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About JJJ

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  • Birthday 10/30/2001

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    Long Island
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  1. I just received a DHL’s message telling me that my Fnac order is coming tomorrow!
  2. I’m happy for y’all Hopefully they dispatch my order soon too
  3. I’m so JEALOUS, my order still says waiting for supplier delivery
  4. Audio-Technica 60XBT, it sounds pretty good and it’s also automatic
  5. It’s giving me the vibe of the scenarios in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novels, rich people in the jazz age living in New York
  6. Ohh, I love it honestly!! Hopefully the one that comes with the vinyl is less wrinkly and more like a litho
  7. Thank u so much for the help!! It was easier than I thought
  8. Hi! I don’t know if this is the right topic to ask but, Can someone explain me how can I add the signature thing below my posts? I’ve tried several times but I don’t see where is the option to add it. Thanks in advance
  9. Lol no, I’m pretty sure the photoshoot is from 2020, in the Eric Lloyd Wright House
  10. Okay thanks for telling me, I didn’t know that
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