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  1. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by KillForLove in Charli XCX   
    Not to be annoying and keep repeating myself but god is Baby is a good song. It's suuuuuch a moment like I'm so proud of my girl for stepping out basically 10+ years into her public major label career looking better than ever and smashing it out of the park. Even if the album doesn't do well I'm so happy she's pushing herself out of her comfort zone to give us something really iconic.
  2. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by KeybladeMeister in Charli XCX   


  3. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by blameitonme in Charli XCX   
    the tennis skirt.........xcx world rights!

  4. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by charli bby in Charli XCX   
    bark bark bark Charli tagged Kaytranada in her Instagram post I’m feral for music from them two
  5. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by Charlottexseax in Charli XCX   
    the message:

  6. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by DaddyKnew in Charli XCX   
    Charli was supposed to be on Slumber Party instead of Tinashe... this is my 9/11.
  7. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by sack in Charli XCX   
    i completely agree. i think baby is absolutely amazing and good ones isn’t bad but this era isn’t my favorite so far. it’s not that i want charli to do super experimental pc music again, i just think she could give us more memorable and hard hitting pop music than the singles that've been released. everything has felt pretty lackluster for me, however i don’t think every era that an artist has is gonna be my cup of tea. this era hasn’t been bad, just not my type of music. the amount of people attacking her on twitter honestly disgusts me because her new music appeals to a LOT of people even if it doesn’t appeal to me and i can appreciate that. if charli enjoys the music she’s releasing then i’m happy for her. baby gives me a lot of hope for the album though so maybe she’ll make me change my mind about not loving this era once it’s out 
  8. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by evalionisameme in Charli XCX   
    I don’t think charli plans at all she’s very instinctive and impulsive as a person and changes her mind a lot. 
    she could go anywhere next, there’s no guessing but I doubt she’ll go back to the PC sound-she will always experiment though.
  9. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by brandon in Charli XCX   
    this is kind of an lol moment to me because (while this is very true and it’s really annoying that so many people fail to take more experimental music seriously) there’s also so many people within that experimental community who Only take experimental music seriously and think that anything that’s more simple or follows the normal pop structure is like, terrible, bland, and uninspired 
    its like there’s no winning 
  10. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by Heartmachine in Charli XCX   
    I think she knows exactly what she’s doing…
    I think she likely wants to continue doing something that is artistically very “current”, such as something that might be considered as “hyper-pop”… but with a contract to fulfill, and as she said, not wanting to seem “too predictable” as an artist… Crash is likely the direction that made the most sense to her and would maximize appeal in and beyond the duration of her contract.
    The “hyper-pop” sound has yet to really catch on or create any sort of notable foothold with the masses, across age groups especially IMO, so it’s likely not going be considered mainstream for some time. Most people hear the glitchy “pots and pans” off-beat production and just think it’s noise… It certainly hits different, it’s more progressive in structure snd arrangement typically, and IMO, a lot of people have a very 2D perception on what music is, and should be.
    As much as I personally wish people would just open up their mind and ears, it’s up to them to reach a point where they want to hear something different… something that is just electronic even. So many people are firmly rooted in the belief that music is only “real instruments” or it’s “not music” therefore “it sucks.”
    There are SO many people like that.
  11. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Charli XCX   
    am i the only one that thinks hyperpop charli needs to die?
    i love hyperpop charli as much as the next gay but i don’t feel like she could innovate with that sound anymore it sounds old and she needs to do something different now
  12. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by Psychedelic Pussy in Charli XCX   
    Baby is honestly such a fucking jam and the music video is cute as fuck
  13. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Charli XCX   
    another angel has seen the light
  14. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by Dima in Charli XCX   
    It’s very beautiful ballad, her voice sounds so soft. I wish she would perform it on piano only live. I’m breaking every rule for you, you breaking every rule for me, these moments really set me free. Ahh 
  15. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by KeybladeMeister in Charli XCX   
    Ahk, the one where we only got the intro.
    Gah, can it be the 18th already? I’m so excited
  16. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by xcx in Charli XCX   
    i think mine will probably be:
    1. Constant Repeat
    2. Constant Repeat
    3. Constant Repeat

  17. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by pinewoodlogs in Charli XCX   
    i don’t even get how this era can be controversial/worth complaining about i mean she literally looks the best she ever has in my opinion, and has a very strong clear direction for her art
  18. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by Chorli Xbox in Charli XCX   
    brain damage from all the poppers 
  19. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by KillForLove in Charli XCX   
    Baby is so good, angels who hate it smoking crack i fear
  20. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by Nightmare in Charli XCX   
    everyone throwing hate at her on twitter for the era/music is so sick to me. she has proven to be one of the most hardworking, talented and kind pop stars ever and yet fucking twinks have ALWAYS mean things to say to her, when she made it quite clear that it affects her sometimes. it’s so disgusting to me, i get that you can’t always like everything an artist does but that doesn’t allow you to be a fucking cunt online, smh.
  21. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by track10482984928 in Charli XCX   
    that 4 second snippet of twice tho omg 🤯 
  22. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by Heartmachine in Charli XCX   
    tea was spilt… 
  23. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by the ocean in Charli XCX   
    dua’s not quite there yet imo
    she’s definitely getting there though
    charli has been consistently serving for 10 years though
  24. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by brandon in Charli XCX   
    this omg 
    those stans have been getting on my nerves for months like? she’s done hyperpop/pc for YEARS - do people think she’s gonna do that forever? 
    also she’s said so many times she doesn’t wanna go independent or anything so idk why people keep bringing that up as an option 
  25. Pigglescake liked a post in a topic by LunaeManifestum in Charli XCX   
    thats horrendous serving HIFN title vibes... CRASH is way more iconic
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