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About Theomo

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Like Weather 


If I was your sun, then I’d want to be golden

Delight, grow and flourish our favourite garden

And you’d get your rose, the forgotten kind

Now I am your warmth, you don’t need to fight


If I were your cloud then I’d like to be broken

To mirror the things that He’s already spoken

We look for the One we’re longing to meet

And you see the light that I cannot give


If I was your snow then I’d want to be gentle

To caress your soul knock you don’t want to answer

If wish to be small or fear till the end

I’ll stand behind you and will be your friend


If I was your rain then I’d want to be happy

To soften your pain up that came from the attic

Our precious lily wait in the temple

We have landscape to always remember


When we are the nightfall they ought to be quiet

We lay as we’ve done the things we were required

You're hot and I'm cold and they are the light

They wrap up the fields, with Him we collide 


If we were the wind then I'd need to be softer

We'd waltz in the sky and I'd weep to be stronger 

We’re dreaming above, you play and me sings

We’re waiting for God to complete the things


But if my love ceases, it’d be like no weather

I try not to push you and pray for no stutter

‘Cause we are the earth and we are the sky

We’ll have this but first let us be aligned










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