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  1. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Did Adele Copy Lana's 'Paradise' Wrist Tattoo?   
    It's okay! Everyone's threatened by Y&B's charts. Lady Gaga dyed her hair brown, Rihanna mentioned James Dean in a song, Beyonce's doing an H&M campaign, Katy Perry's headed for a "dark" era, Selena Gomez is culturally appropriating. Even Kanye West is copying her by not promoting his album for jack shit! It's just Adele's turn to be shaking in her boots and emulating the sadcore queen!
  2. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Rebel in Did Adele Copy Lana's 'Paradise' Wrist Tattoo?   
    That's just a really bad font.
  3. iym1 liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Misheard Lana Lyrics   
    remember when Ride came out and on pretty much every lyric site it said "I look up to hear myself saying, baby, too much strive, I just ride"  
    in diet mountain dew I was convinced she was singing "baby stopping at ~some posh french name~ (something like shumura l'evin), baring his work in new york, heaven" and I had this image of her and her painter-boyfriend driving to an art exhibition were he was showing his paintings
    which fit with what I misheard in Blue Jeans which was "love you more, than those pictures before" because she was like "I don't love you because you're an artist, I love you because you're you~". For such a long time I thought all her songs was about a boyfriend who was a failed painter ("well shit at least you tried") who turned to selling drugs 
  4. BluebirdXO liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Lana Retweeting Some Questionable Shit   
    the person who wrote that article though 
    she's obviously not pro-pedophilia, she's just into ageplay and dd/lg. it's her kink  
  5. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Lana Retweeting Some Questionable Shit   
    the person who wrote that article though 
    she's obviously not pro-pedophilia, she's just into ageplay and dd/lg. it's her kink  
  6. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Monicker in Afraid   
    I was just listening to this song while making a sandwich. Gosh, it’s such a good song. It’s so tender and heartbreaking. It’s an especially great song for nighttime. I love the loose quality it has, how it sounds like it was just a quick and spontaneous thing, recorded one night in a sudden flash of inspiration, like it just needed to come out. I love how understated but unique the backing track is with that incongruous drum machine and the little weird noises. I wouldn’t change a thing about it. 
    These lyrics, i think, are some of her most heartfelt. It’s just chock-full of such simple yet powerful and poignant lines that i think a lot of people can relate to. I especially love the line “the panic and the fear.” Anyone who suffers from panic attacks knows that it’s one of the worst feelings in the world. 
    Doesn’t the chorus sound like something you’ve heard before in another life? That melody seems to perfectly capture the song’s sentiments, that sense of feeling trapped and that realization that you have to do something, make some sort of change in your life. Your dead-end relationship has sort of become your comfort zone. You think you can change the relationship or even the other person, but you know you’re just lying to yourself. 
    Her falsetto in this song has a strange quality to it, it’s almost hysterical. And at the end when she abruptly comes out of it back into her lower register (as she’s repeating that she’s done being afraid), it makes me think of, like, when you’ve been crying for hours and you just suddenly snap out of it because you just physically cannot cry anymore.  
    What a fucking song.
  7. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Favourite Lana Songs   
    Guys let's have one positive thread I really like it
    Children of the Bad Revolution is so underrated, the instrumental is incredible and really unique in her discography. That's just me replying, not saying my favorites yet. Okay, I guess I'll get started.
  8. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Create an Unreleased Lana Album/Playlist   
    I have one master playlist called "Miss America" that I listen to chunks of at a time, with like 86 songs...I won't share that.
    This one is called WHITE PONTIAC HEAVEN, for the in-between era of Sirens-AKA:

    Pin Up Galore
    The Man I Love
    Trash Magic
    Jimmy Gnecco
    You're Gonna Love Me
    Pawn Shop Blues (Demo)
    Axl Rose Husband
    Get Drunk
    Fordham Road
    Rehab (Demo)

    This one is SPARKLE JUMP ROPE QUEEN, it has some of her quirkier and more offbeat songs:
    Mermaid Motel
    Diet MTN Dew (1)
    Playing Dangerous
    Birds of a Feather
    Hundred Dollar Bill
    Lolita (2)
    Moije Joue
    The Man I Love
    Put Me in a Movie
    Come When You Call Me America
    For K Part 2
    Trash Magic
    Brite Lites

    This one is DADDY ISSUES, for twerkin' (what I imagine her pop debut would have looked like):
    Kinda Outta Luck
    Ooh Baby
    Hey Lolita Hey
    Daddy Issues
    Prom Song (Gone Wrong)
    Dum Dum
    Dangerous Girl
    Push Me Down
    Gogo Dancer
    She's Not Me

    Digging that Florida Dark playlist and stealing it.
  9. Tyler liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Lana Retweeting Some Questionable Shit   
    the person who wrote that article though 
    she's obviously not pro-pedophilia, she's just into ageplay and dd/lg. it's her kink  
  10. jess9715 liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Lana Del Rey Hiking In Los Angeles   
    hiking in shorts is probably not the best idea
  11. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Viva in "The Gay Cure"   
    OMFG i love you! I couldn't agree with you more!
    When the State starts to be influenced by any religion thoughts and actions things start to became a mess. This same Senator is creating another law called "Bolsa Estupro" (rape support basically). Evangelics are against abortion so this other absurd incentive he is trying to create and pass as a constitutional right is to give money to womens that got pregnant after being raped. Basically give money to them so they keep the child. A child of rape can you imagine that? The governement will give money to the pregnant victim of abuse until they find the father (aka the rapist) and when they find the dispicable excuse for human being they will make him pay child support. By law the father will be involved in the kids life. How absurd is that? That is one thing I am learning is that you can never take things for granted when the subject is rights and democracy. When they get a law such as "A Cura Gay"  (the gay cure) to pass they start to think they can actually make the State a religious stabelishment. That makes me go crazy.
    There is this one girl that is hard core Evangelic in one of my classes and the things she says makes me wanna pull my eyebrows out with my fingers. That way I would concentrate on my own pain and forget what is coming out of her dirty little mouth. Just makes me crazy those people. I am kind of religious and spiritual myself and I do have a open mind and try my best to respect others but sometimes people forget that our rights ends when the rights of others begin.
  12. lauradelxx liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
  13. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Hiking In Los Angeles   
    Looking doper than all of us while working out:

    Offering paparazzi or probably some random interviewer a preview of her next album of the generation:

    Family resemblance in her and her brother Charlie's belly button:

  14. elllipsis liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
  15. Stranger liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
  16. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by evilentity in Lana Del Rey Interviewed By Electronics Beats Magazine   
    I don't have time to respond to this entire post right now, but I couldn't not respond quickly to this part:

    You could, you know, respond to what I've actually written or ask me to clarify what I've written rather than putting words in my mouth and making straw arguments. I never said all the media criticism was valid nor did I endorse any of the accusations you listed. What I did say is that she accused the media of slander against her and her family about things she continues to lie about in the same breath, and that she falsely claimed that she doesn't have money and that her family never had any money. In the same response that she mentions media slander, she says, "Everything they wrote was fucking crazy. Like about my dad, about me, like having millions of dollars, and all this shit." While I don't doubt that there were lean periods for her family financially, or that her father may have sustained large losses in the market during the bursting of various bubbles, or that much of his net worth was merely on paper, or whatever caveats you'd like to add, I'm quite confident in concluding that her father did have at least a million dollars (if not millions), and what you yourself wrote supports that conclusion. Later in the interview she says, "Saying I came from billions of dollars is crazy. We never had any money." I think it's telling that she moves the goalposts from millions to billions mid-interview, because I think she knows her dad probably is worth a couple million. No one ever said she came from billions of dollars, although she certainly did rub elbows with her dad's business contacts who were billionaires. At any rate, even if I am somehow wrong about her dad having millions of dollars, her claim that her family "never had any money" is just patently false. One need not even consider her father's business assets to determine this. It is obvious considering the property her father owns and the cost of tuition at Kent. Again, I never said anywhere, and do not necessarily believe, that her dad significantly funded her career (though I also don't think he was completely uninvolved in her career either). If Lana defended herself against this accusation by saying "My dad didn't fund my career" I would simply leave it at that. But that's not what she says. She says, "We never had any money" when the opposite is true. And if lying about coming from privilege weren't shitty enough, she has the gall to accuse the media of slander for saying so.

    And it gets worse. Later in the interview she says, "Before I had no money. And now everything I make, I lose. So I don’t have money again, because I lose half." Perhaps she's referring to all the other people she has to pay, but presumably she's referring to taxes. It's one thing when rich people bitch about how much they have to pay in taxes. (And I confess, most of you would probably consider me rich, and I've been known to express sticker shock about how much I've had to pay at one time, but not that it was unfair. In fact, I think I should have to pay more.) But it's a whole 'nother thing for the rich to not only claim that they're not rich after taxes, but that they don't have any money afterwards. Boo fucking hoo. Tell it to your topiary pony, Lana.

    On a final note, I really take issue with this:
    Frankly, this is an incredibly presumptuous and rude remark, especially considering this was your first post made mere hours after joining the forum. You might take some time to familiarize yourself with members' views and contributions to the forum before making insulting comments like that toward them. If you're going to wing in here and question other fans' presence on a discussion forum for expressing their honest criticism, then, I may ask, why are you here?

    Welcome to LanaBoards!
  17. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Angel Haze Recorded a "Blue Velvet" Remix (Unreleased)   
    i wrote this in 5 minutes and its dumb but still better than ha's imo
    someone write the rest and rap it 4 me we'll make our own remix~~   
  18. fruitpunchlips liked a post in a topic by TrailerParkDarling in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    lmao everythinglana is STEALING from me.. ~you'll hear from my lawyer~
  19. kitschqueen liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
  20. Summersault liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
  21. Quentin liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
  22. COLACNT liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
  23. Mileena liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
  24. Beauty King liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
  25. evilentity liked a post in a topic by fruitpunchlips in Tumblr Leaks Discussion   
    omfg this blog: http://everythinglana.tumblr.com/ is the one that said the time of the season snippet was going to be on her new album so i got really pissed off and sent that person an anon with fake info on the new album and now they've posted some of it on their blog as fact 
    machinery of the night is a reference to howl (angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night) and then i just made up extra lyrics from trailerparkdarling's crack city 
    1. Hundred Dollar Bills
           Rerecorded vocals featuring spanish guitars & Barrie (her boyfriend)
           singing harmonies.

    3. Catch & Release
           Lyrics: Take me down to the crack city where the coke is pure and the
           rocks are pretty, let’s make a break to crack city, New York to
    i didn't think they'd go with it i am so SORRY 
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