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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    Mer's pics from Eras:
  2. Heroin, with a slow build up to a heavy rock arrangement for the bridge and outro.
  3. Having a song about a serial killer on an album about finding true love would be so funny and so Lana ngl.
  4. It’s sort of just dawning on me how far away May 2025 is
  5. What do the last 2 pages of this thread have to do with The Right Person Staying?
  6. And when Doja Cat, Ariana, Camila, Cardi B, Kehlani, and Nicki Minaj and Beyoncé all decide to drop their albums on May 21st out of spite
  7. What’s gonna be our standard abbreviation for The Right Person Will Stay? - TRPWS - “Right Person” - “Stay” ???
  8. The Right (wing) Person = Trump Will Stay = declare martial law and install himself as dictator. She’s trying to warn us guys
  9. oh I must’ve missed that—I didn’t realize Eclipse was even that kind of insider I just thought he sent sneaky emails.
  10. If this album is finished and mastered as of this writing I’ll eat a hat.
  11. Lmao a 25% tariff on Canada is so funny bc gas prices are about to go up, especially in the Midwest.
  12. I’m a BIT nervous bc the 2 other times Lana gave us a non-Friday album release date were: - Chemtrails Over The Country Club (Sept. 5th, 2020, a Saturday) - Rock Candy Sweet (June 1st, 2021, a Tuesday) And both got moved/pushed back.
  13. Why are you setting up Banks, Twigs, and potentially Doja and Gaga like this 😭😭 Lana will outsell 💅
  14. Baby she needs the money. Those Swamp Alligator Tours are not paying for their lifestyle.
  15. Everyone on Slack rn at Interscope trying to figure out who approved this announcement
  16. Her label is def gonna force her to release it on the 23rd let’s be so real.
  17. I want her to do 5 small cities on the west coast and call it a world tour. Then after obvious meltdowns, she’ll add like 2 European dates, cancel them, and go to Disneyland.
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