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Lavender Sunshine

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Everything posted by Lavender Sunshine

  1. Taco truck could have been left off the album imo, like what was the point? :/
  2. Yeah I just can't stand the guitar and the drums, who knows if it'll grow on me the oohhs are amazing though, I love when she includes these ad-libs, she has such a powerful voice
  3. Sunset is unlistenable, sorry
  4. Oh it was this video actually - for some reason, I just think she's so wholesome for reposting it
  5. Why'd she share that video on her stories 😭😭😭 it's sending me so bad
  6. Got two tickets to see them live in Rome with my best friend!! AM redemption arc
  7. Lana Del Rey Heardle #218 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://lana-del-rey-heardle.netlify.app/ One of my favourites ever <3
  8. Posting this just so that I can be part of page 700
  9. She could step on me and I would just thank her
  10. Istg if these take longer than 3 weeks to be shipped... Edit: nvm the shipping is like 33 euros bye
  11. Lana Del Rey Heardle #200 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://lana-del-rey-heardle.netlify.app/
  12. Lavender Sunshine

    Song vs. Song

    Oh Say Can You See vs 13 beaches
  13. This song makes me unbelievably sad, like I've lost the greatest love of my life and life itself has nothing left to offer now. It just hurts so bad
  14. Lana Del Rey Heardle #197 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ https://lana-del-rey-heardle.netlify.app/
  15. These bitches just announced a Bilbao date which is like an hour away from where I'll be staying for 5/6 months starting from January but apparently the concert is in July ???? At that point I'll already have left Spain ???????? FUCK and 0 dates in Italy as well. Hate them
  16. Ok I just listened......... mess All jokes aside, I think the song is way too repetitive and it gets boring after one minute and a half even at first listen
  17. Did you guys see the announcement?
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