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  1. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by Wynwood in LANALYSIS: Relating Songs To Known/Assumed Relationships   
    the conclusion to Lanalysis in my head is that lana will always fall for bad boys, she'll always get her heartbroken, she'll always say fuck you, and she'll always end up loving them forever. its the theme to her whole discography. I bet Honeymoon will start with her ending the relationship then have songs about one night affairs and then the last few songs will be about missing him. quote me for when the album is released and i am right
  2. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by brooklynbaby91 in Is Lana Declining?   
    Artistically, I don't think she's declining. She's exploring different sounds with each album, so it might be hard to take if you're super attached to a sound from one specific era of hers. You have BTD stans who keep waiting for her to return to that style of music, UV stans who wanted her to continue that way, meanwhile Lana just wants to make songs with whatever sound she finds interesting at the time.
    There's no denying that budget-wise things aren't as great as they were in the BTD days when she was putting out masterpieces like the Ride video. But I think this is a result of a business situation rather than because Lana is starting to suck.
  3. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by BabyTonight in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    The song never did much for me either.
  4. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by naachoboy in VIDEO PREMIERE: "High By the Beach"   
    True no one really complain about the video, not the gp not the critics, only lana fans that think they know everything and she has to recreate the polished BTD videos that were accompanying the polished music from the album
  5. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by letsescapelizzy in SINGLE: "High By The Beach"   
    I like this alot! So much better for me than HM..
    i just realized tho, that the chorus reminds me of something else..
    one of which is the chorus matches alot with Dark Paradise..
    Great sounding voice and song. Love it already.
    Hope more good ones on HM to come out in sept..
  6. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by Sitar in SINGLE: "High By The Beach"   
    She knows exactly what shes doing with that romance novel font/cheesy painted quality. Future retro indeed.
    I hope it's as surprising as West Coast and that Honeymoon was basically the safe title track (a la Ultraviolence) of the album
  7. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by LoreleiLee in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother   
    There is certified theory in psychology that all addictions (so, also Lanas alcoholism, I suppose) stem from toxic relationships with parents, especially mother, who wasn't there in the earliest, more fragile and tender years of child's psychological developement, so that needy and helpless tiny child was not given enough love and care, wasn't nurtured and that kind of malnutritioning care, together with cold, controlling, possessive, but emotionally distant, unavailable and disapproving mother, creates enormous hole in child's being. That hole and perpetuating feeling of emptiness is later in life (unsuccessfully) filled with opiates and different substances that alter counsciousness and provide short-term escape from dark, painful reality (sucking elusive tit = sucking a bottle).That reality is conviction that you are not worthy of love (and you also desperately crave and yearn for that love, and alcohol warms your veins for a couple of hours, giving you false feeling of inner warmth - the real one can be provided only by love, of course). Also, addiction belongs to oral fixation, which is a part of oral character, formed in the first, earliest psychosexual stage of development. Others are: anal, phallic, latency and genital. Those who succesfully cross all traps of each phase and reach genital one, are the most developed and integrated, and oral types are the ones that have most wounds and complexes. I'm not saying Lana is a walking pathology, but I just find it interesting (yes, I'm nosy, but also interested in psychoanalysis) that she first tanked herself with liquor, and now is passionately engaged in chain smoking. That  is typical for oral constitution (I am exactly the same. I fought with alcoholism for about seven years, and I'm clean for about six, and I still miss my wild and escapistic life). As far as her mother is concerned, maybe she wasn't a witch, but if a father responds to daughter's attempts of seduction, she takes that as a signal that she possibly can replace mother and marry her beloved papa (Electra Complex, as someone said here). If daddy is especially fond of his little princess, she will develop strong attachment to him and view mother as a nasty rival. I think it is a normal phase in life, but it can lead to various tragedies if it is not overcome.
    But, maybe I am all wrong about alcoholism and mother issues in her case.
  8. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother   
    Speculating on whether or not a person has been sexually abused is pretty disgusting behaviour, no matter how you try to portray it as. Talk as much as you want about who she is/isn't a relationship with and if she really is "a fan of a pro-ana nation", but don't start saying stuff about her being abused. It's just very invasive and very gross.
  9. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by Valentino in Speculations on Lana's relationship with her mother   
    There's an interview where Lana says her dad thought the opening line of Cola was hilarious whereas her mom didn't approve. I get the feeling maybe her mom was more concerned with seeming proper, preserving decorum and whatnot. The line in Old Money "my father's love was always strong, my mother's glamour lives on and on" is interesting. I  mean, she's comparing her father's love to her mother being glamorous, kind of a downgrade. The fact that she mentions her father a lot ("I pledge allegiance to my dad for teaching me everything he knows," "that's the way my father made his life an art," "I heard the streets were paved with gold, that's what my father said") whereas her mom is rarely mentioned in her music (the unflattering "My Momma" and that line in "Old Money") makes me think her father was simply more influential and important in her life. If the Cola quote is anything to go by, her mother seems to disapprove of weird, off-beat stuff like saying your pussy tastes like Cola, and Lana is a weird, off-beat person, so that may have been a point on contention in Lana's family life. Moreover, My Momma shows her disapproving of a boyfriend. Dear Elliott also refers to a boyfriend who was "not approved." Now, My Momma also suggests her mother had a thing for her boyfriend, which is where the song gets weird. And despite Lana claiming her songs are 100% autobiographical, we can't take them at face value.
    Personally, I don't think her mother didn't love her or whatever. They didn't jibe in some senses; maybe Mom wanted Lana to fit into society more whereas Dad was cool with it. That's what I get from her music and the rare times she's mentioned her. We know so little about her that I don't think it's fair to draw any conclusions about their relationship.
  10. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by slayLANAslay in BARRIE TWEETS LANA   
    iirc, it was spaghetti with vodka sauce and then people were all like, OH NO - she's back on the sauce, fell off the wagon, that dish is made with liquor! 
    and then in comes the knowledge that most of the alcohol burns off during the cooking process. oh well, i still swear i got drunk off a kahlula cake once. 
    Also, I think what Barrie said could be taken as "No, it's not over" as in he and Lana will always have a special bond, memories of their times together, and (lol) he was praying for an openly poly relationship with her and her lover(s) and lots of post break up sexy times. 
  11. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by rdp in BARRIE TWEETS LANA   
    tfw your girlfriend writes an entire album about how depressed you are then breaks up with you 

  12. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Worst and Best song from Ultraviolence   
    Best: West Coast, Shades of Cool, Cruel World. The entire standard edition is perfect, though.
    Worst: Guns and Roses, Florida Kilos
    People putting TOW in worst -_____-
  13. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    What irritates me most about this is that people assume that these emotions are not real for Lana. Just because she's rich and beautiful, she can't be depressed or suffering from anxiety? I think she combines her own personal demons and past with an aesthetic she loves and this culminates into the narratives that her music embodies. It's easy to dismiss her as "just a persona," but a simple look at her music and work from ten years ago shows that this imagery and lyrical content remains consistent. There also seem to be several indications that she was quite a troubled teen. Most importantly, through her music, she gives a voice to oppressed women. I think Ultraviolence was more of a statement on the treatment of women by the industry and a reflection on the dark side of fame than a blanket comment on feminism. It was clearly written from personal experiences with a lot of sardonic tones. It's just very sad for me to witness a woman being perpetually torn down by critics and peers because of the way she chooses to express herself. Isn't that a direct contradiction of what feminism is all about?
  14. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by Viva in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    People never come for Rihanna, did you notice? I think is because she's bat shit crazy and doesn't take insults home so women like this hag kind of fear her.
    Lana's comments on suicide were a huge turn off to me, I just can't with the things she says sometimes. But regarding Feminism, i can't with Feminists even more. In the western world, feminism and LBGT are nothing more than a distraction that separates society in small groups taking attention of the big picture that is civil rights and human rights.
  15. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by HEARTCORE in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    slating other women for doing things "wrong" is not feminism. she's just contributing to girl-on-girl hate, which is inherently anti-feminist in itself. nobody is perfect and it should be about educating people on how to change problematic ways, not telling them to kill themselves (which, to me, sounds very tumblr-esque).
    furthermore, Lana has never claimed that her actions are feminist, or that she even identifies as one, so I don't understand this spiel about lana depicting "self-destruction" as feminist. & let's be real here, Kim seems to only be talking about the Ride video when she mentions "dating older men" and "getting gang-raped by bikers".
  16. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by Trash Magic in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    Such a tired conversation. Forcing people to identify as something. Get over yourself faded White trash!
  17. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by JGnecco in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    I actually find it a little funny that she says that Lana is a woman "who doesn’t even know what feminism is, who believes women can do whatever they want" and then derides her for that. Like, yes, that actually is kind of a part of feminism. Yes, equal pay and rights are part of it, but so is a woman being able to make her own decisions. It seems like Kim doesn't know what feminism is.
  18. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by MotelHoney in Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth criticizes Lana in memoir   
    Haha, so what she said was essentially "she does't even know what feminism is, she can't just do anything she wants as a woman! I will also tell another woman to kill themselves because they are troubled enough to have used/use drugs and have a mental illness (depression)". 
    Edit: Apparently, sleeping with who you want is UNFEMINIST! Kim should stop calling the kettle black.
    Edit: Her twitter is full of this Lana saga, she retweets people saying 'You go girl! I am SO buying this book now!'
    The motives are clear as day.
  19. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by SoftcoreBabyface in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    Hello angry & opinionated human beings.
    I can only speak for myself, so I will. Being raped is no fun. I've had experience with that. I always have hated when people want to mask the problem of rape & sexual abuse. For a long time I felt like "I was the only one who knew how it felt". That whole "you were asking for it" argument..  As I got older and submersed myself into darker art forms that showcase all sides of the human psyche & human behaviors, I came to an understanding. It's a very real, human experience not to be portrayed like a "Lifetime special". There has been some comfort in seeing rape portrayed as real as possible, because it allows people who have never been through that situation to gain some understanding and compassion towards people who have gone through it. I've read autobiographies of people describing how they were raped or abused, I've spoken to people who went through it. Bonding with others helped heal my pain. I became unashamed. I wasn't at fault. By being ashamed about sharing my past, I felt that put me at fault. I wasn't making myself available to other people who need to know they are not alone/at fault. Sharing an experience doesn't glorify that experience, it humanizes it for others to relate to it. Relating to a rape scene shouldn't be a shameful thing. It's staring a problem in the face and saying something about it. I commend actors who want to portray rape scenes properly. Any artist who makes something ugly instead of making something perfect & beautiful. The ones who tell the scary stories w/o endings. It should make you feel something. Pain, confusion, anger, fear, etc. but not towards the actors & people involved in creating the art. Just towards the action itself. I once had a teacher in cultural anthropology who refused to believe that our predecessors could have also been rapists. She claimed that rape was a new fangled action, that came along more recently in the history of humans. That kind of thinking insulted me a bit, because I feel like rape is very common, but also so frowned upon, it is silenced throughout history. If you silence an artist from conveying something that has influenced them, you are diluting the truth. Rape is real, and it shouldn't be something we want to close our eyes, ears, and hearts from because it is wrong. That is the wrong attitude to have. We should be discussing it. We should be able to look at a video like this one and be able to learn from it. Realize that someone needs to talk about it, or at least have an outlet to express their thoughts on it. 
  20. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Lana's Eli Roth Collaboration Surfaces; Marilyn Manson Denies Then Clarifies Involvement   
    This video is supposed to be disturbing in the way that a film about a character being raped gets under your skin. Neither is advocating for rape, but rather portraying a story. Lana's lyrics about women who are in emotionally and physically volatile relationships exist as sonic portrayals of this kind of documentation, which is why I'm surprised at these reactions. True anti-feminism exists in the inability for a woman to tell a story, no matter how excruciating, without being labeled as an advocate for the mistreatment for women.
  21. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by Lirazel in Eminem Raps About Punching Lana Del Rey   
    Dude is as disgusting as always, and he only gets away with it because of his identity AND the fact that he's got legions of stupid, -ist 12 y/o boys and assorted dudebros.

    Wait, what other songs? I remember like one, by some no-name.
  22. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by mermaid motel in Eminem Raps About Punching Lana Del Rey   
    I don't care about it being Lana. It's just the fact his lyrics are awful and degrading...and there's nothing humorous about it.
    Lana probably doesn't care, but that doesn't mean shit to me. It's just terrifying that he's made millions off lyrics like this and that tons of people worship him for it.
  23. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in SINGERS/NON-SINGERS: Have you ever successfully sang a Lana Del Rey song?   
    I covered Little Girls & it's 10000x better than Lana's version tbh.
  24. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by Trinity in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    I honestly thought it said that, too.
    Also "Diamond Blue, baby, New York City" seems to be quite a popular lyric of hers. 
  25. Lilybert liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Does Lana regret becoming famous?   
    I agree with this so much. I feel like that if I've been having a generally shitty day at work, but somebody I like comes up and asks how I'm going. The truth is, I'm not going great, but the fact that I'm talking with someone cool has brightened me up, so I'm not lying when I say 'good'. That's how she feels to me in some of the live videos - where she's feeling a bunch of different emotions at once. You're not expected to do that, though, as a celebrity - you're meant to be either party girl, or sassy, or downbeat, or thoughtful, but not more than one of those at once. 
    There are lots of artists in the past who have had major success, and then pulled back completely from fame and made the transition. I think that's what Lana wants to do, and that's her strategy with UV sounding how it does and being presented as it is. There's also an element of 'will you love me if I do this? How about this?' She wants to push the public as far as she can to see how much control she can have over her own creative world, so we might be in for a bumpy ride, but in ten years, I think she'll be doing what she wants to do, at her own pace, and for people who care about her.
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