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  1. Anonymcomenter liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Lady Gaga   
    it started soo good and then it went down like a landslide... oh well atleast blade of grass is one of her best songs ever
  2. HeadlessAlligators liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Recommend A Movie To The User Above You   
    just watched The Truman Show and it's so good!!
  3. vrsyva liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Rarely Known Lana Facts (bottom of the LDR iceberg)   
    i still wanna know what that photoshoot in a witch house that was caught by a streamer was for 
  4. vrsyva liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Rarely Known Lana Facts (bottom of the LDR iceberg)   
    now that's a question she needs to answer on the next honeymoon livestream
  5. vrsyva liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Rarely Known Lana Facts (bottom of the LDR iceberg)   
    so i saw this idea on twitter and i thought it was fun to bring to here! like the title says, share the most obscure end-of-the-iceberg lana facts you know or even things that happened in older pre-release periods that younger fans have no idea!
  6. Honeyyoung liked a post in a topic by Rust Dress in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    ugh im so over the folk slander like everyone paid fishtail, peppers, and taco truck dust while let the light in (objectively one of the folkier songs on the album) was the one song to be the most popular… like jeez you guys would be gagging over yosemite if it were on LFL despite it being a dominantly guitar song
  7. Honeyyoung liked a post in a topic by Lanaparadiserey in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
  8. Honeyyoung liked a post in a topic by Americen Whore in The Right Person Will Stay - Pre-Release Thread (OUT: May 21st, 2025)   
    Girl why is every barttttender post is about charts/sales  
  9. Honeyyoung liked a post in a topic by Southern GOTHIC in Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Oh that's really not-
  10. Honeyyoung liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    Ew ... This is not the serve you thought it is.
  11. Honeyyoung liked a post in a topic by Honeytrails in Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    This is a weird analogy to make. 
  12. Dark Angel liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Lasso - Pre-Pre-Release Thread   
    please do we don't care
  13. cheaptrailertrashglm liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Israel's genocide of Palestinians and war on the Middle East   
    i think it's really sad how a real life world problem that is currently affecting thousands of people in a horrific way turns into just another way for teenagers on the internet to hold a moral compass on celebrities using buzzwords that slowly lose their original meaning
  14. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Charli XCX   
    9 nominations like she ate that up
  15. Embach liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Charli XCX   
    9 nominations like she ate that up
  16. Bootynugget liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Charli XCX   
    9 nominations like she ate that up
  17. boom like that liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Charli XCX   
    9 nominations like she ate that up
  18. LanaForLif3 liked a post in a topic by Honeyyoung in Lana and Sean Larkin, JFK Airport, NY - October 25 2019   
    the entire conversation about her face and plastic surgery is just so unnecessary. she looked great in 2012, great in 2017 and looks great now
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