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Rorman Nockwell

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Everything posted by Rorman Nockwell

  1. GOOD TITS BIG HEART Indio Blvd NEXT EXIT Has anyone else died for you? It's like a dream tracklist
  2. Should've had cardboard cut outs of Lana and Jack (Donoghue) out front next to a sign saying COOK COUNTY DEPT OF CORRECTIONS that people could stick their heads through as a photo op
  3. Help I was just going through this thread to see how it was and "Willy Wonka Experience" does not make me hopeful
  4. Edit I just saw Elle's post so out of respect for her and her site, feel free to DM me if you wish to discuss further.
  5. I bet she told him that his music was really good when they were dating and then texted him and told him it was terrible when they broke up In fact she should write a song about this
  6. I hope that doesn't happen but there is definitely a cohort of Lana "fans" who think only of themselves with no consideration for other fans (and in some cases, Lana). Some of these people look like butter wouldn't melt in their mouths I've heard countless stories of shoving, snatching items out of other fans' hands, stalking behaviour in relation to Lana and/or her friends and family and so forth Just jerks Anyone who sees such behaviour firsthand should name n shame
  7. Looking forward to seeing reels and pics of the same 5 ppl hanging around all day thinking they're cOnNeCtEd cos Chuck says two words to them or smthn
  8. Fake Gemini she wore a Gemini necklace in Florida when we got ice cream That bitch is really a Cancer She lies about everything dates tours merch boyfriends song titles fuck her
  9. Look if it's cathartic for her to do this then okay The only thing with Marina is that I have always gotten the impression that she thinks she's better at things than she really is and/or that she thinks things will blow up and then they don't And so then she seems really disappointed or even shows signs of depression when things aren't well-received She seemed really bothered by the lacklustre reception to L + F She has to realise that the creative industry is a crowded, often nepotised/biased space and sometimes mediocre work gets rewarded whilst good work does not And that the purpose of art is the joy and personal journey you experience from creating it and fuck what people think So as long as she realises all of this
  10. "Israel high-key gay at this point" followed by that is such a rollercoaster
  11. I have never understood why people don't like the blonde hair I mean she looks good with dark hair too but yeah
  12. Have I been sleeping on this bitch or what? LOVE (Check out her website, www.sophiepowers.com it is very Lizzy-esque)
  13. I am at war with that Cos she has millions of people sitting here wanting to buy stuph IF (and only if) it's actually GOOD So I find that frustrating @Elle Lanaboards merch when? Hmu on Discord
  14. For an artist of her calibre, it's really disappointing that her merch always looks so cheap and phoned in. There is no thought, just stock standard Redbubble type shit that anyone could do. The stuph with the bows and polka dots reminds me of underwear or baby merch And we already tried the "we can do better, let us try" and iirc a person from here won the contest and they never made/sold their design please correct me if I'm wrong I want more meaningful designs. Not just slogans in some lame fonts on a t-shirt And yes I will design it myself so hit me up Lana and I'll show you
  15. I don't care for the royals but she's relatively young and this is sad. This hits close because my dad was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer last year. I don't think people understand how difficult it is to have a family member with cancer until it happens to you. I definitely didn't. I really hope the media leaves them alone and that she makes a full recovery.
  16. But in all srsness I think it should be photorealistic like this instead of an actual photo It adds smthn Very 1930s film studio I'm going to keep going on about it in the hope that the universe listens
  17. Okay so then which of these do you prefer ??? ETA okay but: ^smthn like this but painted instead of an actual photo so it looks vintage n shit would be a serve imo
  18. And Elizabeth Woolridge Grant on your hand?
  19. How do we all feel about her going country now that it's being considered a current trend, per se? Does it affect how you feel about Lasso [working title]? Billboard ran an article bout it if anyone missed it https://www.billboard.com/lists/pop-goes-country-crossover-singers/ More to the point, I wonder if it affects how she feels about it. She doesn't generally follow trends, musically, she is more the trend setter, but with Beyonce and others releasing country albums before her, she can't claim that. I wonder if it matters to her. Does it matter to you? Maybe I'm just talking nonsense cos allergy medications
  20. Post-allergy medication pondering: how risky, on a scale of 1 to 10, do you think it would be to get a tattoo of Lana's name on your shoulder blade (how she has Amy etc on hers)? I was thinking about this and decided that it's much riskier to get a living person's name tattooed because they might do something really bad like QFTC I'm not talking about personally doing it because I am far too indecisive to get a tattoo, but just the overall concept of tattooing her name on your shoulder blade the same way she has with others. Also whose name would you get tattooed on the opposite shoulder blade? I, of course, would get Florence Welch
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