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Everything posted by Mafiosa

  1. Guns and Roses What do you love?
  2. There's one in my house for lighting candles and whatnot, but I don't own a personal one. I don't smoke or anything. Do you own a bottle of perfume?
  3. Mafiosa

    Never Have I Ever

    I have 10. Never have I ever been to California.
  4. Mafiosa

    Acronym Game

    Candy makes Lana kick apples. fmyfj
  5. Do you own a physical copy of a dictionary?
  6. Mafiosa

    Spell your name funny

    Spell your name normally: Giada Spell it backwards: Adaig Spell it with your elbow: giada Spell it with your eyes shut: giaca Spell it with your forehead: hfyijwsdfas (lol?) Your nose: giwsw Spell it with your chin: buzda Your tounge: giasa Your foot: gidada
  7. A toothbrush because i practice good dental hygiene x
  8. May Jailer. I was hoping for Lizzy, but oh well. Some aspects are true. Cool quiz, though the choices were pretty obvious as to which result you would get.
  9. loved her long chocolate hair
  10. I think she looked prettiest in her Paradise era.
  11. I'm not crazy for American. It's just kind of boring and repetitive, much like Paradise itself.
  12. The Elusive Neurological Phenomenon.
  13. Do you own a lava lamp?
  14. Another thing; I don't really like hearing other people's color connections. It messes with my head. Sometimes it changes my opinion and I don't like that.
  15. *MUSIC TO WATCH BOYS TO* 1. COLA 2. SAD GIRL 3. ST. TROPEZ 4. JEALOUS GIRL 5. HIT AND RUN 6. LIVE OR DIE 7. HAWAIIAN TROPIC 8. PLAYING DANGEROUS 9. BURNING DESIRE 10. FLORIDA KILOS 11. NATIONAL ANTHEM 12. RIDIN' (feat. A$AP ROCKY) 13. BLUE JEANS 14. KILL KILL 15. MILLION DOLLAR MAN 16. HOLLYWOOD 17. GO GO DANCER 18. TRASH MAGIC Idk, I just made it up now. Not sure if it fits the theme, but I think the flow is nice. Great topic, by the way.
  16. Cool topic. I do associate many of Lana's songs with colors. It's the atmospheric mood they create that strikes a color connection with me. Not so much the lyrics, more so the sonic aspect of them - maybe the chords/key, certain instruments, an emotion within the song. I don't believe I have synesthesia, though. It's just the visual representation the goes along with the music itself. Sort of a continuation. It's mostly intuitive, though. It's strongly influenced by how the song makes me feel, personally. I doubt this makes any sense, but whatever. (I put my iTunes on shuffle and picked a color for each song) Burning Desire - Dark Blue Pretty When You Cry - White Summertime Sadness - Violet Without You - Peach Cola - Yellow or Red Yayo - Brown Money Power Glory - Orange and Blue Diet Mtn. Dew - Mint Green and Silver Sad Girl - Black and Dark Red Shades of Cool - Turquoise and Dark Gray Cruel World - Orange and Gold American - Pale Blue Brooklyn Baby - Pink
  17. Erroneous, tbh. She'd probably be a few years older than Rob. Also, I don't know much about Lana's family tree, but her last name is not Grant, nor Hill (Pat's maiden name, if I'm not mistaken.) She could be unmarried when she pictured there, but it's still slim chance. Nice try. Not everyone who looks fab and vintage is related to Lana.
  18. Mafiosa

    Song vs. Song

    Sad Girl vs. PWYC
  19. Your hot, hot Weather in the summer Hot, hot, neglectful lover Hot, hot Weather in the summer Hot, neglectful lover You're crumbling, sadly You're sorry, crumbling ?? ^What I hear in the bridge
  20. Mafiosa

    Song vs. Song

    Cola vs. Sad Girl
  21. west coast is her best single
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