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Everything posted by Mer

  1. im still bruised by 2016. I can’t take another upset like that again ?
  2. Am i the only one who thinks this is bad for Biden? Trump gets to dominate the news cycle and garner a lot of sympathy. This could tip the election back to him.
  3. It’s happening guys. Whatever it may be. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/10/02/us/politics/trump-covid.html
  4. She was also at Tuesday’s debate. Let’s hope she doesn’t give it to Joe or Jill!!
  5. Hope Hicks, President Trump’s communications advisor, has tested positive for coronavirus. She was with President Trump last night on Air Force One. She is in quarantine now. https://www.nytimes.com/live/2020/10/01/us/trump-vs-biden?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage#hope-hicks-coronavirus
  6. Mer

    Among Us

    I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t sick of it.
  7. Mer

    Among Us

  8. Mer

    Among Us

    Basically ur on a spaceship, and theres an imposter, and he murders players, and you have to debate other players to find out who the imposter is. Post codes below for private servers we can join lmao!
  9. Mer

    Line vs. Line

    high up in the hollywood hills crushing violet pills you've been trying to write a novel bout your cheap thrills you think you're hunter s. thompson i think you're fucking crazy as the day's long vs. you're in the yard, i light the fire and as the summer fades away nothing gold can stay you write, i tour, we make it work you're beautiful, and i'm insane we're american made
  10. Is there a full list anywhere of smaller chains/indie bookstores that carry Violet? I wish she could put a "store locator" feature in the LDR store...
  11. Mer

    Miley Cyrus

    Malibu, Week Without You, Miss You So Much, and Slide Away are her best tracks (and some of the best pop songs of the 10s tbh). Can’t wait to see what she delivers next
  12. Mer

    Song vs. Song

    Heroin vs. Cinnamon Girl
  13. I think Biden got under Trumps skin a lot better than Clinton ever did. At the end of the day, debates are no longer meant to inform voters about which candidates platform they like, but having some strong moments can get a candidate the extra air time in the news needed to give them a bit of a bump with more casual/undecided voters. And I think Biden had some great lines and zingers with his “clown” comments, that will probably be played on social media and news networks for the next couple of days much more than anything Trump said in the debate
  14. Nah I think Biden mopped the floor w trump in a way that Hillary Clinton never could’ve done. I think even Trump was surprised that Biden “out-zingered” him with all the clown comments Andy Cohen should moderate the debates Real Houswive’s Reunion style
  15. Ive honestly loved the guy since I was a little kid. He was always such a badass and I was proud to vote for him last week.
  16. How can someone look at trump screaming, red in the face—while Biden is laughing him off—and think “yup, Trump should be president”
  17. I gotta say tho, Biden’s handling Trump wayyy better than clinton did in 2016
  18. Biden just told trump to shut up. Dopamine hit for me lol
  19. “Folks, Does anyone know what this clown is doing?” -Biden to Trump, 2020
  20. Lana: are you okay, you seem super nervous about seeing me?! Me: *throwing up* why do you say that?
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