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Thunder Revenant

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Everything posted by Thunder Revenant

  1. Cruel World - 8 Shades of Cool - 11 Brooklyn Baby - 10 West Coast - 12 Sad Girl - 8 Pretty When You Cry - 9 Old Money - 10 Black Beauty - 4 Like, srsly guys? Is This Happiness - 8
  2. Cruel World - 8 Shades of Cool - 10 Brooklyn Baby - 10 West Coast - 11 Sad Girl - 9 Pretty When You Cry - 9 Old Money - 9 Black Beauty - 6 Is This Happiness - 8
  3. Oh, it's my fav and one of the many reasons for this is the opening line Apart from this, the way she sings, the feeling of the chorus, the way the instrumental is composed --- just everything about the song is wonderful. Florida Kilos is wonderful, I guess it is so underrated because it really didn't fit UV. It felt thrown in and because of this it wasn't something that could promot ethe record (even though it would have made an amazing single). Brooklyn Baby is very good, but I can somehow get how some people don't like it too much, the verses appear veeery long and the end could be considered a bit messy. Still, it's a very good song and I really like it. Summertime Sadness was just played faar too often for me to still consider it special. I like it, but it's not a song I need to listen to very often ... And American .. hm. It's beautiful, but for me it always feels a bit dull and fake after a while. It was wonderful live tho ...
  4. I hope the new record will be full of Off To The Races, Florida Kilos and You Can Be The Boss-es
  5. Cruel World - 9 How is this repetitive mess still here, when so many of the good songs are gone? Shades of Cool - 10 Brooklyn Baby - 11 West Coast - 10 Sad Girl - 9 Pretty When You Cry - 9 Old Money - 8 Black Beauty - 6 Is This Happiness - 8
  6. Cruel World - 2 Ultraviolence - 3 Shades of Cool - 6 Brooklyn Baby - 6 West Coast - 8 Sad Girl - 10 Pretty When You Cry - 6 Money Power Glory - 6 Fucked My Way Up to the Top - 5 Old Money - 6 The Other Woman - 5 Black Beauty - 5 Florida Kilos - 5 Is This Happiness - 5 Flipside - 3
  7. Cruel World - 3 Ultraviolence - 3 Shades of Cool - 6 Brooklyn Baby - 6 West Coast - 8 Sad Girl - 10 Pretty When You Cry - 6 Money Power Glory - 5 Fucked My Way Up to the Top - 5 Old Money - 6 The Other Woman - 5 Black Beauty - 5 Florida Kilos - 5 Is This Happiness - 5 Flipside - 3
  8. Cruel World - 4 Ultraviolence - 3 Shades of Cool - 6 Brooklyn Baby - 6 West Coast - 8 Sad Girl - 10 Pretty When You Cry - 6 Money Power Glory - 4 Fucked My Way Up to the Top - 5 Old Money - 6 The Other Woman - 5 Black Beauty - 5 Florida Kilos - 5 Is This Happiness - 5 Flipside - 3
  9. Cruel World - 5 Ultraviolence - 2 Shades of Cool - 6 Brooklyn Baby - 6 West Coast - 8 Sad Girl - 9 Pretty When You Cry - 6 Money Power Glory - 4 Fucked My Way Up to the Top - 5 Old Money - 5 The Other Woman - 5 Black Beauty - 6 Florida Kilos - 4 Is This Happiness - 5 Flipside - 5
  10. Cruel World - 5 Ultraviolence - 3 Shades of Cool - 6 Brooklyn Baby - 6 West Coast - 8 Sad Girl - 8 Pretty When You Cry - 6 Money Power Glory - 3 Fucked My Way Up to the Top - 5 Old Money - 5 The Other Woman - 5 Black Beauty - 6 Florida Kilos - 5 Is This Happiness - 5 Flipside - 5
  11. She gave birth to half of her fanbase. "Coal to diamonds" and stuff ...
  12. Yeah, because as a fan, it's normal to not care about interesting TV/Radio performances, music videos or any kind of promotion No one wants her to have a bad time and of course she is just a human being and has the right to cancel a show if she's not feeling well. But cancelling a show twice last minute and not even excusing to all of the fans that have looked foreward to this is, aswell as putting out a reord and then do not really anything with the music is something you can critisice on a fansite. Because as a fan, I love her for her music and also want to see her performing it, putting it into music videos, promote it on the TV and radio. Not because i care for sales, but because promo means I get something to see/hear from my all-time-favourite artist. And as I am a fan and not a friend of her, this upsets me, even if I can understand she is not a music-selling robot and want her to be happy. So put your over-the-top idolisation down a bit and stop lashing out at people who aren't practicing it your way. Worrying about someone is the one thing, many of us did. But don't get carried away, in the end we are all just fans and not her best friend. Apart from this .. there are people on here who I really would question on why they are on a Lana fansite, but HEARTCORE is definitly none of them.
  13. The cover ... hm. Too much going on. She herself is looking good (face, boobs, makeup, hairstyle) but this dominant background, the two prominent but yet different font are a no go with this dress (which is a mess by itself in my opinion). She said it would be a dark, glittery ballroom ballad. let's see how it turns out.
  14. Awkward pictures, but hey, it's her private life, I also wouldn't want to run around all-dressed up all the time.
  15. To keep the UV feeling, the Vote has been cancelled
  16. There is a difference between having a private life and cancelling dates for concerts and tv performances your fans, the people who are financing your fun, have paid for and/or are looking foreward to.
  17. I want a more diversive tour, so I added "multiple options" for some songs, because I think it would be interesting if she switched around in her playlist a little more. Ultraviolence (longer intro, maybe with some E-guitar strings, like they did it with the Cola intro) Money Power Glory (I could imagine it as an early-concert-highlight like Body Electric) Shades Of Cool West Coast Gods And Monsters/ Cola (without the "audience-diving")/ Body Electric Summertime Sadness/ Blue Jeans Heart Shaped Box/ National Anthem (without the "audience-diving") Florida Kilos Born To Die/ Pretty When You Cry Old Money/ Ride Brooklyn Baby Black Beauty The Other Woman/ Fucked My Way Up To The Top Video Games Flipside
  18. Florida Kilos and Flipside need to happen live.
  19. Looking foreward to Immortal, but I am a bit disappointed that we get 2 ballads in a row, when the album is supposed to have this rainbow-disco feeling.
  20. I thought these last ones were just soundtrack songs that sampled the song ...
  21. 4? The "normal" one, the orchestral cut and the demo. What are you hiding from us?
  22. You mean the one who said he just saw pictures/videos of her and she should really just stick to singing? I mean like, how does this NOT appear to you as an insult? xD Well, I think she was right. Even though she acted weird, I am quite sure she is righ when she says it was his intention to make her look bad in the first place, no matter WHAT she would have said. The problem is, she really gave him a gem of a headline to work with.
  23. When has she ever replied to an innocent constructive criticism? The "impatient" girl was equally unpolite as Lana, people dissing her because of how she looks aren't constructive and polite either and the one parody she raged about was arguably not meant to be a parody, it was just mimicking and ridiculing her with a strange voice. I mean, you can argue about wether she should give a f*ck about stuff like this, but it's not as if the other persons would have approached her with less bitter and resentful words. And about the journalist: I guess both of them are to blame. Lanz acted stupid and over-dramatically. But looking at most of the (american) interwiev-potraits of her, it can be assumed he really wanted to portrait her in a certain way. Just because someone is a journalist and this means he has to be critic, doesn't mean you have to portrait someone the way the "mainstream" wants to see the person. And this is what many journalists do with Lana, so I doubt he is very innocent.
  24. Thunder Revenant

    Song vs. Song

    You Can Be The Boss vs National Anthem
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