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  1. shay liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Not the song leaking already ☠️☠️ it was only a 3 day wait plsss 
  2. lvrdve liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    3:27 idk if this is a violation but if it is 3:27am is what I actually meant
  3. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Tasty in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Why the fuck, out of all the songs going around (Sinful final, WYTAC, Beautiful World), a new upcoming single have to leak? 
    I swear to God this woman deserves so much better
  4. Embach liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I think it's snippet 2
  5. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    out friday

    actually really like the artwork
  6. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    yhhhh i’m a buttaflyyyyyyyyy
  7. vesperteenflare liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    If I see her fried hair ever again.  good concept though.
  8. GeminiLanaFan liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in Lady Gaga   
    Leaked in full 

  9. Bjorks taco truck liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in Lady Gaga   
    Leaked in full 

  10. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Dominikx4 in Lady Gaga   
    fad is gone and Gaga is back!
    its out on YT Music in NZ
    Garden of Eden is popppppppppppppppp
  11. fishtails liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    This forum is truly only filled with us needing to accept that our favorite artists will never peak again 
  12. brandon liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    This forum is truly only filled with us needing to accept that our favorite artists will never peak again 
  13. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    This forum is truly only filled with us needing to accept that our favorite artists will never peak again 
  14. ultrablvd liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    You get it 
  15. Anonymcomenter liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    This forum is truly only filled with us needing to accept that our favorite artists will never peak again 
  16. Demonmic03 liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    This forum is truly only filled with us needing to accept that our favorite artists will never peak again 
  17. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Formation in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Hated the idea of the chorus being pitched but it's grown on me quite a lot. Reminds me how I disliked Mowgli's Road for a second before it clicked. I prefer something divisive like this than a safe choice like Handmade Heaven was
    Butterflyyyyyy  Fly high!
  18. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by Anonymcomenter in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    I like it… yall hate fun kkkkk
  19. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by ultrablvd in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    i like it 
    i mean it’s not groundbreaking but it’s a fun pop song idk what yous was expecting  the last 45 seconds are VERY froot reminiscent 
  20. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    She really thought she did something different pitching the chorus  she could have put this on Froot and nobody would have noticed it’s a new song. 
  21. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by 111 in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    it's giving WHAT

  22. Fireffie liked a post in a topic by Lentilus in MARINA (and The Diamonds)   
    Loved the song! It's so Marina! It's giving, FROOT 
  23. Lentilus liked a post in a topic by NikoGo in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    People expecting UV numbers and impact when the only description we’ve gotten of the album is “sirens on a budget”  while sirens on a budget is my dream, the GP is still stuck on 2012-2014 Lana production, and while Ocean had some nice big production moments, that doesn't seem to be the direction of this record. 
    in regards to the alleged artwork producer, i really liked his work on Endless Summer Vacation, and I could easily see him take the Wyatt photoshoot and turn into something really hot summer night in the bayou esque. But, him posting a grainy picture of video games era Lana, with video games as the caption, makes me think it might be something not TRPWS related 
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