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Posts posted by Mer

  1. 19 minutes ago, Smoqueed said:

    I can’t speak for the US but I know that a decision to take military action against another country should’ve been debated and voted on in the UK first


    I agree with your points, but I am a tiny bit confused by this. If military action was voted on and debated in the House of Commons, that would give the other side ample warning that attacks are coming, and may lead them to counterstrike first and lead to further escalation depending on who the enemy may be? 

  2. 12 minutes ago, mindofyouwithmeTHANKU1moretime said:

    I can't do another round of this :paris: Why anyone would vote him in for a second term is beyond me. He offers nothing other than exacting revenge on his perceived political enemies. He's a narcissistic obsessed loser:scoff:


    I feel like this point is not talked about enough. Whichever side you're on, it's hard to argue that Trump actually accomplished anything for better or for worse. All he did was get himself in the news daily for some petty drama. He failed to repeal Obamacare, the border wall didn't really happen, and there were no major wars (and neither escalation nor deescalation of any ongoing conflicts). 


    He signed a few stupid executive orders that were quickly repealed by the next President, and he had no real vision or doctrine that he governed on. He just was a major headache and the saddest, and most impactful, thing he ever did was embolden a bunch of white nationalists to come out of the shadows. That was the most dangerous thing he ever has done, and will continue to do. Otherwise, he is the epitome of a failed President. 


    There are much, much more dangerous Republicans, who actually have an agenda and know who to carry it out, currently in/running for Congress, who want to strip rights away from anyone who's not a straight white man. Trump is distracting from them, and that is scary. 

  3. 38 minutes ago, Rorman Nockwell said:

    3. No shade to anyone on the list (I'm on there myself) buti t's boring to have the same people win everything


    I def think there's a correlation here between winners and people who change their screen names, and even their PFPs, the least. I still don't know where @Burthday Kake and @palemoonbaby (who thankfully just changed their name back to this original one) went when they changed their entire profile. I think that's why we're seeing the same people get nommed a lot, bc they're more in our memories when it's time to do submissions. 

  4. It’s slightly grown on me. Some of the lyrics in the verse are a bit juvenile. It’s def easy listening and super digestible (compared to the most recent House effort from a main pop girl). 

    I also appreciate that it’s different from the rest of the current Top 40. 

    Altho the dick lyric is a bit :um2:

  5. 2 minutes ago, ultrabanisters said:

    i wouldnt worry about getting one as long as you’re not spamming or being rude/abiding by the general rules youll be fine so have fun i used to troll in my non mod days :mariah4:


    I haven't gotten one yet, even tho I can be a teeny tiny bit shady (but without malice) at times :eyes:

  6. 1 minute ago, Elle said:

    I really, really didn't expect to win Lipster of the Year, or even be runner-up... I was truthfully very shocked when I saw that I had won. While I am so grateful for this award and it truly does mean the world to me that you all value what I do here for LanaBoards, I must say that this site would not be what it is without all of you. @Embach, @Mer, @Surf Noir, @Veinsineon, and everyone else who has ever contributed to this site - this award is yours as much as it is mine. You make this place what it is - a wonderful home where we can all come together to create memories and madness surrounding the incredible artist that is Lana Del Rey.

    I'm so grateful for all of you (and Lana!) every day and it will never be lost on me how special this place is. I love you guys madly!! Xx



    Elle and Embach cleared this year. They kept the site running (literally), and kept things entertaining, light and fun. 


    TBH I am really not the kinda person who ever really likes being on an internet forum/chatroom (I don't have most forms of social media outside of Instagram, which I rarely even use), so the fact that @Elle has created a fansite that we all feel safe enough to share pictures of ourselves, our lives, and more on is such a testament to her kindness <3 <3 <3

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