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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. Cherry. It was obvious that it would be one of the highlights and it turned out it's the superior track. 13 beaches is probably number 2, it's so beautifully calm and ethereal. Heroin would be a contender for it's place, but at this point I really can't get into the wild second part of the record.
  2. Well, it's different if you are actually into her stuff, but everything she does usually has the "LANA" stamp on it (which is what we all love I guess), which may be what people mean when they call her a "one-trick-pony". Like .. her lyrics for example are always pretty Lana, no matter what she does.
  3. I think she actually has a point, like when she says "the things Lana Del Rey does can only be done by her. Only she can make a dumb rhyme out of peaches and beaches and undress you while doing it". We are all Lana fans to a certain degree and we love all the things she's notorious for, but I can understand it if people may critisize her for it, and I don't see any mindless "bashing" in this review. She actually defends her against those "bashers" in one of the paragraphs and while I may not agree with her on everything, I get what she's saying and why.
  4. Can't really take God bless America serious - her vocals are great but that's it. It' not really a statement, just the ususal Lana lyrics and the production makes it sound a bit comical ... the gun shots sound like they are from a song for children and the guitar is so forest-fire-song-ish,
  5. Yeah, the last episode was pretty meh, I would have loved a more "open" ending without all this kitschy mother/daughter drama being over-explored.
  6. BPBP's problem is, that it's not a duet. It's a solo-song and they divided the verses between Lana and Stevie and that makes it sound weak.
  7. It's nice but definitly not her best. Some of the songs are true gems but as an album, it's pretty messy. I feel like most of the political, "meaningful" tracks were extremely ambitious but the outcone is not nearly as meaningful as she might think. It's sad the record does not have an actual opener, it just starts with the two first and most commercial singles ... like a Spotify tracklist. There are some weird parts of the album and I'm not sure if they'll grow on me, like the way she completely loses it during the second half of Heroin (I prefer the soft beginning), the high-register chorus of WTWWAFJGERJJ which soinds more like a bridge or the middle part of In My Feelings chorus. Get Free is especially weird, the Lizzie-Grant-chorus has nothing to do with the majestic, dramatic verses. Gonna listen to it a few more times and then I'll post a full "review"
  8. So I guess that picks up those Horror-Clowns that flooded America last year? And then in the end, one of them will become President
  9. The Neil Krug photoshoot of her in front of the white wall would have been more fitting for booklet visuals. Thinking of this one cluse-up of her with this granny.blouse a something in the booklet and the one of her leaning against the wall in the green dress as the cover art (without any kind of font). The pictures from the Love shoot are as fitting for the albums sound as Love is as representative for the albums sound.
  10. The same old, deaf man that transcripted the Born To Die and Paradise lyrics
  11. If she does another Born To Die-heavy setlist ... The only song from that album she should still perform is Video Games and maybe Born To Die occasionally.
  12. OMG it will be recorded! I hope she's not just playing Love, Lust For Life and Video Games but also Cherry and some more new tracks like Heroin or Change
  13. "OMG I hope it'll leak" "Break into target and steal it!" "I'll check if my store already has it so I can leak it!" "Offer sexual favors to target workers in order to get it!" "Harass the people who have to leak it!" "Omg now she's sad" "Do you think she's mad?" "It's the stores fault, not ours!" "Ban the leakers! Put them into jail!" Y'all are hypocritical little bitches. I'm sorry for Lanz, although it's not really suprising it happened. Not going to listen to it, I can wait til friday
  14. we already have L4L as track 2 in order to keep our expectations low
  15. The must frustrating pre-release era so far ... I'm glad I can walk into the nearest music store on friday and buy the f*cking album
  16. I don't think you are wrong about that but why the hell would you WANT it to leak now? If it happens, it'll happen and most people will listen to it, no matter what they said before. But I think it's pretty childish to actually want it to leak when it's just like two days away at this point. And please, keep your "sassy" comments to yourself, they are uncalled for hun
  17. It's not. Getting an album a month early is one thing, but waiting two days for an official release isn't that hard.
  18. apart from constantly belittering, insulting and attacking people
  19. What kind of overdramatic sh*t. All the banned members literally had it coming, it's not like it's easy to get banned here.
  20. They usually always sell some stuff and if it's an "intimate" show to celebrate L4L, you can be sure they'll sell some
  21. Azealia attacks people all the time - verbally and physically. She thinks being a black woman entitles her to be vioelnt, homophobic and to have a racist mindset herself. She's the last one to judge ANYONE or comment anyone's choices
  22. "Peaches" and "(black) beaches" are the new little red party dress and blue
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