and roll boyfriends. 
    Not to mention that she sounds unmistakably sad in many of her songs. But is she?
    Lana: "It depends. I really don't know why everything has to sound so bittersweet. I have felt peaceful and calm while writing nowadays, reflecting on experiences I have had. I was sarcastic, upset about personal stuff in my life and how it has been. But in a more reflecting way than sad this time."
    - "Do you depend on a certain amount of sadness to make your music?"
    Lana: "No, I don't find it to be like that. I think I have been unfortunate with circumstances, and it has affected my writing. I am in a peaceful state of mind now, but I haven't exactly been very happy in a while either." 
    It makes me so mad
    It may seem like Lana Del Rey adds her fair share of fuel to the fire. Not long ago she said that she often felt sick, without knowing why. And then we have the quote that has gone global since it was published by the Guardian: "I wish I was dead already."
    - "What did you mean by that?"
    Lana: "This is another way of sensationalizing whatever I'm saying. It makes me so mad (or it pisses me off, Idk what the best option was). I talked to the writer for three hours, and he saw my show. When you're in a room with someone, it's not just about what you're saying, but it's also about your personality and how you are as a person. It's about reading between the lines. I don't understand why he felt the need to take it so literally," she says. 
    "To top it off he asked me very leading questions. He talked about Kurt Cobain and Amy Winehouse, asked me a lot about death and pumped me for answers and how I felt about dying young, because I was sad and had been through a lot (I can imagine her saying this with a very snarky undertone  )".
    "He wanted to know if I had thought about dying, and yes, sometimes I have. But not always. Only on those days when it all becomes too much. Then I have days where it affects me less. The way he wrote it made it all seem so much more shocking than it really was."
    Happy behind the wheel
    So Lana Del Rey is not sad all the time, in case someone was under that impression. She feels her best when cruising around in California, where she currently lives. 
    Lana: "I spend a lot of time by the sea, on the beach, with good friends. I love recording my music. And I love going to concerts, watch rock stars perform, like Courtney Love, The Who and Gun's and Roses."
    - "Do you feel like media gets too caught up in this one side of you, the sad one?"
    Lana: "A bit. It's also about being obsessed with one persons concept. It is why I have chosen some of the songs I have chosen on the tracklist on Ultraviolence. But I understand it too, the way it is. It makes a pretty good story, but it doesn't have to become fictionalized either."
    Sensitive and imaginative
    - "What is it like to be you?"
    Lana: "It is beautiful and confusing," answers Del Rey, after thinking it through in silence. The she elaborates: "I am an imaginative person, I like being caught by surprise in life. But I am sensitive too. I find it hard when things gets out of my control."
    "But I still manage to enjoy moments of true beauty, like being here tonight, while it's still bright outside and the skye is blue. I like to capture that in songs, and my biggest passion is still writing. It makes a good manifestation of all the unease, and all that confusion gives life to beautiful things. I am blessed to have that to hold on to."
    - "You seem grateful?"
    Lana: "I am. When it all comes down to it, it's all about the music. That's the one thing in my life I can't do wrong."
     I'm worried about Lana, she's not happy nowadays? What happened to "I'm happy"? Is she hitting another blue period?   
  20. Lanasflowercrown liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana Del Rey to VG: "I am still a sad girl" (15.06.2014)   
    to everyone who didn't jump on the depression bandwagon 

  21. Wryta Thinkpiece liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana Del Rey to VG: "I am still a sad girl" (15.06.2014)   
    to everyone who didn't jump on the depression bandwagon 

  22. SarcasticBeauty liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana Del Rey to VG: "I am still a sad girl" (15.06.2014)   
    to everyone who didn't jump on the depression bandwagon 

  23. Tyler liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana Del Rey to VG: "I am still a sad girl" (15.06.2014)   
    to everyone who didn't jump on the depression bandwagon 

  24. Neptune-Avenue liked a post in a topic by MaraDreea in Lana talking about Barrie + denying rumours about engagement (excerpt from Interview with "The Sun")   
    Is she talking about these http://www.pillreports.com/index.php?page=display_pill&id=17617 ?
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