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Macintosh Manhattan

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Everything posted by Macintosh Manhattan

  1. It honestly wouldn't surprise me if a revolution ended up happening in Russia and if history is anything to go by Putin better not rely on his army to protect him BC
  2. Putin hasn't got the fucking balls to press the red button. What will his rich friends and enablers rule over when everything is a nuclear wasteland? Take it as good news. He's scared. He knows he's days are numbered. The longer Ukraine and it's people stand there ground the more Putin is humiliated. The majority of Russians didn't want this needless war in the first place and know damn well his reasons for it are fictitious.
  3. To Be Human hitting harder than usual recently
  4. Nnnn just been told by a colleague of mine that apparently Ukraine produces 10% of the world's wheat. Which is bad news BC food prices will further hike up and knowing how fucked up Russia is they'll burn those fields for the sake of it to hurt Ukrainans and the world. Nothing like getting citzens in line to behave them selves like starvation. https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/news/2022/2/17/infographic-russia-ukraine-and-the-global-wheat-supply-interactive
  5. Please look at this if you can. It includes official links and where you can donate if you want to help <3 https://ukraine.ua/news/stand-with-ukraine/
  6. If you've got a strong stomach and are not easily triggered there's a sub-reddit called r/UkraineWarProjectReport that includes on the ground footage. One of the most frightening things on there I've seen so far is a missile going over the head of an Australian journalist while he was looking for cover. Please be careful of any thing you do share aswell. Russia is well known to use social media to gauge where 'enemy' military units are. Only use official sources such as the BBC, CNN etc if possible.
  7. He has a choke hold on Europe on Fossil Fuels such as Gas, Oil etc He can for shits and giggles in some countries plunge them into huge blackouts. Germany heavily relies on Russia for instance. https://www.newstatesman.com/chart-of-the-day/2022/02/how-europe-is-dependent-on-russian-gas
  8. I've literally just woken up to this. Putin isn't scared of sanctions or half baked threats. He's gotten away with violating the sovereignty of other countries and invading before. He won't stop BC he knows damn full well the likes of my country (UK) won't do anything meaningful to stop him. Like seizing all Russian oligarchs assets, money, properties etc and not giving them back at all.
  9. The world is falling apart but at least will have new F+TM Anthems whilst it happens
  10. The top half of the outfit is nice but the bottom half I think she's wearing Versace here if I remember correctly which is a hard brand to carry off if not styled correctly.
  11. Also not the boobdigan post making me come here and then I realized I totally forgot that today is the 10th Anniversary of BTD
  12. It means nothing. Its like trashing your mates house a decade ago and then coming over today and apologizing for it. Fuck off Pitchfork. They're only saying and changing thier mind BC she proved them all wrong.
  13. Can we not please. I'm so sick and tired of when women over 25+ take time off or away or hell dares to gain weight and the first assumption is OmL ShE's pReGgo!!!!!
  14. You know this is probably the best decision she's ever made especially from a mental health point of view. All that hate, all that body shaming. The constant pressure all the time gets to you no matter how strong you are. She did the right thing and whilst her absence is upsetting, I'd rather Lana be happy than go through anymore of the bullshit that entails with being on social media sites.
  15. If her label wanted to intervene they would've during the QFTC debacle. This feels far more personal than business tbh It's really sad but it's probably for the best for Lana and she'll probably be back sooner rather than later.
  16. The third photo in the set is just
  17. I also have the BTW remixes on CD but yeah their the only two remix albums I own from any artist. My biggest regret was not snatching them on vinyl when it was possible at the time. I'll probobly pick up a copy of DOC just for the sake of it
  18. It has to be said but Gaga's first remix album remains superior...
  19. Valid points have been made buuuuut she could be seriously reworking the five unreleased tracks depending on what she's choosing from her vast vault. Especially if said five tracks are from earlier on in her career I'm here for it honestly. As long as its not another Next Best American Record/Black Beauty mess.
  20. Macintosh Manhattan


    https://m.soundcloud.com/seb-nev/grimes-metaverse-splendour-xr-discord-set Grimes Set in Metaverse discord server. July 26 2021. Shinigami Eyes 3:00 100% tragedy 19:00 Player of games 38:00 Utopia 25:00
  21. ROTFL , truly the most uninspired producer of recent times He's a great guy that's clear to see BC his peers including Lana etc wouldn't work with him otherwise but...yeah this ain't it chief I've seen more and more people starting to see through the veneer of his work and most of it is fair criticism. Links in spoiler.
  22. Madge is right and I tell you why.... Modern Slavery in the UK at least, is the illegal exploitation of a victim for personal and COMMERCIAL gain. Victims of MS are trapped in servitude, either by being coerced or deceived to. They often can not or do not leave out of fear for thier own safety. We all now know that Brit was forced to work buy her family etc. Las Vegas, Albums etc. This is a fact. We also know that she's still suffering what paramounts to abuse by her father and others. She's not allowed a phone or have her own passport (This is typical in most MS/Abusive cases BTW) Not allowed to change her medication or birth control. Not allowed even to be driven around by her boyfriend. There's reports of Brit being told that if she doesn't work and do as she's told she can't see her kids. You don't need to physically chain someone for it to be slavery. Often MS is based on power that's either financial and/or emotional control. Though bear in mind that there also other factors. https://www.antislavery.org/slavery-today/modern-slavery/
  23. My Stomach dropped when I heard the false news but glad to see the media was wrong Let's pray Brit will get her request to remove that swine.
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