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About Nathanavy

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  1. Can someone please make a version of Dealer with only Miles' vocals pitched like the leak? It sounds so much better!
  2. Does anyone else prefer the leaked version of Dealer? Miles' voice sounds much better pitched. I also prefer the lo-fi sound.
  3. This feels like a filler album to fulfill her contract. Unless this leak is fake, Cherry Blossom, Living Legend, and Nectar of the Gods are literally YouTube rips.
  4. I just want to know if Dealer sounds better than the leaked version. The vocals pierce your ears during the chorus
  5. Does anyone know if the leaked version of Dealer was pitched during the chorus? There's another leaked snippet where she sounds much better!
  6. Can someone please make an edit of Beautiful People, Beautiful Problems without Stevie Nicks goat vocals!
  7. @LDRey Can you PM me. I'd be happy to leak it for you mod note: user was warned for this post
  8. Its leaked! http://www55.zippyshare.com/v/K3P0xDjN/file.html
  9. I wish she'd scrap this album and give us another Ultraviolence! She should work with Harry Styles' producers.
  10. The thread has been cached by Google: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:FIMYPu2bzCYJ:lanaboards.com/index.php%3F/topic/8080-ldr5-pre-pre-release-annual-meltdown-and-discussion-thread/page-167+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=ca
  11. Anyone else think West Coast would fit perfectly on this album? Even more so than Ultraviolence. Honeymoon has such a western feel.
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