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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. IF there is a deluxe version we'll know today. Deluxe versions go online for pre-order the same time the standard versions do. The only bonus tracks that are revealed later are japanese bonus tracks or Target exclusive ones. But even if we don't get a Deluxe pre-order people will speculate about it going online later until the 21th eitherway
  2. Yeah, this came to my mind aswell while I was writing my comment
  3. Well, I don't really think the second part of your statement matters that much - Lana said WTWWAWWJKDOIGHJKASD was a pretty dark song, but back then she also seemingly planned to keep the album super-positive with tracks like Love. However, doesn't really seem like that anymore. I think Velvet Underground would be pretty unlikely for a Lana cover though and it would not really go with what the album seems to be at this moment. Plus she always loved to use drug-references in her songs. Heroin could be like Gagas "Dope" - that she needs someone like a drug or perhaps that she wass addicted to someone and (just like a drug) they ruined her.
  4. The chorus sounds underwhelming but "Don't be a bummer baby" is such a funny line for some reason
  5. Aw, I'm glad you have that much faith in me xD But no matter how often you'll write it, the discussion will come up every two pages either way ...
  6. If it premiers at Radio 1 it's unlikely it will be aviable before.
  7. The chorus sounds underwhelming compared to the great verses
  8. The one in the back could be legit. There was a french "Lana Del Rey - The Singles" collection that used this cover
  9. I already hate her for teasing Roses Bloom For You, now all the gays will be moaning over it every other album cycle. And we'll get 10000 "Wy is x on the record when RBFY isn't? ((((("s
  10. she posted it on insta and facebook, it's most likely the second verse https://www.instagram.com/p/BWOLlYhFcpS/
  11. Itunes is usually not doing the preview stuff. But sometimes pages like Amazon España or some french, russian and polish CD sites noone has ever heard of do it
  12. I actually really never got why people were disappointed. The track pretty much turned out like the teased snippet made it seem. The only disappointing thing is that the second verse is more than lackluster. But in GL's case there could be a dramatic Lana-esque chorus waiting ... or a random hip-hop-chorus featuring A$AP Rocky.
  13. I hope some obscure CD-internet store or some random regional version of Amazon will put up snippets when the pre-order goes up. Or that she releases another album trailer HM/UV style that includes snippets of some new tracks (I imagine a LfL album teaser including snippets from Cherry, Love and two other tracks)
  14. The quality of the track really depends on what comes after the build-up in the second part of the snippet. could be great, could be pretty disappointing
  15. The pre-chorus sounds a bit off. Still excited for the track!
  16. It's ok. The beat is nice, the whole thing is not as spectacular as the Summer Bummer snippet but I'm excited to hear the whole thing
  17. Lol why are you getting so worked up about this? Some people were arguing whether Mobkey was a racist insult and other people made it clear that this depends on the social context. Noone even talked about how appropriate it would be to use the n-word. I sense some serious tmblr-level of SJWness
  18. Idk about how it's in America, but here in Germany Monkey is a pretty common insult not related to skin color or origin of the person you want to insult
  19. the hate for Coachella is so irrational at this point. Y'all stan the shittiest outtakes yet you are so wild about this one mediacre track. And then you go and celecrate the piece of trash that is Lust For Life
  20. It's so beautiful ... so sad it's the shortest song on the record. She's looking super weird though. The selfie game is kind of awkward and cringy and she should stop messing with her face
  21. Lana does not like bonus tracks. that's why the album is so long. Do y'all really think she would put her FAVOURITE song as an exclusive bonus track? I'm positive it was just renamed into "In My Feelings" or "Get Free" or maybe it's even "Heroin".
  22. OMG the chorus of Groupie Love leaked!!! [Lana:] Oh I know, that boy's gonna rip me up Cause he aint that nice, he won't do right He'll leave a nasty cut Oh, I cry until I just dissolve Come on watch my heart turn to pulp like groupie (groupie-groupie) Groupie Love [A$AP Rocky:] *whistling*
  23. Gawd, Groupie Love ... ew! I mean, it's probably gonna slay but I don't want both A$AP tracks as pre-order bonus when we could get the masterpiece that is Cherry.
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