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Everything posted by Mer

  1. The way I see it, she had a valid excuse for the COTCC delay. Back in May 2020 we had no clue that extent of the pandemic's duration (I personally though it would be over by July RIP)--or the long-lasting effect it would have on global supply chains. I can understand why the Sept. 5th date was pushed back because of vinyl record manufacturing. But with the July 4th date there is no excuse other than recklessness on her part, and bad artist management for even letting her post that on the labels part...
  2. It is a perpetual aspect of my psyche that eats away at me slowly 24/7. When was the last time you phoned/spoke with an extended family member?
  3. this song kills me. I literally bawled my eyes out to it this morning.
  4. make this poll public so I can find my new besties AKA the 16 other ppl who voted for Tomorrow Never Came.
  5. Mer


    K if it’s extremely obvious, what is the significance of August 20th.
  6. Mer


    And am I just supposed to know all that implicitly? She should’ve released a list or something tbh.
  7. Mer


    Does anyone know wtf the “natural calendar” even is and where I can find it. Been googling that shit for a week and I can’t find one.
  8. Me having absolutely no clue what's going on in this thread--but it seems deep and very intelligent.
  9. i wouldn’t ask, I’d just say something like “can’t wait for next week!!!!” And if she says “what’s happening next week?” Well, there’s our answer.
  10. Daddy's thunderbird, It comes crashing in. My baby's at the wheel, But I left with all my friends.
  11. If you listen to one track from COTCC per day, starting today, by the time you get to "For Free", we'll have LDR8
  12. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    this was the most kitschy cake I had when I was a kid: Was instantly reminded of it when LDR posted hers lol. (Yes the flower candle sings and opens up when lit lol).
  13. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    omg surf I will send you a Barbie cake for your bday
  14. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    The cake has such a strong early 2000s vibe I’m obsessed. Reminds me of childhood bday parties.
  15. I really hope she changes it. It's one of my top played unreleased tracks. At least with Yosemite no one had heard it before COTCC. Would love to hear Mike Dean's take on it.
  16. Mer


    Melodrama came out on my 17th birthday, and I still have it’s CD my ex gifted to me that I play in my early-2000s car. These things are sentimental to me. I wouldn’t have thrown out her CD—and I don’t like vinyl bc it requires so much maintenance and I can’t play it while driving
  17. Mer

    Last thing you bought

    (bought for me but) Grado SR325x headphones. I cannot recommend them enough!
  18. Mer


    Should I book tickets in multiple cities and sell ones I don’t need? help I really wanna go but idk what to do I’m gonna cry this sucks I hate this I wish my plans were already clear it’s not fair
  19. Mer


    Ahhhhhh I wanna book tickets but rn I’m doing job interviews in London, NY, and LA so idk where I’m going to end up!!!!
  20. Mer


    I didn’t say anything about “critics”. Go look through posts on any forum during GL’s release. Everyone accusing her of “becoming generic”.
  21. Mer


    Okay so analyzing that clip again + SP MV, I think this album's visuals take place in some post-apocalyptic cult commune. 1. The bee-keepers in the background of the Solstice clip. We know that basically as soon as the bees go extinct, we have about 2-5 years before shit hits the fan, and then mass extinction. Maybe Lorde's cult is one of the few tribes left on earth that manage to have cultivated bees and use them to pollenate their commune. 2. Lack of modern technology in the SP MV. The lyrics talk about her "boy taking pictures" and throwing her "cellular device" in the water, but we don't see either a camera or a phone in the video--just a weird ancient horn that was used in ancient religious rituals (see: shofar). 3. Scarcity of food. In the SP MV, at 1:15, we see a group of Lorde's friends/cult-members sitting at a dining table--but the only thing they have in front of the whole lot of them is one bunch of grapes. This could tie in with the fact that food is scarce after whatever mass extinction/apocalypse has occurred. Maybe I'm just overreading tho idk
  22. Mer


    y'all are forgetting how terrible "Green Light" was received and then the acclaim Melodrama got
  23. Mer


    I feel like this album is going to be darker than we are anticipating. Based off the new video she posted.
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