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Blue Ink

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Everything posted by Blue Ink

  1. Omg did you see the comments asking who Edit(h) is? I feel like I am spoiled with wisdom knowledge on LB because whenever I enter other social media and read through the comments under Lana's posts I realize how many clueless new fans she has.
  2. The way she posts these face swaps sometimes if I was her I'd find that so weird
  3. Dark Night Charms Dark New Chapter Dangerous Night Calls Dolls Never Cry Disco Night Culture Dreamy Nocturnal Crustacean Dirty New Cadillac Damn Nice Crack Diary Not Complete Definitely Not Crazy Edit: After reading that devil/tower tarot thing I'm dying to make a title with the word devil but can't come up with anything. Devil's Night Club
  4. The lips she needs to wear darker colors more often
  5. If the phrase "sooner that you think" is reliabe then it could be even earlier. Because we have been guessing March/April for weeks now so that IS what we're thinking right? But what if it really comes sooner than that
  6. I still love Paradise, it doesn't have one single skip Omg I remember when she released Tropico and looked like THAT at the premiere Also the Nylon shoot is so underrated
  7. I'm not gonna listen because first of all, I'm not on fb and second, if it sounds good but turns out to be fake I'm gonna be disappointed and if it's real I'm gonna hear it anyway in 2025
  8. True! And also, this is probably every 15th opinion on here. I think I commented about it 3x already. Seems like that opinion isn't that unpopular...
  9. Oh my God okay I changed my mind about collabs. I now support Barrie and FJM collabs. The rest can choke.
  10. Does anybody else feel she couldn't just pick up where she left off nowadays, in terms of her shows? If she started touring again her setlist and way of performing would need an update. Her last one or two years of touring always seemed like a repetition of things we already had in 2012. Apart from that there were many complaints about Lana not even properly singing parts of the songs. She was obviously exhausted or didn't feel motivated anymore. I'd rather have no shows than shows she doesn't really want to do. If she's happier writing songs or poetry (or a short movie ) I gladly take them.
  11. Kinda off topic so spoiler I read that as Lana lifting up a bunch of men which would honestly be even more majestic
  12. I wouldn't mind if the new album sounded like Chloë and the Next 20th Century A chance to release a studio take of the Young and Beautiful foxtrot version
  13. Honestly, just take the damn design you like and print them on a shirt yourselves guys. These prices are ridiculous... I got so excited reading the thread name
  14. The tracklist announcement is usually the most exciting to me. And a good mysterious trailer of course (that the album then lives up to)
  15. Omg I love how the first thing we all notice is the leather jacket
  16. If they're together and he lives in NY, she knows where to move
  17. Political rants on social media alone should convince people that someone's unfit for the job.
  18. Right. He's the prime example of a narcissist, he doesn't care at all. And his definition of "free speech" is dangerous af.
  19. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-63402338 So it's done. He's the boss of Twitter now, already fired staff and plans to un-ban Trump. Good times ahead.
  20. I don't like BTM and YLSYWS without the last part please, but apart from that they really sound good. Imagine the sassy lyrics of The Drama or IYWALMCALM
  21. I don't hate her at all, she seems like a nice person. I don't like cowboy hat country music though and I don't like collabs (except with Barrie). So Lana and Nikki are not a good pairing musically, in my opinion
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