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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    Idk I still want another TTPD music video. It’s her most vivid and cinematic album yet imo.
  2. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    AND IM NOT THERE 😭😭😭😭 @Rorman Nockwell https://x.com/tswifterastour/status/1825993274445775131?s=46
  3. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    Of all the Taylor collaborators, I like HAIM the least sorry. Their voices together just don’t work together and NBNC makes evermore have one skip, and it would’ve been skip less otherwise.
  4. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    No new Rep outfit so…
  5. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    If it’s not announced today, the clown train will simply move on to “VMA announcement” instead of acknowledging she’s on a 2 year TV schedule and Debut and Rep will come in 2025 🤡💀 I don’t think a bunch of twitter twinks can bring down THE “they hate me and IDGAF” album 😎 If anything, it’d be so meta and funny 🤭
  6. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    I believe that Cruel Summer has the lowest note in her discography (A2) and Dancing With Our Hands tied has the highest (G5). But whether she’s hit either of those notes outside of the studio idk.
  7. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    His ass is about to learn who Tree Paine is the hard way. [these are all AI] meanwhile:
  8. Sorry I’m not trying to be sassy but why would an election affect album sales/releases? The election isn’t a Billboard Chart battle between Harris and Trump 💀
  9. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    When she drops more TTPD variants to block Rep TV
  10. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    Refusing to preform IDSB for a full year and a half, leading people to think it would be played for a Rep TV announcement, and then just playing it and walking off without a word is so...
  11. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    that would sound sooo goofy tho the more I think about it. So Long, London X The Archer would eat tho.
  12. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    She’s really shining like fireworks over Joe’s sad empty town 🤭🤭
  13. Mer

    Lady Gaga

    I really dig it I just hope LG7 sounds nothing like this 🙃 Sounds sort of A Star Is Born.
  14. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    I’m so glad the first London show went well. I’m sure she and the fans/attendees must’ve been pretty nervous 🫶
  15. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    Still gagged that the opening lines of her album are “I was supposed to be sent away but they forgot to come and get me” Its unhinged
  16. Mer

    Taylor Swift

    I love when she looks slightly evil/satanic also glad to see her out and about again
  17. Mer

    Katy Perry

    I didn’t even realize she put out a second single tbh 💀 She should just scrap everything and try again next year with OOTB 2.0 - it’s not like she’s gonna be pulling numbers anyways so might as well go back to her indie/alt-rock vibe and do something smaller and with less (forced/awkward) bombast.
  18. This is an incredibly silly “Lana Thought”. She wouldn’t even consider it. Why are we getting ourselves worked up over a literal non-issue.
  19. what is a LB users survivor thread if not the more scenic way to vote for Lipster awards.
  20. This is the first thing on this site in weeks that’s excited me a bit
  21. The car is actually the color of the Lasso vinyl
  22. I think you’re confusing 2020 (Stein did not run but she was written in by some) with 2016. In 2016, Stein was on the ballot in all three rust belt states (and even spent millions on a recount). From Vox: “The final totals revealed that, in fact, Stein’s total voters exceeded Clinton’s margin of victory. In other words, if every Stein voter had voted for Clinton instead, she could have won Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and the presidency.” https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/11/11/13576798/jill-stein-third-party-donald-trump-win Altho I agree with your second point and mentioned it was presumptive to assume Stein voters would’ve voted Clinton had she not been an option.
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