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Everything posted by NikoGo

  1. I looked on that website and don’t see anything relating to the album.
  2. It’s not an odd coincidence, Lana teased one of her most highly sought after unreleased/unleaked songs, of course any account that attempts to be an ‘’’insider’’’ is gonna jump about it
  3. That sparkle jump rope queen site has been locked for MONTHS Yall we aren’t getting anything it’s time to pack it UP
  4. She didn’t get May and March confused, because in the same post she also said she was releasing a couple of singles before Stagecoach which is in April
  5. Y’all are so delusional I’m sorry this woman helped tease tough for two months, the lnk.to going live means nothingggg. Prepare for this to be the most excitement for the next month. also pls don’t believe dragon whore, we’re still waiting for the foggy San Francisco songs that were supposedly tunnel to come
  6. That said, I definitely did just subscribe to this mysterious website with both of my personal email accounts
  7. God Lana’s team is so…. incompetent seems mean to say but randomly uploading COCC songs to Shazam, leaking tunnel’s album name on YouTube videos, making an ocean blvd account and then killing it the second fans found it, and now making this link live. It’s like they don’t know the insanity that is Lipsters
  8. It definitely wasn’t the two remixes. Its the couple of songs we’re getting by stagecoach
  9. happy holidays! she always says “we” about releasing new music because she likes to include her producers
  10. technically it wasn’t Lana explicitly who said it. In the (I think) vogue interview she did, the interviewer ended the article by saying fans wouldn’t have to wait long for new music because there would be two singles out by the end of the year, but she didn’t quote Lana as saying it edit: I was wrong. Lana did say it We simply cannot wait. But good news for diehard fans: Before the record drops, Del Rey promises there will be more singles on the way. You can expect a follow-up to her latest, “Tough” with Quavo, very soon. In Del Rey’s own words: “We have two more coming out by the end of the year!”
  11. NikoGo

    Instagram Updates

    Not the Cajun spice blend. Adjusting to her Louisiana lifestyle it seems
  12. Not me finding out about trash Gaetz on lanabords.com. Wishing he’d fade the consequences of his actions but I already know he won’t even get a slap on the wrist
  13. we haven’t gotten a single official picture of her wedding what makes you think she’d announce her pregnancy
  14. Entering Coachella to a remix of Jealous girl was pretty iconic The vouge video was also really special because I love little looks inside her life like that.
  15. I think it’s pretty obvious by her insta post that the two singles releasing got delayed to fit better with Stagecoach. When she did that interview and announced the two singles out before the end of the year she probably thought the album would be out before stagecoach
  16. that’s what happens when you let anyone and everyone be an ‘insider’ With her knowing the album isn’t out until at least May (because let’s be real it’ll be a June/July release) I’m perfectly fine with coasting though the next couple of months with no new songs/info. If we were to get a song this month, we’d be waiting at least 5 months for the album and that would drag. a good rollout would be single February Single April the week before stagecoach album May(ish) a nice two month break in between everything to keep the hype up a little. Regardless she’s just going to drop the song and then dip
  17. NikoGo


    I don’t usually follow SZA but is this normal the Nicki print for sure
  18. Thank you to both @Veinsineon and @Dark Angel for the shout outs
  19. Nominate NikoGo for peacekeeper! also keep nominating yourselves so I know who to vote for I also nominate @Embach for lipster and nicest member @Mer for status updates
  20. lanaboards being shocked that the half baked acoustic songs aren't going to be bombastic is peak behavior. Henry is probably going to be the perfect lead single for this album, and a lot of fans are going to hate the album (not me I love Lana and light guitar) No. The “goddamn man child u fucked me so good” line is iconic but half of the song is her saying “blue” and I’ve always found it lyrically weak. Especially when MAC (which I think is one of her best written songs) follows it
  21. everyone’s so creative! I hope the intro track is as country as it can possibly be. I wanna hear her yodel, I want to hear banjos, fiddles, and I want to hear her say “yee haw!”
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