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  1. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Bing Bong Zoo actually slaps tho. HIAB could never!
    Her face honestly hasn't changed that much. Just put some black hair dye on her with some thick eyeliner and she's good to go!
  2. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Make me your Dream Life in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Ok sorry. But this has just come to my attention.
    LEEGIT an animated character releasing a record before sis does
  3. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by MoreCruelThanYou in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    U gays what if the lyrics really are real and sis is coming out as a white supremacist.... and i oop! it will be ourrrrr Hillsong, I’m surprised there wasnt a homophobic slur tbh
  4. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by MoreCruelThanYou in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I still think its fake, but just playing devil's advocate here think how some of Lana's songs look when the lyrics are just written out.
    He loved guns and roses
    guns and roses
    he loved guns and roses
    he loved guns
    and roses
    or i'm a sad girl 
    i'm a sad girl 
    i'm a sad girl
    i'm a mad girl 
    i'm a bad girl 
    i'm a bad girl
    watch what you say to me careful who you're talkin to
    watch what you say to me careful who you're talkin to
    i'm on fire baby
    i'm on fire
  5. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Elle in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Sorry about the outage everyone! Always let me know if something is wrong with the site ASAP so I can get on top of it xx
  6. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by MoreCruelThanYou in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Praise Elle for opening back up the gates to hell 
  7. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Flowerbomb in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    how is this actually better than the original cover?
  8. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by movebaby in movebaby's knockoffs and offshots of RormanNockwell's stick figure art   
    attempt numero uno at gucci guilty:

  9. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by BeautifulAnywhere in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    It’s confirmed @@recklessdaughter is a dumb bih! I wouldn’t even be surprised if they were Lana with how defensive they’ve gotten. Anyways, let this be the last time anyone has to mention this, but the reason we’re bugging out is because Lana can’t keep her lips shut when she needs too & can’t open them when she should. Last September she released MAC & VB & said the album was coming at the top of the year! She also has teased countless snippets from the album. Everyone was pretty fine if you noticed! Although when Hope came & went it was clear she lied to us again! On top of this, she made no move to clear this up! We all expected it to come at least by the end of March! On a livestream in December she said the album was done & mastered! Yet, there was basically no news until Doin Time came out! Mind you, she was adamant on the poetry book, but even then we didn’t have much of anything, but hypotheses we could create around the information we got from her! Then we found out she added 2 new songs to the album! If these songs were the ones she played at the cotillion event then it still makes no sense as to why it took so long. They were already done! Hopefully, it’s 2 whole new songs, because the meltdowns that would come Anyways, you can’t expect the fans to be happy when she lied about the release date & glided us with info in the beginning then went radio silent. You get accustomed to situations based on your previous experience. So the lying, well it was no surprise. If she had all this time meant the top of the year being August/September she should’ve clarified that from the beginning, because almost none of us think like that. For the past few months even her general fans have been begging for the album or album news. On top of that, she chose to continually say nothing about the status of the album. The biggest news we gotten was the concert one about the release date! Then she even changed that from “2 months” to a “few months”. I mean, we’re happy we know it’s coming, but frankly her idea of instagram promo is horse shit. I’m happy she has so much control, but sometimes the label needs to give her that outline for the album release. From a business standpoint, it’s literally fucking ridiculous. The smart thing would’ve been to give some news about why it’s taking forever, but has she? No, she’s been quite mute about all of this. Comparing this situation is like having a lover, & they say you can expect a trip in 2 months! They say to get time off & be ready to pack for a summer trip. So, you get time off & buy summer clothes & pack. When the week you’re meant to go comes, you find out you’re not even going. When you try to get answers, they avoid it & avoid every attempt to rectify & clear up the situation. You’re like wtf! Say, you don’t have as much money & you had to go into your budget to buy summer clothes & it was a risk getting time off! It’s just like a slap to the face! A year passes by with a couple of arguments! Suddenly, you’re going on vacation this summer, & some clothes don’t fit! Instead of going in June or July, it’s in August! Yet, you love him so you still go. While not as intense, she’s been leading us on with literal bread crumbs for a whole year. What we need at the end of the day is clarity & we have a right to be mad or annoyed at her. We understand she wants to have fun & that she isnt a music machine! We’re fine with that, but at least have the balls to be clear that the expectations you gave us aren’t going to happen. If not, you’re asking for what these past few months have been.
  10. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by MoreCruelThanYou in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Okay i’m just going to say this once and then never again bc I’m actually bored to tears of this argument. But most of us work 9-5 jobs, some of us white collar, some of us might even have menial jobs. Idk maybe there’s like 1 or 2 ppl on here who make $300k+ a year (if u do though wtf are you doing on here) I mean not to make assumptions about anybody but yea I think its safe to assume none of us are millionaire popstars. If i am late to my job, if I take vacation just bc, if I DONT DO my job, miss deadlines, tease my customers about how my work is “coming soon” then never actually give it to them, and treat my profession overall as if its some kind of joke?? Yeah, I’m going to get fired in like two seconds flat bc I would be a business liability and it is allaround just rude and privileged af to take my source of income for granted. Now im not saying Im mad we dont have the album, im not saying Lana owes us anything. Im GENUINELY not. I dont think thats what this thread is or should be about (complaining about Lana’s work ethic) but just by GENERAL HUMAN LOGIC in what world does it make sense to make special exceptions and excuses for Lana who, at the end of the day is just a normal person who has a job just like all of us. You who say “Lana doesnt owe us anything” and defend her are actually the ones feeding into an UNHEALTHY and BS double standard stan culture that I refuse to be a part of. Ms Del rey must be held accountable for her actions, same as everyone else. And thats that on that
  11. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Cacciatore in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Growing distant from an artist who wasn't released stuff in a while and doesn't try to mantain a good communication channel with their fans it's a very normal thing actually.
  12. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by movebaby in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    trying to police other people's feelings is kinda sad
  13. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by necessary sacrifice in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    When I’m alone, I always sing Lana’s songs with really weird dramatic vocals (think snl) and my cats aren’t even phased anymore. They love when I add their names into songs though. Whenever I play albums, Lana ones or otherwise, me and my husband sing to my cats with their names added into the songs and my eldest cat (Finky) has gotten so used to it, she’ll come into the room when she hears a song we sing her start. My husband only ever sings Summertime Sadness as Finkytime Sadness now and during Yayo he always sings “let me put on a show for you Finky”. Tbh half the excitement of a new album is us slowing adding my cats names into every song even in places that make no sense. That’s usually how my husband learns Lana’s lyrics lol.
  14. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Doll Harlow in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    ok as a crazy cat lover, this is a mood
  15. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    i like to sing coachella to my rat
  16. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by CmonDownToFL in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Omg finally someone brought up this concept, I like to sing MAC to my bearded dragon
  17. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by necessary sacrifice in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Let’s try something a little different. Which songs off the album do y’all think will be best for singing to/as/about your pets?
    Happiness is a Butterfly definitely suits one of my cats. I’ll probably sing it to her all the time.
    Hope already is already a song I sing to one of my other cats a lot or with him (“hope is a dangerous thing for a kitty like me to have but I have it” haha)
    And I really think Cinnamon will be perfect for singing to my oldest cat.
    I always find it fun repurposing songs for my cats.
  18. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by domandapiano in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    Yeah, it’s usually the 25th time it finally gets into our heads and changes the way we are feeling. Thanx so much guys you’re so helpful Xoxo
  19. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by TheBoss in Norman Fucking Rockwell - Pre-Release Thread   
    I really can't.
    I'm gonna be THAT person, but I think that it really is just the wrong music video for the wrong song.
    Imho the video looks pretty nice, the whole concept was there, that scene where Lana hands her man his glass is incredible. For me is mostly the terrible editing the one that ruins the video and the fact that it scream BAR all over it.
  20. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by movebaby in movebaby's knockoffs and offshots of RormanNockwell's stick figure art   
    as promised...knocker tits
    (probably gonna give it another shot at some point bc i half assed the background and couldn't be bothered to add the thing behind her knee)

  21. moonsdf liked a post in a topic by movebaby in movebaby's knockoffs and offshots of RormanNockwell's stick figure art   
    another vogue cover (never fear, the knocker tits cover will be coming soon):

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