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Everything posted by Mer

  1. Ahhhh i've wanted to go take sailing lessons since I read Rebecca when I was 16....how is she literally in my head!
  2. Violet (the poem) reminded me how absolutely important it is to unplug from the 24/7 news cycle, because sometimes it can be so frustrating listening to all this bad news ("everything) and being able to do "nothing" about it....until you realize that a lot of what's in the news is none of our business, and it certainly isn't our problem--and doing "nothing" is the best thing we can do
  3. As someone who grew up in a tudor house near LA (Malibu), added to the fact that I can't go back right now because of covid, "Can I come home now" hits differently
  4. hmmmm on iBooks the names of the poems don't show up...just "track 1, track 2, track 3..." hopefully that changes
  5. it won't show up if you search for "Violets Bent Backwards Over the Grass" (only the digital ebook for pre-order does), but when i clicked on her name, it showed up on her "author page"
  6. its still not available on Audible in my country...I thought it would be out globally at 12am EST
  7. sorry i'm a bit slow: so only LA... is gonna be uploaded to Apple Music/Spotfy as a single? Not the whole album, yes?
  8. it's a poetic way of saying "Do you think I have time for imbeciles like you all? All you do is pay me dust"
  9. The Witch on the Corner was actually a children's book from 1966, in which the neighborhood children call the lady who lives on their street a "witch" so often, she actually decides to go out and learn the magic of the dark arts. The kids discover her trying to fly on a broom, and decide to help her master the dark arts, which she eventually does. I'm not exactly sure what the moral of the story is? "Embrace what they label you?" or "Become who you want others to perceive you as?"
  10. i said this before but it got lost in the violet's thread... the line "I took a free ride off a billionaires jet" sent a shiver down my spine, since I had just been reading about the latest news in the Epstein/Maxwell case...I hope right-wing, crazy "Q" Trump supporters don't come for her--she's already been getting enough internet hate these past few months
  11. hearing the words "I took a free ride on a billionaires jet" right after reading about Epstein/Maxwell made the hair on the back of my neck stand up...I hope conspiracy theorists/trump supporters don't take this and run with it
  12. FIILY/The Greatest is her most amazing released video (tho I think the actual version of Architecture/NBAR would've given it a run for its money, had it been released)
  13. sorry, i didn't realize that that user had told someone they dont know how to read--and if they did, theyre in the wrong too...I just wanted to make a point that unnecessary ad hominem attacks aren't really helpful to discussing divisive issues that clearly impact real life people more than we can understand or know
  14. really rude, you realize there are actual human beings with feelings behind every avatar...this could hurt someone; labeling someone who's clearly passionate about an artist as "terrorizing" a forum is uncalled for imo--regardless of wether you agree with them or not on a divisive issue
  15. "performative allyship" is not applicable when an individual takes time out of their personal schedule to visit marginalized communities and actively engage in one-on-one conversations with them. That is true and direct activism. furthermore, "burying my head in the sand" is actually just "minding my own business when it comes to someone's personal life"--judging someone's moral purity based on who they fall in love with does not contribute to solving any real world problems. Wether Lana does or does not date a cop, and may visit him in Tusla, does not impact wether or not there is racial injustice in the world one way or another...those two things are not mutually exclusive. the constant outrage of "oh no she shouldn't date a cop because cops are bad and thus she must be bad" is the definition of "performative allyship". it serves no purpose.
  16. Or maybe she just doesn’t mention it because it really shouldn’t matter to anyone how she chooses to spend her free time? Just because she wants to visit her possible BF, doesn’t mean her good work is completely negated?
  17. Mer

    Instagram Updates

    So was no one gonna tell me Madonna liked Lana’s “controversial posts” and Lana doesn’t even follow her back lmao
  18. I’m just here for the music... Also for what it’s worth, as a straight man, I totally would (anyone in that pic). But remember, you can separate the art from the artists. You don’t have to love every little thing about the person (her personal life, her friends) to love the art
  19. Mer

    Lady Gaga

    i guess what i meant was that i find the lyrics to lack any real depth or narrative, which i think all artists strive to do. i never said her work shouldn't be classified as art, i just said it misses the mark of what any artist would want to try to accomplish.
  20. Mer

    Lady Gaga

    oh haha i suppose "music collection" was the wrong word...library? i haven't spoken English since quarantine i'm beginning to forget it lmao i'm sorry i seemed to offend you by the fact that i didn't much care for Chromatica...i really didnt think my criticism of a commercial album would be met with such backlash as to drag my personality, or my freedom to speak, into an argument. but anyways, she still got excellent reviews from critics far more important than me so I guess it doesnt much matter what i think, or at least it shouldn't to elicit such a hurtful response...
  21. Is there a version of flipside with the drums? I’ve only heard snippets of it
  22. Mer

    Lady Gaga

    i removed from my music collection bc i honestly just never saw myself registering to it. its not very relatable...mainly bc the lyrics lack any kind of introspection/commentary on the human condition (which imo is the primary purpose of art)
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