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About Ultradealerence

  • Rank
    Questions Over The Culture Club
  • Birthday June 12

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    Star Line Tours
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  1. you’re all chaotic af but i can’t imagine my daily routine without logging at least a little bit, having people search for everything lana related, seeing people thoughts processes and meltdowns, and of course get to know some amazing people! cheers to that, now lemme open a bottle of vodka and roll a blunt
  2. cinnamon girl cannot be written again! i fucking love it and that’s on fucking period. thanks jack for that
  3. so i was watching the bb livestream again and i noticed while she was talking to this blonde guy, before she talked about lfl trailer and how she wants to revisit this kinda trailer aesthetic, before that she was talking about soulmates and etc and what it caught my attention is that she repeated the phrase Chemistry Never Dies twice….how can we rearrange this phrase now to DNC…hmmm
  4. ok now i’m convinced. we re going for the grammy that always was snapped. ldr9 album of the year
  5. it feels like an uv outtake but the face seems a bit weird. tho the aesthetic kinda tells me neil krug but i think it’s fake
  6. any thoughts on the image posted on the satanic site?
  7. you took my comments out of context, at the lanaboards prerelease complex, i ain’t no umbrella in the wind
  8. cinnamon girl is the shit and rick could never. looking forward for the cinnamon girl/tjf track 5 of the new alboom
  9. september 1st: surprise release music video and single. u didn’t hear it from me
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