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About Smoqueed

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  1. This is absolutely appalling and astonishing! The President of the USA proposing that Palestinians are ethnically cleansed from their homeland so America can turn Gaza into an international travel resort! “The US will take over the Gaza Strip and we will do a job with it too- we’ll own it”. What on earth is Trump talking about! America has no legal claim to the territory and any attempt to forcefully evict the population would obviously be a violation of international law. Three quarters of UN members recognise Gaza as part of the sovereign state of Palestine. Trump’s bullish rhetoric is not only provocative and inflammatory; it is incredibly dangerous. Let’s not be naive though, like most of the wars and regime changes in the Middle East; USA wants the oil and the administration simply do not care what affect it has on people’s lives. Sending peace and love.
  2. An administration full of neocon warmongers totally devoted to Israel!… strap in!
  3. That’s kinda the point; it doesn’t matter which side is in office, or who is president. America will always support and enable Israel. Should the unthinkable happen and America requires military recruitment, then the point I’m making is that Trump would appeal more to the gun happy youth of America (a generalisation I know), and get them to sign up. And if things go sideways then who better to blame than Trump. Israel will certainly not stop. They are emboldened, and literally have a blank cheque to continue the genocide and expansion. Sending peace and love.
  4. That’s correct; well put though Mr Carlin’s logic was however completely sound in my opinion, and he was bang on with his first reason.
  5. The long term geopolitical plan for the Middle East has been in motion for years. That is why each American president donates more and more billions of dollars with each succession to Israel. That is why the territories that oppose, and can’t defend themselves; or don’t have outside support, have found themselves carved up and controlled. That is why the more robust territories that oppose and can’t be controlled, are demonised. This is why Saddam Hussein was removed (he stopped playing ball with his CIA handlers). Same with Muammar Gaddafi (he was actively distancing Libya from Western economic subservience). This is why there was an attempt to remove Bashar al-Assad; until Russia (arguably for their own self serving reasons) stepped in! Iran is however the ultimate thorn in the side of the long term goals in the Middle East. Goals which have two primary objectives- oil (and resources in general). And the smiting of poor old Israel’s (self made) enemies. This is why Trump was (s)elected. The deep state require a charismatic (like it or not!) and popular president, in order to boost military support for a seemingly inevitable war with Iran. Harris just doesn’t have the same appeal. The anti-Iranian narrative is getting more traction by the day. I understand that an apparent assassination attempt on Trump; of course, by an Iranian asset, was recently thwarted! Watch this space as the anti-Iranian (and Russian/Chinese) rhetoric gathers pace, and the Wests’ “enemies” are created for us on MSM! Sorry to be all doom and gloom! Sending peace and love.
  6. I’m confident that Israel will be found guilty in any and all cases the ICJ brings against it. Sadly this is years away and will be too late in terms of all the lives lost and lands stolen. Sending peace and love.
  7. Or….. to quote George Carlin “For myself, I have solved this political dilemma in a very direct way. On Election Day, I stay home. Two reasons: first of all, voting is meaningless; this country was bought and paid for a long time ago. That empty shit they shuffle around and repackage every four years doesn’t mean a thing. Second, I don’t vote, because I firmly believe that if you vote, you have no right to complain. I know some people like to twist that around and say, ‘If you don’t vote, you have no right to complain.’ But where’s the logic in that? Think it through: If you vote, and you elect dishonest, incompetent politicians, and they screw things up, then you’re responsible for what they’ve done. You voted them in. You caused the problem. You have no right to complain. I, on the other hand, who did not vote—who, in fact, did not even leave the house on Election Day—am in no way responsible for what these politicians have done and have every right to complain about the mess you created. Which I had nothing to do with. Why can’t people see that?”
  8. The below is the conclusion of a recent UN report titled ‘Situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territories occupied since 1967’ Another key document for the ICJ Genocide case against Israel. https://documents.un.org/doc/undoc/gen/n24/279/68/pdf/n2427968.pdf Sending peace and love. Conclusion: The Gaza genocide is a tragedy foretold, and one that risks expanding to other Palestinians under Israeli rule. Since its establishment, Israel has treated the occupied people as a hated encumbrance and threat to be eradicated, subjecting millions of Palestinians, for generations, to everyday indignities, mass killing, mass incarceration, forced displacement, racial segregation and apartheid. Advancing its goal of "Greater Israel" threatens to erase the Indigenous Palestinian population. Obscured by false Israeli narratives of a war waged in "self-defence", the genocidal conduct of Israel must be viewed within a broader context, as numerous actions (totality of conduct) jointly targeting the Palestinians as such (totality of a people) across the entire territory where they reside (totality of the land), in furtherance of the political ambitions of Israel for sovereignty over the whole of former Mandatory Palestine. Today, the genocide of the Palestinians appears to be the means to an end: the complete removal or eradication of Palestinians from the land so integral to their identity, and which is illegally and openly coveted by Israel. Statements and actions by Israeli leaders reflect a genocidal intent and conduct; they have often used the Biblical story of Amalek to justify the extermination of “the Gazans", erasing Gaza and violently displacing Palestinians, thereby casting Palestinians as a whole as legitimate targets. Individuals clearly identifiable as perpetrators should be prosecuted. However, it is the entire State apparatus that has engineered, articulated and executed genocidal violence, through acts which in their totality may lead to the destruction of the Palestinian people. This must stop; urgent action is required to ensure the full application of the Genocide Convention and full protection of the Palestinians. This ongoing genocide is doubtlessly the consequence of the exceptional status and protracted impunity that has been afforded to Israel. Israel has systematically and flagrantly violated international law, including Security Council resolutions and ICJ orders. This has emboldened the hubris of Israel and its defiance of international law. As the ICC Prosecutor has warned, "if we do not demonstrate our willingness to apply the law equally, if it is seen as applied selectively, we will be creating the conditions of its complete collapse. This is the true risk we face at this perilous moment”. As the world watches the first live-streamed settler-colonial genocide, only justice can heal the wounds that political expedience has allowed to fester. The devastation of so many lives is an outrage to humanity and all that international law stands for.
  9. There are literally no red lines for Israel. None. Read the UN’s Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem and Israel; and see for yourselves! Any single one of these atrocities would be wholly condemned if committed by any other country. This will be a key document for the ICJ Genocide case against Israel. https://documents.un.org/doc/undoc/gen/n24/262/79/pdf/n2426279.pdf Sending peace and love.
  10. Damn! The luckiest man alive sure is getting a hard time here! Y’all just jealous, let her be happy.
  11. Israel is clearly escalating to goad Iran (and the entire Axis of Resistance) into an all out war. They have Western nations ready and waiting to ‘defend’ them. Eradicating the Axis remains Israel’s ultimate goal. Sending peace and love.
  12. https://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2024-09-20/proof-israel-atrocities-reported/
  13. This is the definition of terrorism! Israel’s complete disregard for innocent lives caught up in these terrorist acts is sadly unsurprising. They’ve also carried out air strikes on Southern Lebanon, further compounding the fragility of the area. The reality is that they want war; all while claiming to be the victim. History will judge the aggressors and supporters! Sending peace and love to our brothers and sisters in Lebanon, Gaza and Syria.
  14. It’s a start I suppose! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd05pk95j2xo
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