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  1. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by COLACNT in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    here's the thing with lana -- you can't expect there to always be meaning behind what she writes. not meaning that you can connect with personally, at least. everything she writes is personal and internal and so a lot of it might come off as useless or opaque at best. if you're a ~*~ true ~*~ fan though (whatever that means) you should be able to disregard the shitty recycled trope here and there or you can just connect it to a larger piece of the puzzle (the puzzle being her as an artist, as a character, as an actual human being). maybe the above lyrics don't say much in terms of broad all encompassing meta / psychosocial philosophy or whatever it is you're looking for, but they still communicate aspects of her true self (and her internal world), whether intentional or not. the lyrics you quoted still fall in line with the rest of her work and retain a certain consistency you'd expect from a true artist. you should appreciate that at the very least
    i.e "get us while we're hot" --> while she's still "young and beautiful" and "shine(s) from words but not from beauty"
    she's known to have an affinity for diamonds and the color blue and beaches and she writes about how she 'shines like lightning', etc. 'glimmering', 'bright blue ripples' all conjure up images of shiny, pretty, bluish things. she's obviously an extremely visual person so why not re-use some words that not only roll off the tongue but draw out images that she appreciates? its kind of tired at times but its still very lana
    also, "watching me" in the swimming pool and "watching me" get undressed says a lot about her personality and her histrionic tendencies. you can go off on some tangent here about the male gaze and the paradoxical superficiality of those lines (which juxtapose the depth that's present in her other songs, etc). whatever
    "elvis" and "marilyn" are obviously figures of classic americana. the line suggests that they've raised her and that they've also nurtured her aesthetic / artistic appreciations like surrogates while jesus (who may or may not actually exist) remains her 'bestest' friend (and maybe even her only one, during certain periods in her life). then she goes on to say "we don't need nobody, cause we got eachother" ... "or at least i pretend". that's kind of fucking sad. it's like she's perpetually lonesome and doesn't have anyone else but herself and her own imagination. which suggests (on a larger scale) that she loves to create (or at the very least, finds solace in) worlds of her own; worlds inside her head. recently we've started to wonder if any of the men or any of the experiences she's written about are even real, or if its all just pure fiction. and i didn't even connect those thoughts with that particular line until now. and it 100% justifies the james franco quote:
    do you see what i mean? despite seeming innocuous and possibly even superficial, everything is still connected back to her internal self, somehow. and new music will always give you another look into her mind and might even forge a newfound connection with something she's already written in the past. there's always consistency and there's always truth (internal, though not always external). that's all that matters when it comes to art; staying true to your intuitions. so toss your haughty expectations in the trash and just appreciate her for being her (and relentlessly so)
    the fact that we're even having this discussion and dissecting these ~meaningless~ lyrics actually attaches meaning to them, i think. so i hope you feel fulfilled lmao
  2. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Rem in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    BTD video and SS are obvious lynch inspired videos.
    West Coast video is inspired by chet baker..Infact the enitre UV album is inspired even though she has never said anything about it.
    User14 is mentally unstable. 
  3. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I NEED the return of surf noir, especially if the album is released in August! it would be the perfect summer album...some UV tracks had the feel of it (WC, BKBY, FK), but I crave the return of fully-fledged surf Lana
    imagine if she did some folk tale songs like HDYKMSW...it would lyrically be quite different to her released stuff and would really help her standing as a songwriter
  4. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Rem in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    This is how it should be done
  5. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Rem in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Lana's switch between her falsetto to chest/head is one of the most impressive in the business. Not many girls can do it so swiftly except of the queen of vocals that is Mariah. (forgot about Ariana she too can do it and Leona but she's irrelevant)
    Don't forget her amazing smoky low notes.
    Someone mentioned Mildred cover of Summertime Sadness. Lord! She literally has no falsetto and all chest.   She didn't even attempt it.. all one range mess. All she did is sing in ONE range and add volume whenever needed to have more power when she should be switching to falsetto esp during the bridge of SS. Atrocious really. 
  6. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by DominicMars in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'm still too excited for this Ronson collab. Literally a dream come true, Back to Black is a modern classic.
  7. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by TRASHBABY in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    i want the videos back   not necessarily the big budget - but the way they tell a story 
    lanas songs will always be about men n thats the way i like it 
  8. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    She lyin.
    She said UV sounds like Blue Jeans & Dark Paradise.
    Anyways, did anyone else notices how nasty this looks like: BJ & DP?
    Well played Lana, you little slut
  9. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by User14 in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'm still questioning what happened with the UV era and why she's releasing so soon another album. I have 3 scenarios:
    1. The depressing scenario. She wants to get out of her contract with Interscope and she has 3 albums to do and so she rushed the release so she won't get any penalties. Then she will go indie (aka she will do whatever she wants) or she will retire for a while or forever (have babies etc.). This is a career harakiri but is consistent with her obvious lack of confidence in everything she does, with her depression, with her statements that she didn't enjoy anything so far in the music business, that she didn't find peers, with her stage fright and her refusal to shine in the limelight and especially to perform outside her comfort zone. Maybe she's acknowledging that she's not capable to be a great performer or to evolve as a songwriter (I think that UV is overall better lyrically than BTD but not at VG level). In this scenario I expect a ”rushed album” with no hits, no promo, that will have a negative reception critically and commercially and will not have anything to do with her announced tour that will be renamed the "Farewell" tour. This seems like far fetched, would be a total let down of her fans and is not consistent at all with the announcement of her tour (big venues) and with her position in the business that other (good) musicians are incapable of attaining even after a lifetime of hard work. But is she capable of basically shit on everything that she accomplished? Unfortunately yes, the UV video, the Letterman, Virgin radio France, BBC live lounge last minute cancellations are hints that she is capable to make irrational decisions based on her anxieties.
    2. The pop megastar scenario. UV was a critic silencer (worked pretty well) but she doesn't want to lose her mainstream appeal so she's preparing a big release with heavy promo, with a few legitimate hits, with TV performances etc. This is inconsistent with everything that I presented above but is consistent with her current status (on radar moderate pop star) and the obvious interest of her label to milk her commercial potential at max. This scenario will work if the label will be at the helm of this era preparing it like a proper big pop release (radio, tv, magazines, promotion of hits, videos with high production etc). In this scenario I expect a GP friendly sound and theme, more coherent that BTD (fewer songs) and HITS (on the radio and charts). Maybe she still craves that level of pop stardom and she's finally willing to do what it takes. I highly doubt this scenario because I don't see her transforming in a confident, all around performer. 
    3. The boring scenario. Honeymoon will be an era in the UV vein (no extreme outcomes), with a different sound but the same lanaesque lyrics and her career will slowly dwindle down unless she would be capable to make a better album artistically than UV. This is the scenario that I hope for that she'll evolve lyrically and combined with a new interesting sound she will get more critically acclaimed.
  10. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    imagine an amy cover tho~~ i'd be very interested to hear a lanafied version of Take The Box.
  11. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Rem in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Black Beauty is kinda the best song on UV...Even though Lana was against putting the song on it.  (ended up being bonus anyways)
    I'd love the hear all of the songs before Dan horrendous production.
    With that said, I love how some of ya'll keep preaching how Mark Ronson produced lots of ROCK ROCK ROCK records.
    Ya know wat, he also produced a ton of hip hop records: Lil Wayne, Nas, Wale, Q-tip and Lana also said the record will have a sound close to BTD. So there's that. Billboard interview happened after Grazia "Soft Grunge" comment. 
  12. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I know, that's one of my favorite albums. Tears Dry on Their Own <3
    I love a lot of albums in that vein actually. Rockferry, Dusty in Memphis, Tapestry, 19, Cher's 60s stuff, Ronnettes. I think it would work very well for Lana and Ronson to go for undertones of the soul sound.
  13. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by leaked_version in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Instead of everybody just posting: "I wish the new album would be like this", "I want that", "OMG let ha promote" etc....Why don't we start to get more familiar with Mark Ronson as a record producer?
    After listening to the Black Keys a lot before UV dropped, I knew what was coming. I mean, nobody can totally change their handwriting. 
    When you know with what you are dealing with from the beginning, it makes it easier to get into a record once it's out.
  14. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by FROGGO in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I want the return of the puppy backpack this era

  15. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I want I want I want What is the point of this
    I want Lana to give me money and call me pretty
  16. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Titan in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    She needs to do a full blown covers album. I'd love to see her do a version of Hallelujah, House of the Rising Sun, I Put a Spell On You, Bang Bang, etc.
  17. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by LiamViljoen in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Do you guys really think there'll be a title track? Honeymoon to me just sounds like a setting for the mood of the album. Then again I thought the same thing when Lana announced UV
    I like the title tracks from BTD and UV but to me having a title track in each album just seems a bit boring. It just takes away the mystique of the title, at first you wonder why the record is called Honeymoon, is there some kind of running story regarding a relationship? Maybe the whole album will be Lana envisioning the marriage she and Barrie never had? But if there's just a song on the record called Honeymoon, then you almost feel like that's the only reason behind the record's title. It's like with Paradise, since there's no song on the record called paradise, the title feels more like a summary of the album in general (and that record is simply sublime so it's a fitting name)
    I'm still not half sure what I'm saying but that's always how I've felt about title tracks, in case anyone cares.
  18. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Bae in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'd rather get a surf noir album than BTD or UV
    when will lana ever 
  19. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Ziad in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    She had an original music video idea for West Coast?
  20. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Greaser Prince in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Lana's pseudo rapping makes me feel complete. I think the fact that she doesn't do it often makes it even more special.
  21. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    WE WERE WRONG ALL ALONG ! It won't be the return of BTD or Paradise or AKA or even UV.. It's gonna be the return of SIRENS !!!!!!!
  22. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Bae in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    Someone mentioned  that the ultraviolence video was like a transition to honeymoon, because she was a bride in the video. If i ever meet her I want to ask if that was intentional.
  23. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by futuretro in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I'm so happy she's so inspired
  24. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by toshi in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    My heart can't take all this amazing news!!!                         
    Honeymoon - Is this the return of Lana's BTD alphabet - Pale Moonlight             
  25. SoftcoreBabyface liked a post in a topic by Bae in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    expecting the iconic "walking is an art, so is my body"
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