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001 liked a post in a topic by Pico Ocean Boulevard in Honeymoon - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
Happy Birthday to this amazing body of work I can't believe Honeymoon is 6 years old now (it also made me realize I'm a Lana for 6 years now too, it's crazy how fast the time flies by)
Honeymoon is art, a timeless classic, a masterpiece, stunning, beautiful, her best album
Go & stream it today, it's what she deserves
001 liked a post in a topic by Solar Fields in Chemtrails Over the Country Club - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
My favorite Lana album It just means so much to me
001 liked a post in a topic by uvbabe in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
Yes! As as whole, I prefer BB, but, just like you said, White Dress and the title track are in another level of greatness.
001 liked a post in a topic by ChaoticLipster in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
Other fan bases making fun of Lana for doing only 30k when their fave is struggling on there 3rd album. I’d like to see Halsey or Billie do next to zero promotion, disable social media still sell 200k on an 8th album…them girls would drop fast.
001 liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
Lana literally walked so L*rde and H*lsey and B*llie and all these other flops could run… and they STILL tripped over. Not a single female contemporary artist is even in the same league as Lana.
001 liked a post in a topic by Venice Jesus Whore in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
When Interlude - The Trio comes on after the calming ending to Arcadia
001 liked a post in a topic by GeminiLanaFan in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
I’ll add to that that Billie and Halsey both have strong pop vibes to their « alt », which helps them get played on radio (by the way, no way Halsey could have released her latest in the beginning, it’s her least «accessible » album to date). Lana is a singer songwriter. What she does is art, with very little consideration in making her songs sound like « singles ». She is bold to keep on doing music that she loves without seeking a commercial sound. And yeah, she is incredibly successful when you line up the facts like you did!
001 liked a post in a topic by SalvaWHORE in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
Guys. We really do need to organise a streaming party. Is there any way to ask other fandoms to participate?
Dealer & IYLDWM are having their moments. Let's do something for them!!! If we play the cards right, Blue Banisters might secure its #1 spot on Billboard 200 next week.
001 liked a post in a topic by FallingCherry in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
I’m so conflicted with Dealer… I love Lana’s part so bad and how sultry the production is, but I really cannot stand Miles Kane’s voice…
I now understand how frustrating it was for the people who liked Breaking Up Slowly but didn’t like Nikki’s voice. At the end of the day, we cannot force ourselves to appreciate every singer in the world, but I wish I could play Dealer more often without having to directly skip to Lana’s legendary screaming part
001 liked a post in a topic by West Coast in Blue Banisters - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll
Besides 'Cherry' that's only really great live, I never thought the other two were that great tbh—they're just kinda there for me. 'Dealer' is above it all honestly.