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Everything posted by hotshot2am

  1. It's still a vinyl rip. Until the digital version leaks it will be the best we have.
  2. Is the LQ version we have a phone recording? The mono audio kinda hints at that. I just tried recording FJM's version with my phone and the quality came out similar, if not a bit more reverb-y. Guess I have to be patient for @Dominikx4
  3. I'm not aware of any non-LQ version. Maybe it's being sent around privately.
  4. I'm not familiar enough with vinyls to judge that, I just hope we will get something better. He did correct what he wrote after 1 hour or so but all the Lana update accounts on social media didn't post the correction.
  5. You can do way better than what we have currently. For example a high quality vinyl rip of Born To Die: Though obviously the digital file would still be the best.
  6. So either we are lucky and someone leaks the digital file or we need someone who knows how to rip vinyls in good quality. What we have now is a bit sad – though I'm grateful to whoever leaked it, even if it's LQ.
  7. Lana set her Instagram account to private again.
  8. lustforlife was the first to leak the abbreviation for the title and also had the most accurate description of the sound. honeymouns just confirmed what BoZ already said and leaked the date. But the media had access to the first 7 episodes of Euphoria season 2 so it's not surprising that information about the song was already circulating.
  9. He was the first and most accurate to leak info about Watercolor Eyes. But it's obviously possible that he got that info from a "real" insider. Edit: To be more precise he was the first to confirm the name and had the best description of the sound.
  10. It's unclear if it will be released digitally. @lustforlife thinks yes, @111 thinks no.
  11. did you see this swiftie detective tiktok
  12. This is the only picture I'm aware of that was shared in @hutchdrums story on Instagram.
  13. She even showed up at her house multiple times with a pocketknife.
  14. Edit: someone was first
  15. Video: https://imgur.com/a/7q55ssH Uploading them here too in case her account goes private again.
  16. I've never understood the hate for these two songs. They aren't her best but in no way are they what I would call bad. Both of them are kinda calming and Weyes Blood has a great voice.
  17. Do people who want another album with Rick like the production of his tracks on Lust for Life (e.g. Coachella) and Paradise EP?
  18. The first 8 seconds are not part of the song. Is this the intro you mean?
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