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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Perched to see Trump, Clinton, Obama, Biden and Harris all at the funeral LMAO
  2. This H1-B issue dividing Tech MAGA and Stupid MAGA is literally GOLD for dems, but I know they'll somehow screw it up again--because they'd rather chew off their own right foot than take any stance that may even partially appear as "populist".
  3. Thank youuuu @Waimea Bay & @venice biotch
  4. They don't care. Just like all the naturalized immigrants who also support him, now that they got what they want, it's "screw everyone else, I don't want my tax dollars paying for it"
  5. When Jack gives it the same production he gave Wacced Out Murals
  6. Even if the screenshot’s real—what info do you think an Italian store putting up a placeholder will have like…
  7. the question mark after “21/05 2025” 💀💀 They know as much as we do
  8. All this drama over an album that probably isn’t even in production at the vinyl plant yet
  9. Can’t believe the Italians are so closely monitoring LanaBoards dot com at 1am on Dec. 27th.
  10. It’s because the person who doctored that screenshot couldn’t figure out how to edit the code using “inspect element” for the “2 LP” tag
  11. it says “Roses Bloom 👍 For You” right under the album cover placeholder
  12. There’s a January 6th joke ripe for the picking here—but I’m too hungover to find it 💀
  13. 95-105k Ocean Blvd. just felt like a moment idk if it was just the super cunty aesthetic of the album cover (which TRPWS doesn’t seem to have) or A&W, but even my non Lana-Stan friends were tuned in.
  14. Wake me up when the first single comes in February 💀
  15. Mer

    Kim Kardashian

    I hate to be a hater but she has zero charisma. No matter how many artists try to turn her into something “artsy”, her vapidness shines through all the filters, cinematography and effects.
  16. Mer


    How is this a deluxe version? It’s been 2 years, this is a brand new project of 15 songs 💀😭
  17. Mer


    I don’t even follow her but this is genuinely so funny. Also honestly impressed by how chill SZA fans seems about this…if this were Lana or Taylor their fan bases would be storming buildings rn.
  18. Both an excellent and jail-worthy use of the English language. I loved reading this but also wish I couldn’t.
  19. Um this is really embarrassing to admit but
  20. Also I feel like it needs to be said that the entire LB staff deserve a lot of recognition this year—from accounts “suiciding” themselves, to dupes, to the whole Str*nge L*ve debacle, to the election thread, to the wedding— @Elle, @ultrabanisters, @NikoGo and @That Venice Bitch really had their work cut out for them 💀
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