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Everything posted by yayoop

  1. yayoop

    Katy Perry

    I honestly love the cover and saw the Alt vinyl cover last night, I stupidly waited to preorder it and it’s already sold out I’m gonna wait and see if they reprint or at least somewhere else like UO or something sells it, or I’ll just get the normal one. I love them both tbh Excited to see how the playlist plays out, Resilient is a bop. I liked Energy and it’s sound but I’m happy with her scrapping it
  2. Preordered the vinyl! Oop I’m so excited to get high and listen to it, hopefully in warm weather
  3. yayoop

    Instagram Updates

    RE: the group chat, fucking lol. Lana has always said she doesn’t really care about losing fans and stuff so I doubt she cares about going off on the Insta-accounts. Tbh imagine seeing those messages from fans saying you’re going through a midlife crisis and mentally unwell when you’ve tried to express how you genuinely feel? (Ofc there’s a lot up to debate about it all in the first place and I’m not even touching that convo) but still, that would feel like a slap to the face. It’s like they were trying to be sassy about it and she was just not dealing with it. Especially after everyone on Twitter was already slamming her for it, that’s not too say they should’ve been defending her but what did they expect would happen when she saw the messages? She was literally in the group chat lmao
  4. Legitimate war flashback, I’m dying
  5. I remember putting off watching this movie for so long because I knew it would fuck me up. And so I finally watched it and it indeed fucked me up. The soundtrack is amazing. The direction and cinematography was beautiful. The acting was amazing. I can’t even, the story broke my soul and I was crying in the end credits gah I ended up reading the book as well, it was really good and gave a different kind of perspective to the silent moments in the film but I wasn’t as fucked by it because the ending felt more closed idk it was still really good though, I liked how it was written. Very stream of consciousy~~~. I actually remember when it first came out there was a crowd of people, I had a friend who was one of them, who thought the story was creepy but I didn’t really get that vibe? Anyone else have any thoughts on that? Also “Love my way” by The Psychedelic Furs and “Visions of Gideon” from the soundtrack creator made it onto my current playlist cause they’re such good songs
  6. I've been really into WestCoast lately, go back there bebe (wow I posted that and it's so irrelevant oops) I think Lana should definitely go down the psych-rock vibe for WHF, play with strong structures and just do something ~funkier~
  7. Girl LANA, I hope this is somehow a leadup to your future jazz Christmas album that needs to exist pls
  8. Can anyone think of any unreleased/unleaked songs we know of that they think might make an appearance on WHF? (eg. Yosemite, RosesSomethingForYou?, I Must Be Stupid For Being So Happy)
  9. I’ve been listening to “The Greatest” so much lately. The line “The cultures lit I had a ball, I guess I’m burned out after all” is ringing too close to home these days thanks Lana But also (where’s the book sis)
  10. LANA GOD DAMN, I love you but GIRL I am so over this setlist. It’s the same setlist she does all the time plus 5 NFR songs and maybe a random one-off or something.. it’s not a Norman Fucking Rockwell tour, call it your LA to the World Tour and go with that. It’s actually frustrating at this point
  11. I love being a Lana fan, ofc she would piss off the Furry community
  12. yayoop

    Charli XCX

    I like it? Like bits of 2099 tbh, it felt like a weird mashup of sound (classic Charli) but maybe it'll grow
  13. boi I actually love this I downloaded it off youtube and put it into iTunes and it actually sounds fine? Okay the audio could probably be better, the instrumental is def a lot louder than her vocals but I think Lana's also just doing her casual but deeper whispy witch voice ~for the drama~ and she seems to be singing pretty quietly but i also don't know a lot about sound engineering so I'll just listen to This and wait for "Don't call me angel" to come out
  14. Lana is a PRO surfer guys, you can tell by them fire legs
  15. Why don’t these ship out of the US?? Is Lana trying to give me an anxiety attack?! I JUST WANT THE CINNAMON GURL HOODIE PLS LANA Literally me Rn I am SO STRESSED, especially cause I just spent money and tomorrows payday pls don’t sell out!!
  16. Totally off topic but I every time I imagine “White Hot Summee” I just imagine Lana as the White Crown Phoenix from X-men, oop okay bye
  17. But ALSO she always announces her next albums pretty quickly so I am HYPED I’m glad we’re entering the cesspool of a prerelease thread, the post release thread seemed to clean and positive
  18. Literally just saw the news on Twitter, came here and there’s already a pre-release thread with 7 pages.. sorry NFR this is my home now because WHITE HOT FOREVER is an incredible album name But also Lana you’ve lied to me before so I won’t fully trust you, why do you like to hurt to me?
  19. 9 pages, this feels so fresh and clean I hope everyone who’s listening to NFR is having a beautiful experience
  20. I been workin’ every day 8 to 9 and Serving coke and fries at the movie blue drive in If you want me, you know where to find me “Doin Time” The Unofficial “Meet me in the pale moonlight” music video
  21. UM WOW ITS 223AM HOW RUDE LANA THAT IS THE BEST VIDEO, my fave next to High By the Beach What the fuck is happening She is such a weirdo I love her mind She’s a giant in a movie who came out of the drive in projection to assault her miniselfs cheating boyfriend Iconic Art This is incredible I can’t I’m gone Lana What the fuck Thank you
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