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Everything posted by rightofjupiter

  1. resurrection which is brilliant and incredibly brutal; rebecca hall's performance is !!!! (perfection). one of the better movies i've seen re: depicting shame and how it feels to be under the thumb of an abusive person and lose yourself completely.
  2. literally me at chromatica ball later this month now that the sour candy lollies are being sold as merch:
  3. mystic pizza, which i'd somehow never seen! classic 80s everything edit: to say surely one of the WORST movie soundtracks of all time
  4. hell yes only real ones know the country album's gonna SERVE serve
  5. rn watching: –american horror stories (loved the first ep, other 2 eps have been stupid but are a good bathtub watch) –surface (good psychological suspense/thriller) –reservation dogs (second season just started, one of the best shows on rn imo) –loot (cute and fun, love maya rudolph & joel kim booster) –what we do in the shadows (cute and funny) –orville (my little brother got me into this one, it's less-good star trek but sometimes v good) –physical (intense re: eating disorder stuff but SO smart about self-loathing and how it manifests internally, i kind of really love it) all of these release weekly which i guess is good bc i can't just be binging shit day and night (tho sometimes i do that too)
  6. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    money power glory vs. black bathing suit
  7. i can't believe i'm going to have to see a joker movie...they really did it on me...
  8. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    art deco vs. wildflower wildfire
  9. rightofjupiter

    Charli XCX

    stoner femme anthem
  10. will forever want my hair like this
  11. rightofjupiter

    Charli XCX

    I immediately clocked that too! Tbh I’ll bet Charli x NIN would go SO fucking hard…pink diamonds meet March of the pigs vibes…
  12. rightofjupiter

    Song vs. Song

    trash magic vs wild one
  13. lmao no I think it’s prob just bc I am a lot older than most of y’all
  14. for real, gimmee a whole ag cook produced album plzzzz
  15. noooo goat cheese is delicious gimmee do you shower at night or in the morning (or both)?
  16. Been a fan since BTD, dropped off in honeymoon era (humiliating but I hated high by the beach) and got back on board hardcore when she released hope is a dangerous thing as a single. Rn am in a less obsessive mode than usual Re Lana (go thru periods where I only want to listen to her, read about her etc) but obviously still loooove. BB doesn’t quite work as an album for me even tho I love many of the songs, but can’t wait to see what she does next ALWAYS. One of my favorite songwriters of all time forever
  17. rightofjupiter

    Tove Lo

    2 die 4 and true romance incredible…am I finally in my tove lo era?
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