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Everything posted by urgirl

  1. the only lana songs I have overwhelming negative feelings about are Put Me in a Movie and Lolita. And in my moralist opinion there's really no justification for bopping to the lyric "come on u know you like little girls"
  2. urgirl

    Lady Gaga

    I really hope Chromatica is as spiritual as she's been alluding to
  3. on the left side of the cover there is a thin black line, like a border, that isn't on any other side
  4. In my mind this is the quintessential Lana album. I’m so shocked and horrified that Paradise has somehow become her most underrated by fans
  5. May Jailer era is Lana's most mature and intelligent work despite being her earliest
  6. urgirl

    Lady Gaga

    Is there really going to be an Ariana collab ? The thought of that scares me....
  7. thank u for answering I'm glad its not really a VIP entrance
  8. does this mean there is a VIP entrance for celebs? for a church?!? what the hell there is no VIP before God...
  9. she posted a photo with part of her poem “happy” Poetry album is on her mind:) I am really anxiously waiting for this album
  10. urgirl

    Lady Gaga

    no one can deny she looks amazing, hair BODY face
  11. Woah looks so good, pure, natural, glowy, beautiful — like an angel !
  12. emile is amazing, he just gets it, but rick is sexy as fuck so he is king in my eyes case closed
  13. we don't know what happened (at least I don't) but he tweeted this stuff and many think its about lana https://imgur.com/RrLXY
  14. Is there any reason to suspect he won’t be involved on this album? I love him, I don’t want this to be true:(
  15. why'd she send in an acceptance video if she was at the ceremony?
  16. urgirl


    EXPERIMENT ON ME>>>>>>>>>> if this song and nightmare is what manic was gonna sound like before her label stepped in... unforgivable I really feel like she could find her own unique new and amazing niche in this harder kind of music !!
  17. Anna Karenina- Tolstoy AMAZING...! Still reading but I'm in love with the character Levin, like really really really in love lol. I wish I could marry a man like him, so perfect Either/Or - Kierkegaard I'd also like to marry a man like Kierkegaard... Alice's Adventures in Wonderland- Lewis Carroll I hope when I'm in heaven I will have an experience like Alice does in wonderland
  18. My issue is Love sounds like if Lana has to make a Disney channel theme song
  19. "now that he's gone, I can't feel my feet" instead of "I can't feel nothing" in the blackest day. even though its strange I like my misheard feet line...
  20. urgirl

    Lady Gaga

    OMG, YES THE FUCK SHE DID !!!!!!!!! Btw wasn’t the song supposed to come out today..? Do u guys think it’ll come this weekend with the music video ? Or Valentine’s Day?
  21. I really need this album... I was gonna say there’s no way she’d cancel it after already promising the proceeds to charity but then I remembered that whole starry eyed children’s hospital thing....
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