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Everything posted by MafiosiPrincessa

  1. I think she looks so freakin HOT (even with the slightly awkward grinding and hip shaking, it's so Lana!) I actually like the idea of the the clips being played throughout the video-- kind of reminiscent of the charm in her homemade music videos merged with the sulty & classiness of the Lana Del Rey we know today.<3 VERY UNEXPECTED MUSIC VID! when it came up on my TL, I thought it was just the video of when she performed the song live a few months ago. PLEASANT surprise, to say the least. Right in time for Valentine's Day. (wonder if that was intentional..if soo great marketing strategy imo)
  2. the Bel Air music video she posted a while ago has also been set on private. Either she's making a different video for it or maybe she's using it for Great Gatsby?? Usually when she privatizes vids they have either gotten a huge amount of negative feedback (ie. the remixes she posted last yr) or she ends up using the songs for a different project. Remember when she suddenly put the Yayo vid on private and before you know it, it was on Paradise nevermind i was thinking of a dif vid oops!
  3. "D" could possibly be referring to dip AKA dipping tobacco. You're suppose to pack the chewing tobacco under your lip.
  4. I hear "that's when dying is beginning to breath" She'd rather die and, in a sense, 'live another life in death' than settle down.
  5. MafiosiPrincessa


    What a coincidence! I've been sick for the past 2 days so somebody gifted me the first season of this show bc they thought it would make me laugh. I'm gonna watch it later on but I hope it's good!
  6. thanks for the translation! I like the picture they used of her. She looked so effortlessly gorgeous at the Brit awards <3 lmao ok but please tell me at least someone else read this and thought it was a bit odd. why is no one else pointing out the absurd and most likely false statements she's making?? why would a journalist waste their time and more importantly risk their JOB to send an artist hate mail?! i just find this all so laughable bc isnt it usually the other way around-- that the journalists themselves recieve hate mail????? When she has previously mentioned how awful US radio is handled before, that was something I could actually understand as far as Top 40 & such, but this statement about made me blow a blood vessel. lmaooo Even though I do believe her US record label, Interscope (?), could be doing a lot better job at getting her more radio play & increasing the cash she is already making in the US!! Most recently V Magazine, a NYC publication, named Lana's "Ride" as the BEST video of 2012. I mean there are a lot of positive publications out there, the point is she's stuck in the 2011 negativity. get with it guuurll, it's 2013 everybody loves YOU. Props to Zeit for realizing it with this question but leave up to Lana to completely avoid the postive reviews & go blindly right to the hate. >:-( hmm, I think it's cool that she shops at Kmart! trailer fab in real life & a sexy queen on the stage ~~~
  7. "I kissed a girl AND diddled her skittles" ~ katy perry twitter bio, 2009 <3 As oppossed to discovering her music either on youtube or through other artists, I was late to the game & 1st listened to Katy Perry's breakout (and highly controversial) song, "I Kissed A Girl" on the radio. That song was EVERYTWHERE -- so catchy n fun! I never fully got into her album(s) but she was one of the first people I followed on twitter back in 2009 bc I thought she was funny. The only songs I like are "Long Shot", "Thinking of You", & "Ur So Gay" Accourding to Katy on her E! True Hollywood Story, her record company was trying to turn her into the next Avril Lavigne LMAO. Seeing that made sense once you compare the grunge look for the "Long Shot" music video & then the cute/ perky persona surrounding her other songs. I guess I prefer "grunge & dark" Katy even though that was obv against her 'artistic vision' she had for herself.
  8. sigh some of you guys can be so RUDE! I have absolutely no idea why LDR hasnt announced any 2013 Australian dates so far since she sold great all dates she had there this year. Each interview she had after the Australian shows, Lana seemed very happy & touched w/ how nice the people there responded to her. The same goes with Singapore w/ good feedback from both Lana and fans. Now as far as the lack of 2013 shows in the U.S., it's really frustrating that nothing has been announced. Like in Australia, Lana sold out venues & even had tons of people eager to even get a glimpse of her outside of each show. Lines of people all around the buildings, waiting outside in the cold/ rain, ect ect.... I know for damn sure Lana knows of all the loyal fans she has in the US because I spoke to plenty all throughtout her show's in Cali & NYC (some she occasionally still messages </3 ). The demand for Lana is high all around the world, I am fully aware, but the fact that she can so easily disregard a loving fanbase, no matter from what country, is so hurtful to those that have been cheering her on all throughout 2011/ 2012. This grudge she's been holding against American's simply bc of some lousy journalists is awful. She needs to lighten up and realize ALL artists get shitty reviews but what should overshadow that is fans (who would willingly spend some money just to see her ungrateful ass). so much more I'd like to add but drank too much wine earlier tonight at a party that i'm feeling all sorts of emotional and i dk if any of this made sense fml
  9. I pray ur life is sweet you FUCKER, damn you!!!
  10. oh come ON!!!! All these bullshit blogs piss me off. I liked it better when people spent their time posting interesting/ funny things surrounding Lana & other topics. this blog nonsense is kinda ruining everything. can these sad children behind these blogs just gtfo.
  11. I saw these before I went Christmas shopping all this morning & changed my whole damn outfit to wear my leather jacket! I cant believe I havent worn it yet I think she looks HOT & I'm gonna need her to teach me her groupie ways. she's a total badass
  12. MafiosiPrincessa


    ^ how raw it is makes me love it even more though! Always here 4 doped out lana/lizzy. Those raging & almost demonic fame chants throughtout the song get me going
  13. escortnight posted a youtube link but it doesnt show up for me. what was it?
  14. IM GLAMOROUS, FAMOUS, NOTORIOUS, DANGEROUS, BUT YOU'RE CRAZY :airplease: :airplease: :airplease:
  15. omg I'm happy for her! her gown & hunky date were perfect at the Met Gala. I love her glam looks. remember the interview when chuck said she'd kill herself if Lana became a fashion icon, lmao. somebody keep an eye on Chuck
  16. I've been looking through interviews, new and old, and I cant seem to find the particular one where Lana talks about her father writing country songs or lyrics to songs. I believe in this very same interview Lana also mentions how Chuck is a well known/ successful photographer in New York and how her siblings live with her. she might also mention her mom. ugh i hate losing interview links. Can somebody link me to this interview again? pleaseeee
  17. I like this shoot. The cover might be a bit weird with how her hands are placed but it's nice to see a shoot where Lana doesn't look plastic or deformed with overdone photoshop. I wish the photographers would give her better direction when she models so she won't look as stiff. The second pic reminds me of her H&M shoot where she's holding her ponytails-- cute.
  18. "Us Against The World and Crooked Cop coming up!" gahhh im excited. i just wish all this drama didnt come up with these leaks :/
  19. she is fearlesss!!!! regina tweeted this earlier ~ I think she's in Australia Respekt
  20. this is fun! 8) not taking anything this person says as the truth but it is very entertaining!!
  21. I just noticed that the last login for her myspace.com/surfnoir is 10/26/12! I wonder what made her log back in on this particular myspace account & not the rest (where the last login is shown to be in 2009)
  22. This is what I hear.....not so sure about the southern gate part but I completely hear "sick as fuck"
  23. I feel tricked :'( Where was the other song?
  24. it was so funny because in the beginning of the show when the camera moved to each artist while music was playing, each artist looked to be dancing along (or at least bobbing their head to the beat) but when it got to Lana she was all the way in the back...almost like she was hiding. her little awkward self :love:
  25. MafiosiPrincessa


    I'm actually surprised with some of these responses. I honestly think it is creepy how Lana calls her bfs daddy .If I remember correctly from the interview I believe lolitahey is referring to, even Lana admits to her “daddy” habit being a bit odd. It doesnt make sense to me why anybody would want to address someone they are attracted to sexually in a way that is synonymous with "father"--- if anything, that's the LAST IMAGE I would want to have when f*ck*** or simply flirting with someone. The same goes with "papi"-- very much cringe-worthy stuff. Now I don’t know why this always feels like an awkward confession but I have always called my father "daddy" when talking to him or when he’s mentioned in conversations with my younger siblings. I switch from “daddy” to “dad” all the time. “Daddy” just so happens to be something that was common when growing up. Also, it just seems like a loving way to address my father sometimes. I’ve grown up in a very happy family (which I’m very thankful for) & have never had any horrible disasters happen that others commonly experience these days. There’s always that affectionate relationship going on even though I’m older. "Father", as others have said, seems too cold and calling him by his actual name feels too grown up(?) or just plain rude --i dk, it’s like overstepping that respectful manner I was raised to give my parents. When I'm talking about my father to others, however, I do refer to him as "dad" since that's most common. Bottom line is that pet names in general confuse me & Im not a big fan of them either. I wonder why it’s normal for me, and others, to call their lover “baby” but not “daddy” or “mama” ect. because couldn’t the same argument be made with that? Sexualizing something that shouldn’t be… hmm my head is spinning with self-contradiction. Y IS LIFE CONFUSING?
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