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Swan Song

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  1. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    lana already has enough twinks sabotaging her career
  2. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by delreyfreak in Exposing @China.Palace   
    Hey everyone, so as you probably know, there has been a user on Instagram named @china.palace that has been pretending to be a Lana insider. Well, good news... a user by the name of @honeydelgrant finally found the person who owns the account. His name is @ Jorge.Marques
    He has denied that he is the user, but it's blatantly obvious he is the same person! @honeydelgrant easily proved it... 

    He posted a video to his personal Instagram scrolling through his YouTube history, which included every video he has ever posted on his account!! That video is now deleted but @honeydelgrant recorded it.
    He also created a vk.com/chinapalace page linked to his Instagram, and his details show that he is from PORTUGAL... so there is no way he is a Lana insider!

    He even writes the exact same as China does...

    He also keeps denying that he is China but he has never been able to justify why he is not China. In fact, if he wasn't China he wouldn't even know what is going on, but instead, in some posts he knows exactly what is going on, while in others he pretends he is confused. Someone who legitimately wasn't China would NOT respond in the way he does. Everything about his responses seems suspicious.
    Here are just some of the ways he replied, which in my opinion, indicate he is definitely China...
    Also, in this one, he has hinted that there are two others who run the account as well. Neither I nor @honeydelgrant said anything about people named "Nathan" or "Gabriel", yet he just spat out their names, which shows he knows something we don't, so he must be China!

    Now I know you might be annoyed I made this thread, because most of us have known China was a fraud since the start, but now that we have hard proof that the account is run by a deceitful fan, we can expose the facts and stop people from falling from the trap of believing the account is run by Lana or a friend. The sad reality is that if you go to any of China's posts, there are still soooo many people asking for songs, for info, and so on. And china still has thousands of followers that believe him. 
    Please help me expose China for the fraud he is. Share the news! This must end!
  3. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Chelsea hotel no 2 is by far her best cover. Also goodbye kiss is beautiful
  4. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by lmdr in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Us Against the World is her best unreleased
  5. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by pawn shop blues in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I think the Freak girls get very close to ruining the music video. Actually, they kind of do. The concept, after all, is about being in an exciting but ultimately deadly cult and there's very little they do that shows they understand that is the role they are supposed to be playing. Their vibe/look/acting is just completely wrong and feels much more modern LA girl than something that would fit within the context of the video. One of the girls in particular keeps looking at the camera excitedly like literally every 3 seconds as if she can't get over the fact that she's in a big budget LDR video and that degree of self-awareness is really distracting. 
    It just sucks because I really like the concept they were going for and Lana and FJM both played it well, but if they had just made some adjustments (/recast the girls) and looked more mysterious, subdued, hypnotized, slightly afraid--something to signal they were in the middle of a tragic cult, it would have brought the video more to life and furthered the vision, as opposed to coming off as Lana/Chuck's friends crashing the set one day. 
    God I'm so bitter sorry. 
  6. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Green Light got discounted right after Love 

  7. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Why didn't she put the release date in the trailer 

  8. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by cherriesinthespring in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Well there was this from feb 1  
    So sounds like they're friends. Doubt they'd collab again but I'd die if they would finish and release Ridin
  9. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by analwinterofmylife in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    john lennons son, and the weeknd are nobodies?  
  10. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by latothemoon in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    All of Lana's albums are currently charting on the US Alternative iTunes charts
    Born to Die - #54
    Honeymoon - #61
    Ultraviolence - #67
    Paradise - #127
    Also Love is #105 on song charts and #7 on alternative song charts
  11. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Vintage Kid in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    Well here we can see Lana disappearing for another month

  12. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by awaylikejfk in Lust For Life - Pre-Release Thread   
    "Hollywood" would fit this album so well
  13. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Elle in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   

    The video reminds me a lot of The Haunted Mansion or Tower of Terror rides at Disney World. Also, my roommate watched the video and said "Awh. She is everybody's mom."
    Also, I decided now would be a good time to make a new thread for discussion, or else this one will get a little haphazard. Here.
  14. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    When she wrote the L on the chalkboard          Such a throwback to those of her old videos where she'd use the stock footage as the intro

  15. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by LanaBoynana in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    And an Iggy Pop album title. She is setting the bar high! David Bowie produced Lust For Life, sadly he is not available!
  16. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Icecream Icequeen in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    I think the last one is a whisk. Either she's smacking the gays that leaked her songs with that, or it means she's mixing all if the ingredients I guess
  17. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by SuperMegaStan in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   

  18. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by surfnoirswing in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    Oh my god who gives a damn whether you like snapchat or not.
    Today is the original date for the release of LOVE so they probably had this planned for weeks as the first listen of the song and this type of promo has been used by a lot of very big artists.
    We're also probably getting an interview very soon and the "real" promo is possibly now gonna start since Lana and her team are following the original schedule despite a rushed release. I'm guessing a few radio interviews and maybe even a magazine spread/cover (remember she followed Marie Claire and Harper's Bazaar)
  19. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    this is great promo because EVERYONE who uses snapchat (158 million people) will hear Love when they use the filter.
    way better than tumblr or instagram promo since you'd only know about her if you followed her. you don't even need to follow lana to see the filter and hear her song. brilliant
  20. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by terusama in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
  21. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by Terrence Loves Me in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    There should be a nightclub that only plays Lana Del Rey songs including all her unreleased music. And on special occasions they play like a 20 second sneak peak of a new leaked song. At the bar they only sell jack daniels whiskey and diet mountain dew. There's a courtyard smoking area where you can moon bathe. A bookshelf full of bibles with important stand-out Lana lyrics and a description to what each line means. Also there could be a tiny stall titled "my favorite tone of song" with a collection of blue nail polishes. Free flower crowns as you enter. Dress code is anything BUT current. You either come dressed as a vintage queen or a space martian.
    A listening booth titled 'Eclipse is over' where you have to pay like 50 dollars to hear a full new EXCLUSIVE leaked track on your own. NO PHONES ALLOWED. Maybe the ceiling could have either a Love inspired space theme going on decorated with planets etc, or the cathedral ceiling from the Born To Die video. Lana would occasionally visit but most likely never. And if she does, she's bound to make a live stream of some sort.
    There could be certain nights dedicated to each album. Monday night is May's ICONIC folk music. Tuesday nights is A.K.A. Wednesday nights is Paradise, Thursday nights is Ultraviolence. Friday nights is unreleased BOPS (most likely the busiest night) Saturday nights is Born to Die. And Sunday nights is Honeymoon, as it's a day or rest. I know this is way too far fetched but IMAGINE how fuking great this would be. Would be a nice place to get away from all the other generic night clubs and escape to a land of paradise where all the messy lana stans can be shady face to face.
    Also Elle get's in for free.
  22. Swan Song liked a post in a topic by SuperMegaStan in LDR5 - Pre-Release Thread   
    "i have some exciting news to share with you"
    after a couple of weeks
    tweeted "xo"

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