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Everything posted by prettywhenimhigh

  1. she woke up one day and said I'm gonna gag bitches and that's exactly what she did
  2. how do we know taylor/her team didn't reach out in any way? ana's parents said so in an interview, we're not making this up I think something could've been done without making taylor look like she's taking the blame or whatever. her dedicating a song but not even saying ana's name, without putting her name on a big screen or something is kinda tasteless imho I don't see how addressing ana directly like that would hurt her image and make her look like she's at fault. she would be at least showing some sort of bigger support to the situation as opposed to a 24h story that doesn't even state facts correctly but let's see how things are gonna roll out in the next days as she still has 3 more shows to do here in brazil
  3. yes, they did! ana flew in from another state called mato grosso do sul and it's far from rio. her family needed money to transport her body and other funeral expenses her funeral was held tonight
  4. just watched an interview with ana's parents and it's probably one of the saddest things I have ever watched. it's really horrible that no one reached out to them and the only people helping right now are the fans I'm also seeing that some fans attending tonight's concert are trying to organize some sort of protest to get taylor's attention but I'm not sure if that's gonna work out
  5. @Rust Dress @watercolor eyes @MamaDelGhey thank you love this website but sometimes we have to read stuff that's very upsetting, I couldn't even say anything
  6. that's why I said "and the main reason was the same one: greedy big companies". nothing to do with being an underdeveloped country in this case. situations were different but the root of the problem was the same one I'm brazilian and I'm not trolling
  7. 2 years ago 10 people died at a travis scott concert that was held in your country, please and the main reason was the same one: greedy big companies so let's fucking not
  8. as someone who lives in rio for over 10 years now I can easily say that we've been having the WORST heat wave EVER this past week. I've endured pretty hellish summers over here, but I don't remember suffering SO MUCH as we did the past couple of days. yesterday was the hottest day of the year, like it was doing around 42°C/107,6°F and they still wanted the concert to happen, they made thousands of people wait at the stadium until the very last minute to postpone it, which is just outrageous. I almost fainted yesterday bc I unfortunately had to leave the house to run errands and had to be at a place that had no AC. people had to give me a chair and cold water so I could bring myself together and fight against my body fainting, I can't imagine being at a hot ass stadium surrounded by thousands of people with no access to cold water, so another tragedy could've easily happened. changes are being made now but unfortunately someone had to die so these changes could be made, which is just revolting and a slap in the face. climate change is VERY real and things are only gonna get worse from now on. no event should be held at extreme temperatures and water should be treated as the BASIC HUMAN RIGHT that it is, charging for water in such conditions should be a crime. rest in paradise, ana 🌹 such a young beautiful girl with her whole life ahead. I can't imagine what her family is going through right now, but I hope they'll have strength to sue T4F's ass, what they did to their daughter and the rest of the fans was criminal as for today, we woke up with a heavy rain and the temperatures are MUCH better. it's 3pm now and it's doing around 27°C/80,6°F outside, a huge relief.
  9. she means the next album will be blues / glam / experimental
  10. screaming crying throwing up etc
  11. our tax system and economy always doing the most to stop us from getting nice things
  12. so many nominations omg she better win something idc if they're a scam
  13. my legacy omg thank you elle!!!!
  14. the beat just dropped and the room got sexy! ~
  15. what a comeback! she devoured this, the beat is insane
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