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  1. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    this is lame but I made it anyway

  2. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    I just watched the video, and I must say, I loved it. I love the beach and Lana's house. (I wonder if she will move in there one day.. looks like its just a vacant home
    for now..) I love the way it starts with the helicopter view coming in over the beautiful ocean waves, the sounds in the background, and then Lana on the deck..
    i loved the way she runs around and walks around from room to room, then out down onto the beach area.. (or rocks i guess..) and then the blowing up of the chopper
    made me laugh out loud.. amazing and beautifully done vid. so much better, than the average video's coming out from other artists these days.. but to each their own.
    I would love to live in that house once in awhile with Lana, and run out to the beach, and stuff.. F**** Me...I'm dreaming hard.. real hard..

  3. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    ..sorry not everyone has the time or motivation to write a critique of why something you do isn't as good as another thing.. lol 
    apparently we can't criticize her unless we write an essay 
  4. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by rivieragirl in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    The video matches the vibes of the song and Lana looks absolutely beautiful. The B-movie idea definitely came to mind during the scenes when Lana was just walking around the house. I love the colours and her outfit in the video. I also agree with those who said Scarface vibes, with the pastel beach scenes and guns. Completely enamoured 
  5. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Philomene in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    Does anyone get the feeling like she depicts herself dealing with boredom because she doesn't do drugs or drinks anymore?
  6. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by WhiteHydrangea in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    everyone in Lana's fanbase
  7. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by slang in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    It's a straightforward video for a straightforward pop song. The video serves its function, which is to put LDR front and center, and have some interesting parts/ideas, as does the song. LDR can check off another box in a (hopefully) endless column of possible things she can do without repeating herself. So overall I'm pleased, though not totally blown away. I'm still looking forward to a stop-action 2-d paper cartoon video with her old beau Steven Mertens. She hasn't done something like that yet.
    I like the fact that song and video can be about different things (i.e., song: a past lover; video: an idealized form of paparazzi--her paparazzi can't afford renting a helicopter, lol). Although people seem to like the idea that the video "explains" the song, I don't. I like detachable meanings, because sometimes I won't like a particular interpretation. I'm reminded of Goldfrapp's MV for Stranger (which also happens at a beach). I can take the song to be about meeting exotic people similar in theme to LDR's Strange Love. However, the a video is about a cold-blooded serial killer and basically warns people away from polygamous thrill seeking. Goldfrapp's video is unfavorably comparable to HBTB in terms of either uninteresting or disturbing events, and more importantly because of a lack of focus on Goldfrapp (she appears at the end and briefly). Conversely, other videos are really good at focusing on the performer, but just don't tell a story other than the lyrics, such as Marina, whom I like a lot, dancing on a rocky windy mountainous location or in an amusement park. Or what about Selena Gomez, Good For You video (there's a poster girl for feminism, lol). If I'm not mistaken all she does lounge around a couch and steal Sky Ferreira poses and settings. Maybe HBTB compares less well to Kimbra or St. Vincent, who have some thoughtful videos, but don't get near the viewcounts LDR gets. I guess my point is, if you think something is bad or good, you really need to compare it with something that has a similar "artist's intent" to see how bad or how good it really is, at least relatively speaking. So comparing this with Bad Blood, Dark Horse, or even Born to Die is just going to disappoint you as I don't know if the artists' intent match much here and there (but I do hope the same people who pine for something like a Born to Die video also liked Tropico). This video is probably intended to get LDR back in the GP's sight in a socially favorable way (e.g. pro-feminist or at least not contra-feminist), and I think it succeeds.
  8. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by pinkbubbles in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    That's interesting what James Franco said about the vid. I imagined that the plot was her drug kingpin bf skipped town and left her to deal with the feds. She handles that grenade launcher like a pro   or whatever that thing was.
    Also this purple layout keeps making me feel like I'm on the vile cesspit known as ONTD and I get confused/enraged for a sec.
  9. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Stargirl in Honeymoon Released on September 18th   
    watch the cover art be stolen from someone's tumblr 
    i joke, though, i feel like we're too blessed this era, it's all happening so fast 
  10. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in Honeymoon Released on September 18th   
    They won't get it one week in advance, cause all countries release on fridays now, but they will get it 12 hrs before us. 
  11. riina liked a post in a topic by SoftcoreBabyface in Honeymoon Released on September 18th   
    It's subversive, submissive, surreal? I enjoy the unique aspect of her "subliminal message" billboards. I think it's an aesthetic preference of minimalism and allowing an image to capture people's attention (instead of brazenly promoting the album) with loud ass fonts and begging you to "BUY HONEYMOON!!!". Lana has obviously shot way more footage than we have access to (yet), so this may be an outtake she really liked and wants to use it simply because she likes certain details of the image. http://www.starlinetours.com does tours of celebrities homes in LA. After the message that HBTB video sent, this seems to be a cheeky, aha picture, cuz LOOK who's stalking the celebs now?? LANNNA up in that Starline Tours Truck. Also maybe she just wants traffic to come to a crash because all the shmeeple will be confused like "What is the message? what is it selling or telling me to think??? AH I can't think for myself!!"  *crashes*
  12. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Subversive in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Does anyone remember this ? 
  13. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by toshi in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'm excited is Jazz is the main style on her new album, she's great as Jazz sounding music live. I love listening to Million Dollar Man live, especially on the tour, the high vocals are fantastic. Anyone saying she can't sustain her vocals when she goes high needs to listen to the high notes during Cola, she does them effortlessly. 
  14. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I was defending The Other Woman, y'all. Her vocals are amazing in that song.
    And anyone saying she can't sing blues needs to watch Million Dollar Man live in New Orleans and Olympia.
    Also, Nina Simone's range was quite limited but she made the most of it with her emotive style. Billie's was one octave. There is much more to being a jazz singer than the qualities people are listing here.
  15. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Lily in High By The Beach   
    I love this song soooo much. Until the video I assumed it was to one of her bad boys, and I loved it then too, but I like it even better now. I don't know how I didn't catch the meaning sooner. What a perfect little "fuck you" to everyone who tore her apart for so long. 
  16. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Mind Melt in High By The Beach   
    This line always reminds me of the scene in the West Coast video where she's on fire in the red dress and then starts to extinguish as she's 'born again' in the leather jacket
  17. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Elle in High By The Beach   
    Rob pretty much confirmed the meaning of the song with his recent post on Instagram. It's the shot Chuck took of Lana holding the gun captioned "Paparazzi beware.."
  18. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in High By The Beach   
    Noticed this aswell, but maybe the letter was typed by the same person who typed the Born To Die lyircs
  19. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by LAman in Honeymoon Released on September 18th   
    That truck is actually a tour bus for tourists in Hollywood. It is like the tour bus we saw in the Honeymoon video intro.
  20. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Subversive in Honeymoon Released on September 18th   
    or in 1 minute lol . I always have a feeling that the server will crash after I post something
  21. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Honeymoon Released on September 18th   
    Following her mysterious Instagram caption, Pitchfork confirms September 18, 2015 is the release date of the album.


    Come through!

  22. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by SoftcoreBabyface in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    Since Francesco is a certified pilot (of sorts), I have been wondering if he is the man shooting Lana from the chopper. https://instagram.com/p/xXYkDwiIDS/?taken-by=francescocarrozzini
    (he posts plane porn quite a bit)
    Another thought I've had since August 10th, is that I wonder if there is some correlation between Lana dropping "High by The Beach" on August 10th. which is the same date as her ex-boyfriend's birthday (Michael Mizrahi).
    I can't help but feel that it's no coincidence, and also it would explain some of the going back to Lizzy lyrics and slightly modifying them to represent growth and empowerment since that time. 
    OHHH and at 3:28 when Lana's running back with the guitar case, there is a flicker of a smile on her face. Her hair is covering most of her face in the moment but it's so endearingly evil. I see the menace in her for a second. Music is her weapon symbolism galore. 
  23. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Lana definitely has the voice for old school blues. Her range is over 3 octaves and has that jazzy tone.
  24. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by VioletPrincess in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    As soon as I saw that pic I thought HONEYMOON - dreamy, soft pink and white, maybe add a bit of yellow or purple
  25. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by BLOODSHOT in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'mma need Lana to deliver some more funeral anthems for me to play at my daddy's funeral!
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