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Posts posted by barttttender

  1. 43 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    Yeah, but I can’t say that I’m surprised: SYTH was already a fan-fave for many months now and its format makes it easier to have big streaming numbers: at 3:30, I rarely listen to it once.

    and let’s face it: OB is a masterpiece, but most songs aren’t very light in tone, when they’re not very very long. Not the best for big numbers.


    since Norman, there’s a « pattern » of some sort when it comes to her releases: she makes the singer-songwriter records she wants, and there are collabs or a standalone single in this case that are extremely successful, which makes everyone « happy »


    Very true. 


    But still - it's quite bizarre that Say Yes to Heaven already has as many views as the Candy Necklace video with it's super pricey budget, glam image and well-received new album behind it.


    It just proves what I've been saying for weeks - that Candy Necklace was the absolute wrong choice for a single/video. If she'd spent as much money on a  sexy AW video, we would have had 30 millions by now, at least.


    She needs to get it into her head that people only watch videos that make them feel good - making a video for sad songs ( Arcadia, White Dress, Candy Necklace, Blue Banisters) - is a complete and utter waste of money. 

  2. 2 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    :true: Although I don’t think a deluxe will ever exist, I must say that I’d love how a deluxe would extend this era a bit longer. OB is weirdly one of the eras I enjoyed the most from her, it’s such a lovely and dense album and I don’t really want to move on so quickly. 
    Not sure SYTH would be fit on a OB deluxe though. 


    Definitely not! It would have fee on BB, along with Fine China.

  3. Hi. I was listening to DCMA on iTunes and noticed Lana's vocals are a lot worse than before.


    The mixing on her section is weird now and her vocal delivery a bit breathy and not as smooth as before. She seems to run out of breath on "county line." It's almost like a lessor take was put in the place of the original one. I immediately compared it to the video version and the difference is definitely there. The video version has more backing vocals and harmonies.


    It almost like someone re-edited the song to make Lana sound like a lessor singer.


    Can someone please check? Or am I tripping?

  4. 20 minutes ago, taco truck said:

    See this is why she should have never made bb in the first place and just put out an unreleased comp since that’s 3/4th of bb anyway😭😭😭


    I'm still just pretending that BB never happened.


    Although I do get pissed off when I see "Blue Banisters" on the LDR Essentials playlist on Spotify. Like, what's "essential" about that song? No one cars that it exists. 

  5. 3 hours ago, the greatest bitch said:

    lol like how can someone listen to sped up versions genuinely 


    Because people have ADHD and their IQ is mega low.


    So you hear this sped up 1 minute song and you get a shot of dopamine to your little chicken brain.


    That's why "pop" nowadays is basically 3 or less minutes of hooks.


    Also explains why Lana with her dreamy 5 minutes ballads hasn't had a hit since Doin' Time. If she started releasing sped up versions of everything and added some drums, she'd probably be number 1. That's where we're at.....

    1 hour ago, domandapiano said:

    Drag me for saying this but I feel like MAYBE this release subtly indicates she doesn’t care that much about this song anymore. I enjoy it, and it will probably be the version of this song I listen to most frequently from this moment unto eternity, but it kinda feels incomplete without a bridge, and it’s abbreviated structure feels largely influenced by modern viral music trends. Ocean Boulvard was any thing BUT modern viral music trends so this being so makes me wonder if she’s kinda over it? Which I wouldn’t blame her for considering it’s been leaked and listened to for a while. There’s less of an anticipation for folks 2 hear it because most people who are into her already have. 

    This isn’t to say she’s never cared about it because it’s a very nice song, but ya know. 


    Interscope probably asked her to remove the bridge for the sake of brevity. "Market research shows that 3 minute songs do best yadda yadda yadda"

  6. 7 hours ago, wilting daisy said:

    so since this really is a new version, do we think its like a recently rerecorded version or just an unleaked version that they just registwred and released now? do we think there's a possibility she could rerecord more unreleased songs if this one does well or do we think its just a one off thing bc of how popular it is and how special it is to her? i'm just continuously fascinated by this song actually getting a release.


    honestly, i think they just wanted to boost lana's streaming number.


    most songs off OB haven't exactly broken iTunes streaming wise, they're kinda low.m


    candy necklace isn't doing much either


    i wish she waited a bit with this - it's coming across as a tad desparate. But it's a good song, so whatever

  7. So, many weeks have past - how's everyone feeling about the record?


    I must say, I was at first a bit disappointed with the album's tempo and the fact that it doesn't have a bona fide hit. I do miss the fun Lana of Doin' Time and High by the Beach. 


    But then after some has passed, I realize just how unique this record is and how touchingly simple and beautiful a lot of these songs are...


    The title track

    Paris, Texas

    Let the Light in




    The Grants...


    They're just such beautiful songs! So simple and so beautiful, and no one else could have written them. 


    And then we still have Candy Necklace, AW, Taco Truck, Peppers to add some diversity and edge to the record.


    I will never be a fan of the interludes (been skipping them since day 1) nor Fingertips and Kintsugi, which are too boring to me. 


    But on the whole, I'd call this her best record since Norman, and a massive improvement of Blue Banisters. Definitely prefer it to BB Chemtrails, Violet and Honeymoon.


    How does everyone else feel?




  8. On 5/14/2023 at 8:18 PM, Enchanted Mansion said:

    Barrie is arguably the most well-known and inspiring boyfriend of her career. Because he hung out with good musicians, was real, far from showbiz and its falsity.

    Lana was heavily inspired by this circle of friends (and a few rappers) she also hung out with. She may have been more alone, but her music was so special, she could pull off THAT thing. She was angry and inspired at the same time. :flutter:

    I know that between them things went badly afterwards because of Barrie's addictions, but he was and remains this cool guy who gave Lana the confidence to do her own thing without being ashamed of it. She could be "weird". Finally I understand myself, I think of "Lana Del Rey". For Lizzy, I know there were others but we can make the connection: she always hung out with guys far from the Hollywood tumult and I think all that kind of shaped her. :legend:


    The second, I would say Francesco Carrozzini. Although he was a hateful guy for what he did to her next, she was very inspired by him too. It gets along and was very in love, so we can't take that away from her. 


    The rest sound like everyday lovers, Lana has been bored ever since. :(


    What did Francesco do exactly?


    On 5/14/2023 at 5:35 AM, past the bushes said:

    Barrie :barrie:

    and then there's Donoghue...


    Yeah, nice guy, but he's not hot. 



  9. Just came across this article - https://people.com/music/lana-del-rey-dating-history/ and thought we'd discuss.


    Personally, I think Francesco and Larkin were the hottest. You could tell that she had great chemistry with Franceso in particular. And I love his work on the Ultraviolence video. Wish they'd worked out. Anyone know what happened?


    Larkin was apparently a dick, so I'll go with Francesco as the fav. 


    Who's yours? 

  10. 1 hour ago, Honeyyoung said:

    a&w mv and title track mv would be perfect imo


    Yeah, those two are objectively the biggest songs on the album. But, let's face it, CN isn't doing that great, unfortunately. So, we can probably hope for a Chuck directed video at best.

    4 hours ago, Lanaparadiserey said:

    They just post old tea that someone already said. I’m sure they are just guessing lol


    I wouldn't be surprised if they use the CN footage for another video. That'd be kinda cool actually. Same footage different story. 

  11. 1 hour ago, fl0r1dakil0s said:

    After watching this music video I interpret every single Lana song differently. Like I seriously think I can tie every song into this music video she's just a genius she really is I take back all the chemtrails slander  :thumb3:


    Chemtrails is such a fine little folk album. I just wish there were a few more great songs on it ala White Dress, and fewer blah songs on it like Breaking Up Slowly or For Free. Like, just two-three more songs and it would have been a great album. This way, it's just a solid 7/0.

  12. 3 hours ago, longtimeman said:

    Yeah. I hate to shit on people's creative vision, but he took out every bit of personality, nuance and interset in her voice and performance, and created a couple of hits. Based on that, it's no wonder she doesn't care about chart success.


    I do wish she cared a bit more though. Just one straight-up bop on each record ala Dont Call Me Angel, Doin' Time or High by the Beach. I love seeing Lana looking great, charting and everyone raving about her (as they should). Three albums without hits makes me a very sad boy 🥺

  13. 3 hours ago, PARADIXO said:


    I think this is her best best video since Shades Of Cool.


    my ranking:


    1. Born to die (the first to reach a billion and for a reason)

    2. Ride (masterpiece)

    3. Young and Beautiful (gorgeous)

    4. Shades of Cool (pure rock cinema)

    5. Candy Necklace (I might bump it up above Shades tho, genius)

    6. Don't Call Me Angel (crap song but the cinematography and her looks are fire)

    7. National Anthem (the most pop lana will ever be, sizzles)

    8. West Coast (dark, moody, edgy, cinematic)

    9. Music to Watch Boys to (kubrick woulda loved this)

    10. High by the Beach / Doin' Time (great storylines in both)


    HM: Blue Jeans (og), Burning Desire, Chemtrails, Video Games (og), Lust for Life, fily/the greatest


    mediocre: love (too mtv 1990s), blue banisters, all of the chuck directed stuff, all of the homemade ones, blue jeans b&w (meh), summertime sadness, 


    worst: White Mustang - as beautiful as it is, it just makes zero sense, arcadia, white dress (the song deserved better), freak (hate that song and the video is equally mismanaged), let me love you like a woman (what even was that), let me love you - live (probably her worst look and performance). Could easily live without any of those


  14. 2 hours ago, Coney Island King said:

    I’ve seen the video a few times now. It really is fucking amazing, one of her best. Definitely the best concept she’s had for a video, love the footage, LOVE the broken up song with all the extra piano segments. It’s really next level video making. This era creatively is so good. 

    the video has again solidified that Lana had made the biggest contribution towards her art and legacy since Norman. I was iffy on whether Chemtrails was stronger due do the visuals but this video supersedes any of those.

    In fact, it beats all of Norma's videos and Lust for Life's and Honeymoon. I'm gonna go ahead and call this her best video since UV's. Who's with me??

  15. 8 hours ago, prettywhenimhigh said:


    the way it doesn't even have 1 million views yet is frustrating  :crying5:



    It won't do well. We know that from the moment Candy Necklace was chosen. It's a very depressing song and people won't get it. Hell, even Music to Watch Boys to, which is not even that slow and has a great video, didn't do well - at the height of Lana's fame.


    None of her videos with slow or depressing songs get views. Case in point: White Dress, Blue Banisters, Arcadia 1 and 2, White Mustang, Chemtrails, Venice Bitch, Let me Love you, etc....


    People want BEATS (Beyonce). Or BIG ORCHESTRATIONS (Adele). What's why Born to Die did so well - because it had both!


    Candy Necklace has none of those, hence it will end up with as low a view count as White Dress, or Chemtrails at best.

  16. 4 minutes ago, Yameena Khatri said:

    Makes me happy she still puts effort into visuals. I was scared she's gonna take 'strictly music' route 


    yeah, one big video per album is all we need!!!


    better one great one like cn than 5 mediocre ones like arcadia, bb, arcadia 2, white dress, wtc. Waste of money, and time

  17. 22 minutes ago, GeminiLanaFan said:

    If the BTS hadn’t been part of the MV, it would have been something stunning, like the COCC MV, but it would have lacked some dimension IMO.


    plus the BTS mirrors the sound of OB, where there are so many flaws from the takes that ended up on the final mixing of the songs, to embrace imperfections to heal and grow. Here, it’s like she explains, there’s the persona and there’s the real woman. And it ties with the complex image of the Candy Necklace, that I see as an empty or ephemeral promess (unlike diamonds that are supposed to be forever).


    urgh her mind!!!! 
    i didn’t care for a big MV for this era…I take back my words, this is perfect. 



    I really didn't expect this. One of her best-ever, most high-end, most conceptual, most stylised and edgiest videos. Pure art. I think even Scorsese or Tarantino would approve.


    I wasn't a big fan of his previous work. Doin' Time I liked the most probably. Love was too siroupy and MTV-ish and hipster-pandering. The others were a bit basic. This is the best work he's ever done with Lana. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Cherry Blossom said:

    Okay after watching the whole thing

    I like the idea of using BTS to further the message and story

    however, if they released a cut and professional alternate video using the takes we only see the BTS of I’d enjoy that! 



    My only complaint is that there's about a minute of it (during Baptiste solo) where it's all BTS footage. I thought she overdidi there, espeically when you think about how gorgeous some of the "movie" shots would have been. That's my only complaint. 

  19. 1 hour ago, Thunder Revenant said:

    I'm not agsinst the idea of swapping between BTS/ "proper" video clips for story telling purposes (actually really like the concept), I just feel like the execution here is really really messy


    messy how exactly? Looking forward to your editorial and directorial commentary

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