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  1. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Instagram Updates   
    “lizzie can punch me in the face
    chemtrails over this bad bitch’s waist”
    Eclipse sent this yesterday. Do we think it’s lyrics?
  2. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    Think with me: if she was performing LMLYLAW or YNWA or Summertime I guess she would say in the post. She didn’t, she’s keeping the surprise! COCC debut on TV confirmed 
  3. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Instagram Updates   
    Guys, this was her way to say that chemtrails is coming Monday
  4. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Instagram Updates   
    She reads this thread
  5. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Instagram Updates   
    OMG SHE POSTED! SHES SO CUTE! What does the emojis mean?
  6. fishtails liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    Think with me: if she was performing LMLYLAW or YNWA or Summertime I guess she would say in the post. She didn’t, she’s keeping the surprise! COCC debut on TV confirmed 
  7. bel air rose liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Instagram Updates   
    “lizzie can punch me in the face
    chemtrails over this bad bitch’s waist”
    Eclipse sent this yesterday. Do we think it’s lyrics?
  8. NikoGo liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    Think with me: if she was performing LMLYLAW or YNWA or Summertime I guess she would say in the post. She didn’t, she’s keeping the surprise! COCC debut on TV confirmed 
  9. menslayer liked a post in a topic by Lustformoney in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    She didnt mention what shes gonna sing cuz  its a suprise performance of Chemtrails. People on Chemtrails set said the song is fire and she added chilli emoji

  10. fishtails liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Instagram Updates   
    OMG SHE POSTED! SHES SO CUTE! What does the emojis mean?
  11. bel air rose liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    Think with me: if she was performing LMLYLAW or YNWA or Summertime I guess she would say in the post. She didn’t, she’s keeping the surprise! COCC debut on TV confirmed 
  12. plastiscguy liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Instagram Updates   
    “lizzie can punch me in the face
    chemtrails over this bad bitch’s waist”
    Eclipse sent this yesterday. Do we think it’s lyrics?
  13. Catgirl liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Instagram Updates   
    “lizzie can punch me in the face
    chemtrails over this bad bitch’s waist”
    Eclipse sent this yesterday. Do we think it’s lyrics?
  14. Venice Peach liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    Think with me: if she was performing LMLYLAW or YNWA or Summertime I guess she would say in the post. She didn’t, she’s keeping the surprise! COCC debut on TV confirmed 
  15. menslayer liked a post in a topic by lanasbottom in Instagram Updates   
    it looks like cheap motel....OMG mermaid motel performance confirmed 
    girl... go to bed 
  16. plastiscguy liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    Think with me: if she was performing LMLYLAW or YNWA or Summertime I guess she would say in the post. She didn’t, she’s keeping the surprise! COCC debut on TV confirmed 
  17. Joseblue12 liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Instagram Updates   
    “lizzie can punch me in the face
    chemtrails over this bad bitch’s waist”
    Eclipse sent this yesterday. Do we think it’s lyrics?
  18. menslayer liked a post in a topic by IanadeIrey in Instagram Updates   
    She is STUNNING! Based on the surrounding scenery of these pictures, I think this is from the same set Etienne and Sheridan teased before Thanksgiving of the saloon-inspired bar with the cactus out in front. Clay also posted a picture of himself there so I think it’s safe to say that that was for the Fallon performance! 
  19. wild caged animal liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    Think with me: if she was performing LMLYLAW or YNWA or Summertime I guess she would say in the post. She didn’t, she’s keeping the surprise! COCC debut on TV confirmed 
  20. singintheblues liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    Think with me: if she was performing LMLYLAW or YNWA or Summertime I guess she would say in the post. She didn’t, she’s keeping the surprise! COCC debut on TV confirmed 
  21. Catgirl liked a post in a topic by menslayer in Lana to be a musical guest on the Jimmy Fallon Show - December 14th, 2020   
    Think with me: if she was performing LMLYLAW or YNWA or Summertime I guess she would say in the post. She didn’t, she’s keeping the surprise! COCC debut on TV confirmed 
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