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camera ready

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  1. camera ready liked a post in a topic by OscarScheller in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    The reason Israeli authorities considered Emily dead, is the body they found in her home fitting her body size. How could they mix up to different girls you ask and I would too - but the answer is terrifying. 
    it took a MONTH to identify the body because how badly it was corrupted. Butchered, and then burned to coal. IT TOOK A MONTH TO IDENTIFY THE BODY. 
    Also if you want to play the “who to trust” game, Islamic Jihad claimed Hanna Katzir, a 76 yo woman, died (wonder how) in captivity - but a week later she was released through the deal. Cruel lying psychological terrorists. 
  2. camera ready liked a post in a topic by OscarScheller in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    No evidence? I mean you just need to watch the footage HAMAS THEMSELVES took on Oct 7th. 
    kfir bibas, months old baby, was taken to captivity underground with his mom and toddler brother. This photo was taken by a Hamas terrorist on October seventh, approximately at 10am.

    Look at them, look at the bloody shirt of the Palestinian man on their side. Just imagine the horrors they witnessed. 
    No evidence you say while the perpetrators of this terror attack filmed it all themselves and uploaded online (for example, taking the phone of an elderly woman and live streaming her cruel murder on Facebook for her family and the whole world to see)
    if you don’t take “my word” on it, trust them with this as you do with the rest. They’re not ashamed of this, they have proudly documented it all for us to witness. 
  3. camera ready liked a post in a topic by ep11 in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Thank you for pointing this out. Hamas now alleges he is dead from airstrikes, as well as his sibling and mother. Who GAF what they say anyway, they said Emily Hand was dead initially and now she is back with her father, albeit very traumatized. 
  4. camera ready liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    It definitely does and I feel for the children (and adults) who are unjustly held without trial in Israel
    That has nothing to do with the fact that Hamas is an extremist terrorist organization that killed 1,200+ Jews on October 7th in the biggest loss of Jewish life since the Holocaust 
    And it is actually factual that Hamas has babies held hostage. The youngest one is named Kfir Bibas and he is only 10 months old. That constitutes terrorism, it's an objective fact and I'm bewildered we can't all agree on it 
  5. camera ready liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Um no.. Hamas are absolutely and unequivocally terrorists.. there isn't really any way to question their extremism, they literally have babies (one is 10 months old) currently held hostage in tunnels underground 😭 
  6. camera ready liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    this is the World News section...
  7. camera ready liked a post in a topic by baddisease in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    an LDR website with a news section, though.
  8. camera ready liked a post in a topic by OscarScheller in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Been avoiding this thread since oct 8. Honestly, seeing the compassion towards Hamas is terrifying. 
    I feel for the Palestinian people. I wish for peace, I really do. There were missteps along the way from both sides, but as the latest events unfold i just can’t understand how some people can, on behalf of truly innocent and oppressed communities - support a terror organization and nightmarish terror attacks on civilians. Saying captives were enjoying their time in the strip. Remind you, these children that were freed the last days (by a ceasefire deal which I support) - these children SAW THEIR PARENTS MURDERED INFRONT OF THEIR EYES. Abigail Idan, celebrated her 4th birthday in captivity, came back home last night only to find out both her parents were murdered and burned. 
    Airstrikes are not fair nor accurate. War is never fair or accurate. But Oct 7th was very accurate. The terrorists knew the communities and towns they went into. They planned beforehand how to rape them, behead them and burned them. They went into homes, one by one, burned them on the families they couldn’t kill right away.
    Hell, they filmed it all on tape themselves! They were proud of it!
    oct 7th was not resistance. it was a deliberate attack on innocent families, elderly, holocaust survivors, 3-month-old babies.  THESE are the people Hamas abducted. How can ANYONE with a functioning soul defend this to the slightest??
    the “march of return” was not resistance. It was a terror campaign, burning tires on the border to suffocate civilians living nearby, firing rockets at population centers and sending flying explosives to burn fields, homes, schools and nature reserves. 
    This post came out to be longer than I thought and I barely have any hope that the consequences will be any other than non-beneficial name-calling and automatic earplugging. I fear that as a society we lost the ability to actually hear out other perspectives. 
    my message is just don’t be one sided. War is never fair and it applies to both sides, especially the side who deliberately stared it on October 7th knowing very well what this action will lead to. 
  9. camera ready liked a post in a topic by OscarScheller in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    This situation on the region didn’t start last month. But HOWEVER you put this, the actions that were committed just can not be justified. How on EARTH does kidnapping children, after murdering their entire family, can bring “peace” or “wellbeing” or “freeing” anything?
    these dark dark actions are the catalyst to this war. The conflict will not go away anytime soon and that’s another discussion. But eliminating Hamas, the terror organization that carried out this appalling attack, is the main priority right now. For Israelis and Palestinians alike. Do you think an organization like this can bring prosperity to the people it claims to represent? After stealing their resources to build an army-like collection of murderous people and weapons?
    but I guess my post was just not meant for people like you. 
  10. Noam liked a post in a topic by camera ready in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
  11. camera ready liked a post in a topic by Embach in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I understand that what the Israeli government is doing with Palestine is wrong but you went too far with this Jewish people are humans too and not every Jewish supports the goverment...
  12. camera ready liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    The problem is that people always blame the other side for everything (whether they are right or not). Everyone should first solve the problems on their own doorstep, the Palestinians should ask themselves if they are trivializing the terror of Hamas too much or distancing themselves from it too little, and the Israelis should actually realize that they are constantly increasing the terror and hatred against them with their military actions, violations of international law, and illegal settler activities.
  13. camera ready liked a post in a topic by Mash Tragic in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    I think this thread is a perfect example of how things are getting messy in the international discourse.
    Putting it in spoiler because it's long:
    That said, some things should be simple enough not to get confused but for some reason, it's hard for some people:
    You can criticize the despicable, evil actions of the Israeli government without being antisemistic.
    You can hold Hamas responsible for their crimes and still support Palestine.
    All Jews aren't Zionists.
    All Palestinians aren't terrorists.
    All Israeli don't support Netanyahu.
    All Palestinians don't support Hamas.
    I don't know if the two-state solution will ever see the light of the day and if Palestinians will finally live in peace, but I do know the true victims right now are the civilians being bombed, killed and mutilated for crimes they didn't commit. All the money and energy Western countries are putting in that conflict should be for humanitarian aid and nothing else.
    Side note: I wouldn't ban people spouting IDF propaganda. There's a slim chance they've been brainwashed and interacting with other people might open their eyes. As slim as it is, I'd still take it.
  14. camera ready liked a post in a topic by fl0r1dakil0s in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    There are unfortunately many (1000+) cases of illegitimate imprisonment in Israel and I agree that they need to stop ASAP. Administrative detention should be reserved for rare and real security threats and the way Israel uses it for mere speech that they deem inciteful and the like is incomprehensible. It's also unfair that Israelis get sent to civil court and Palestinians get sent to military court (much higher conviction % and little leniency) for the same crimes
    That being said, it doesn't excuse Hamas taking innocent Israeli hostages on October 7th
  15. camera ready liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    The problem is not the original definition, but the context in which it was (mis)used (Calls for the destruction of Israel). Just as the swastika was originally a religious symbol, but in most cases it is no longer understood in this way.
  16. camera ready liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    @Veinsineon the slogan "from the river to the sea" is very disputed:
    On November 11, 2023, the slogan was banned in Bavaria (Germany), and "the prosecutor's office and the Bavarian police warned that henceforth the use of this slogan, regardless of language, will be considered as the use of symbols of terrorist organizations. This may result in punishment of up to three years in prison or a fine."
  17. camera ready liked a post in a topic by I Come In Peace in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Seeing a lot of privileged Europeans and Americans talking s*** and judging my country (and Jews), thinking that they know every single thing about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is WILD.
    While a lot of you read their news straight from influencers' instagram stories or from TikTok, yet I'm the one living here, in this situation, for 20+ years.
    Let's clear some misconceptions/ignorant things I've read here:
    Most Jews in Israel aren't white - a lot of us are Middle Eastern (including myself), so we literally got nowhere to go (my ancestors' countries ethnically cleansed all the Jewish people living there). Most Israelis want PEACE and believed in the two states solution (unfortunately some stopped believing in it since October 7th), and don't agree with our goverment's actions (I personally protested against the government several times the past year) Israel don't have any official responsibility for giving aid to Palestine (yet we've been doing that) Some of you seem to forget/ignore - HAMAS IS A TERRORIST GROUP, WHO MURDER THEIR OWN PEOPLE! on October 7th, they k*lled Muslim Bedouins as well! about the quote "Cease fire in Gaza" - every single time that there is a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine, Hamas is the one that breaks it, exactly like they did with the terrible massacre on October 7th The quote "From the river to the sea" = the erasure of Israel & the Jewish people living here (again, most of us don't have second citizenships, we literally got nowhere else to live in) Palestine got free in 2005 "In 2005, Israelis of the Gush Katif Israeli settlements were evacuated as part of Israel's unilateral disengagement plan, and all Israeli restrictions on internal movements ceased". Unfortunately Hamas got elected in 2007... About some comments of IDF soldiers on videos - as a former IDF soldier myself, I'd NEVER support hurting of innocent civilians! Most Israelis don't! (except crazy right-winged people) The Palestinians that are in Israelis prisons right now - are terrorists who tried to commit murders/bombings. Israel don't imprison innocent civilians, just like any other country don't. One last thing - the word "Zionist" is being used as a slur in the past month, and it's 
    Zionism = the belief that Jews needs a country. after the rise of antisemitism we're seeing going on in the world, proofs why we need a country.
    I want to thank you if you took the time to read my comment. I still have hope we'll be able to live alongside Palestine peacefully.
    May Palestine be free from Hamas, and we'll be free from Netanyahu.
  18. camera ready liked a post in a topic by bluechemtrails in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    There are a lot of immigrant Muslims living in Germany and right now Jews are actually living in fear (again) because all the hate is now directed at them. It's absolutely shocking.
    I'm in favor of pro-Palestinian protests, but you have to be careful that they don't turn into anti-Semitic violence (even though most of the protesters are actually peaceful).
  19. camera ready liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    Over half of Israel's entire population is mizrahi, meaning jews from Arab countries that were either expelled in the aftermath of the 1948 war or decided to migrated to Israel, without counting the 20% Arab pop that lives there. It's not a evil white people against defenseless brown people story.
  20. camera ready liked a post in a topic by Limelight in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    The US has bases in many Middle Eastern countries, not just Israel, and other countries like Saudi Arabia have already said they are still going to normalize relations with Israel. American aid is important but mostly when it comes to diplomacy, their aid only represents 1% of the Israeli GDP. A ceasefire now would be the same as losing, they'll only stop when they reach their goals, no international pressure is going to make them stop
  21. camera ready liked a post in a topic by SinclairKills23 in 1 dead and 1,000+ hospitalized at Taylor Swift concert in Brazil   
    Some people on this thread don’t like Taylor and just want to come in here and bash her so their opinion of how much they don’t like her is public on a thread about a girl passing away. It’s honestly disgusting. 
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