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Prodigal Son

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About Prodigal Son

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  1. I don't get the comments saying she seems more comfortable these days. She looks ill at ease in this interview, just covering it up better than she use to.
  2. It's why context and intention are important.
  3. A well mannered man would never call a woman a bitch, and "bitch" is commonly used by women when describing other women. It's why it has such derogatory implications when used by men, even if they do not intend to use it that way. It's interpreted as a form of theft and a low blow. The way the word is used in Venice Bitch is pretty light-hearted and non-derogatory though so I believe if Harry Styles sang this song there most likely would be minimal uproar and it would obviously be uncalled for. There are some things men can do that women can't and vica versa.
  4. He's smart, and appears to be hot.
  5. Is that you in the your pic? Why are you fags rating him one star?
  6. I hate that some titles are in lower case. EW. Copying Ariana I see.
  7. I'm getting that from the fact she releases an album every to years. That's not being a musician as much as it is fulfilling a contract.
  8. The latter lyric is laughable and someone from her team should've let her know. I understand the sentiment but it can be expressed more clearly.
  9. Doin' Time is surely a great cover. It's catchy, its length is just right for radio and the video is visually and creatively much better than any of the videos for Honeymoon or LFL.
  10. I literally don't see how any of that is negative. I'm not using vulgarities or ad hominems like the people who've responded to my points. I'm expressing an opinion. If you'd like to give me a warning point for that go ahead, but I will take it up with whomever is the admin.
  11. In order for Lana to put out a memorable and impactful album she will have to work on it for more than than two years. I knew this album would be a let down from the second she announced it. Lana, what has happened to you? Take 10 years off and bring us something you've really put your heart and soul in. This album is a one season money grab. Too bad that's all Lana seems to care about these days.
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