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Posts posted by Mer

  1. 3 minutes ago, Nectar Of The Puss said:

    Criminal that they put her on that tiny ass screen to interview some whack ass actors then give Leonardo decaprio sormomr

    who hadn’t been relevant since titanic a big screen


    And they would toast to me, oh
    Let the players play
    I'd be just like Leo

    ...If I were the man...

  2. Just now, watercolor eyes said:

    yeah there's no way. taylor seems like a respectful enough person not to pull something like that. i didn't even know the golden globes was on tonight, is she there? 


    She's in LA and nommed, and the favorite to win (altho Barbie might win her category) so likely she'll show up. But also the Golden Globes doesn't have the GP to cheer her on. Imagine her announcing Rep TV to a crowd of other famous ppl who probably would just politely clap :runs:

  3. I'm sorry but thinking Taylor Swift will get up on stage at the Golden Globes and announce Rep TV is sort of delusional? Like this is not the VMAs, I don't think the Golden Globes would even let her since it's not a music show...


    Altho if it happens I'd never stop laughing bc I assume a lot of those actors there would be pissed she upstaged their wins in the news cycle the following day.

  4. 7 hours ago, lanaismamom said:

    the way carolina is her top 3 songs made during her folk era… but i barely see it being mentioned ever since its release:noparty: do we know anything about timeline of the song, is it an outtake from folklore or was already made early 2021?


    She wrote Carolina about the book/film in late 2020, I believe. It was never a folklore/evermore outtake, because I believe she has claimed it was inspired by the story the movie is based off of (Where The Crawdad's Sing), so it was always attached to that project!

  5. 1 minute ago, Elle said:

    Her QFTC… x


    "Now that Shawn Mendes has acted gay on main and no one wrote a 5,000 word article on him, can I please go back to singing about being GLAAD instead of being mad"

  6. 6 minutes ago, honeyslow said:

    omg I never thought the day would come where she explicitly addressed it like this.. good for her


    But why did she have to drag Shawn Mendes into it poor dude :air:

  7. 1 hour ago, NikoGo said:

    i really don’t see us getting anything until mid summer at the earliest tbh


    I don't see anything until very late 2024 to early 2025. I think she's probably going to start doing 2 year album cycles. I think a March-July 2025 album drop is realistic, with a lead single dropping December 2024-February 2025. 

  8. 15 hours ago, mssainttropez said:

    As someone who is a huge Taylor fan, she shouldn’t win AOTY. She already has so many Grammy’s, and sweeps every time. While I love Midnights, it doesn’t compare to the cinematography and depth of DYKTATUOB. I also am a huge fan of boygenius, the record is amazing, however, Lana has been around for over a decade and her work hasn’t been acknowledged by the Grammy’s. As for Olivia Rodrigo, she has an amazing voice but I don’t like her music. My little sister loves GUTS, so I know every song but again compared to Lana there’s just no competition. Anyways, manifesting for an LDR sweep <3


    Agreed. No one else makes sense besides Lana for AOTY winner. I think it will come down to her and Olivia Rodrigo, but like you said, GUTS is no where near the lyrical masterpiece that is OB


    I genuinely think SZA is the biggest threat to Lana for AOTY, but I am hoping her lack of campaigning and her reduced spotlight in the media after Kill Bill's hype died down means most of the voting members forgot about that album :runs: 

  9. 2 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    Don't think this would happen but an album with an electronic edge would be sooo cool from Lana.


    I want something like FKA's Magdalene with that electro-edge. Especially a proper giltch-pop track a la Mirrored Heart (BTW I feel like the "Candy Necklace Glitch-Pop review" should've been "Drama of the Year")

  10. 6 minutes ago, daylight nightmare said:

    i had really weird dream today.:bye3:

    Lana was the one who release My Love Mine All Mine not Mitski. it was released with mv. there were colourful town, many wooden houses looking kinda like trailers with many outdoor spaces like cafe, casino, spa, shopping mall park, street foods, ice cream house etc.
    half people in video were drag queens and everyone's vintage outfits were mix of pastel BTD-style clothes with Lana's Gucci campaign, beige country breezy style and English royal fashion in red/violet/green/blue colours. accesories had futuristic vibe and there was two kinds of make up: bright, retro-futuristic or strong 50s. Lana was sitting in a cafe in caramel blonde wig and many scenes were shown where people have fun and having joy from life.
    there was scene where dark skinned drag queen with platinum bob wig, heartshapped sunglasses and sheer latex leggins was twerking in jacuzzi (literally bare ass was shown).:awkney:
    if it was going to be vision to fulfill i'm here for mix of LFL and BTD with AKA and COCC:charli:


    English royal to 1950s to bare-ass twerking is...something. Do you take a lot of hallucinogens before bed :duck: ?

  11. 2 hours ago, Elle said:

    I think it’s just because it’s hard to remember which letters you substituted for numbers :toofunny: even when I was typing your name on the forms I had to like triple check to make sure it was correct skkk x


    I always remember him as being 010, which is 2 1's short of 111 🫶

  12. 3 hours ago, That Venice Bitch said:

    And the award for Lipster of the Year goes to…




    Ok now that I am properly sat at my laptop I want to say a HUGE thanks to everyone who nominated me, because I truly didn't even think most of you really even noticed me 💕 💕 💕 I'm genuinely shocked and really really do love every one of you. 


    And huge shoutout to @Elle for organizing this year after year, even when she's injured and ignoring my requests to please go see a doctor. I know we're up against each other in a few categories, but there is no one I'd rather lose to 🫶


    Also @taco truck, @Surf Noir, @Embach, and @Veinsineon congrats on your noms <3 <3 <3 The forum would not be the same without you guys (and everyone here <3). 


    Ok this is getting sappy so sorry :runs:

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