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boom like that

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Everything posted by boom like that

  1. I'll be pleasantly surprised if it even comes out next year
  2. Honeymoon Ultraviolence AKA Ocean Blvd Born To Die/Paradise Lust For Life Blue Banisters Norman Fucking Rockwell Chemtrails
  3. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    I'm so jealous of everyone whos seeing her live this era
  4. I'm actually so excited, ladies, we are about to be SERVED
  5. Just finished my first listen, wow, another classic for the books
  6. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    Both are in my top 3 but I won't lie Everything is romantic remix NEEDS to be the Caroline feat! And not: whatever the fuck this is
  7. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    wooooOOOW this is giving everything that I wanted and exceeded my expectations....its tew good of a concept Makes me so much more excited for the alleged Lorde4 coming this year
  8. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    Love how Apple is becoming a cult classic, iktr!
  9. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    I mean correct me if I'm wrong, its about when Dominix ripped his copy of Buddy's Rendezvous. And that eventually got officially released on streaming anyway. The bonus material on the 7"'s are instrumentals/extras that aren't gonna find their ways onto streaming and won't be distributed again
  10. boom like that

    Tove Lo

    Both Tove and Charli keeping me well fed this pride month, feeling #blessed
  11. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    This album like...
  12. Looks stunning Elle! Crossing my fingers the Honeymoon themes will be available to all as well
  13. Happy birthday to this legend A milestone that doesn't feel real won't lie
  14. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    Still haven't listened to the three new tracks cause I'm waiting to be discharged first planning on playing it on my bus ride home tomorrow. yall hyped me up, v excited
  15. She kinda looks like she'd be one of my English teachers in grade school lmao
  16. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    Spare a True Romance title track? por favor?
  17. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    Oh True Romance the magnum opus that you are
  18. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    I'm still deciding what vinyl to get but I think I like the clear pink splatter best
  19. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    Still don't understand why people care about F*ntano
  20. Idk if I can find it, it was like years ago I think when Lana came to Portland for the NFR tour. I think it was on Reddit but it could've been deleted by now, I would have deleted it I only remember cause I got super jealous not knowing there was even a raffle
  21. This reminds me there was a coffee date with Lana raffle held by a radio station in Portland and the winner during the meet was like recording her and giggling and shit while Lana was telling them to stop recording They posted the clips online too You're so lucky though, I could only ever dream of something like this. Have a great time!
  22. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    Something about that lurid ass green that I'm gonna miss </3
  23. boom like that

    Charli XCX

    Since the deluxe is "brat and its the same but theres three more songs" can we count it as the final addition to the mixtape trilogy?
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