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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. If the new playlist is legit, I'm so here for the "YAS NEW VERSIONS OF UATW, YCBTB AND SERIAL KILLER ON HM" vs "Mimimimimimi I WANT NEW SOOOOOONGS" fights
  2. Us Against The World, YCBTB and Serial Killer?!? IF this is true I'm gonna be so happy. Maybe we'd also get them released officially then :3 Apart from this I'm thrilled for OTTR and the fact she continues to sing Body Electric and Gods & Monsters
  3. I hope we don't have the UV mess and end up with a cheap video because the actual big budget one isn't released ...
  4. I really want to believe that this means she'll release it soon. But it's Lana, so we just might get the video in december x_x or never
  5. I think they mean it's a difference between stating your opinion and bashing something to the ground and acting like your personalopinion is a fact. Some members here love to do this. But I agree, Lanas behaviour is more than unpleasant since UV. Cancelling last minute withou even apologising and not giving her fans anything apart the record itself os super weak. And I think all those "Lana needs no promo she just does her thing" fans need to sit down. Promo's not just about sales but about giving your fans something to hear/see. And the way she acts when it comes to LIB is unbearable aswell. I love Lanas music but her diva-allures are annoying as fuck. I'll defend her when so called critics bully her for no reason but if she's critisized for her recent behaviou, people have every right to do so
  6. If it's on Honeymoon, it doesn't mean the rest of the record will sound like this. It's like using Old Money as an indicator for UVs sound. I'd really love to have the song and I would be ok with it being on the record, as long as it's not what the whole record sounds like. But since Ronson seems to be involved, I'm sure we'll get some diversity.
  7. I'll never get why y'all are so concerned about the fonts ...
  8. The trumpets are the best thing about Big Eyes, without them it would have been a superboring song. They are the only "spice" BE really has and add up to the cinematic feeling of the chorus.
  9. Chelsea just released this sneak peek of an ABYSS song called "Iron Moon". Sounds like the song structure is a little bit more classic compared to the stuff on her previous records, even though it's definitly something special ... Seems like she went for a more raw, industrial sound this time. (also fits the sound of the instagram snippet she posted a while ago)
  10. OMG calm down. It's a soundtrack song, so it's not meant to be super original but to be atmospheric and fit the movie. Same thing with the Big Eyes songs. The only soundtrack contribution of her that could pass as a standalone track is Y&B, but I guiess one of the reasons for this is that it was originally planned for Paradise. The lyrics of Big Eyes and ICF were boring as f*ck aswell. It seemed like Lana slept through the whole movie and only awoke during a scene where Margaret is painting in the garden during summertime. The only innovative thing was that these songs had the topic of not being dependent of a man, but this was due to the movie and not because Lana's style evolved. I think it sound beautiful and definitly better than the overhyped I Can Fly
  11. She's so pathetic. Attention craving at it's best. And the justifications of her are all so .. meh. I mean, you COULD critisize Lana for different things. But the way she does it shows that she's just fishing for some relevance.
  12. I hope we'll get results this time. Excited on how this will turn out
  13. Well, you could her "Hollywood" in the Background during some other stream and I think people even said she did Savages. If this is true and Coachella decided to stream HTBAH and Radioactive instead, I'm really really mad.
  14. http://www.billboard.com/articles/columns/music-festivals/6531557/marina-and-the-diamonds-dishes-on-clean-bandit-collab-coachella So she seemingly already works on a repackaging.
  15. Autobiographical ... nah pls not. In Lana's case, this always meant singing about men. I don#t mind love songs, since it's one of her trademarks, but pls no "autobigraphical" stuff anymore. At least not with the goal of being "autobiographical".
  16. Yeah that's right. Especially BBY and PWYC conveyed such a new idea of her voice ... I hope she does it a little bit more .. consitently this era. Like, for UV we had the Neil krug shoot and the album, both of them were different to what she did before. However, everything else was still very Paradise-ish. The photoshoots, the videos .. all oft his could have happened during BtD/Paradise aswell (of course I'm exaggerating a bit on this part, but you get what I mean).
  17. I don't know .. her poses, the monologues .. and the STW coverart is again very dramatic in such a corny way.
  18. The song is great, but her over-dramatic-ness really reached a new high peek this era ... I love to listen to the songs, but I find it to be super awkward to watch any of the videos.
  19. Born to Die - 17 Off to the Races - 18 Blue Jeans - 17 Video Games - 17 Diet Mtn. Dew - 16 National Anthem - 17 Dark Paradise - 5 Radio - 17 Carmen - 17 Million Dollar Man - 15 Summertime Sadness - 15 This Is What Makes Us Girls - 13 Without You - 15 Lolita - 13 Lucky Ones - 5 Ride - 16 American - 11 Cola - 20 Body Electric - 17 Blue Velvet - 8 Gods & Monsters - 18 Yayo - 18 Bel Air - 19 Burning Desire - 14
  20. At least sonically it's more like .Visually .. hm. Maybe a little bit. I think you are overexaggerating here, there may be similarities but she's not copying.
  21. I'd rather love to see her doing proper TV performances. (not of the likes of the Ride one on Schlag den Raab obviously). I'd also love to hear her varying a song a bit more, like performing an acoustic version etc.
  22. I hope Emile won't ruin this with his stuck-up producing. Don't get me wrong, I love what he did with BtD (apart from LO and Lolita, for which I would still love to slap him in the face) but other projects he produced and his own album prove that he seems to only be capable of doing one sound ... I'm excited to see how the Ronson collab will turn out, and I hope for Rick Nowels to return ...
  23. Yeah, of course it looks funny and it's fitting the rest of the video. But still, I'd prefer the look I described over this..
  24. Her facial expression while she sits on the ice throne ... hilalrious. I agree, the CGI wasn't really meant to be realistic anyway, but there is still nothing interesting about this video. It's a very literal take on the ice princess theme, without being very phenomenal or original in any way, however there are some cringeworthy parts in this video. I also would have preferred her to have a white-ballerina-ice-princess look, similar to the black one on the promoshoots for BWET, instead of this armor, CGI hair and a "white-face".
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