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  1. ilovetati liked a post in a topic by VelvetNight in West Palm Beach, FL @ Coral Sky Amphitheatre - June 16th, 2015   
    What's the Lana crowd like in Florida? I want to go with my family when my Dad finishes chemo, maybe around that time. There are lawn seats left on ticket master.
  2. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by VelvetNight in Lana Interviews With Inquirer.net: "I was very wild."   
    Aren't those pictures from the Big Eyes press conference? 
  3. BENTLEY liked a post in a topic by VelvetNight in Lana Interviews With Inquirer.net: "I was very wild."   
    Aren't those pictures from the Big Eyes press conference? 
  4. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by longtimeman in Lana Interviews With Inquirer.net: "I was very wild."   
    This is nonsense. There are a tonne of shows where she's obviously enjoying herself. I think she answers interviews how she's feeling at that moment, not as a statement of her general attitude towards shows.
  5. longtimeman liked a post in a topic by VelvetNight in Member of the Month (January/February): longtimeman   
    I thought I was the only one that likes The Cardigans! Wicked interview, now I know you're not just a sea horse.
  6. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by VelvetNight in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    It's so personal and deep. I love this poem/essay.
  7. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by Divisive Princess in James Franco Discusses Lana in V Magazine   
    This is obnoxious in a way that only a piece written by James Franco could be (no shade, I love him), but I think it's really sweet. He seems to really get her.
  8. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    The true definition of unpopular Lana opinions 
  9. delreyfreak liked a post in a topic by VelvetNight in Lana Del Rey at Golden Globe Awards 2015   
    What a Goddess! That kiss blowing one! 
    That colour is pretty but so hard to pull off, her figure is so different between the 3rd and 4th pics, just from the angle/pose change. 
  10. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by BENTLEY in Minor General Questions that Don't Deserve Their Own Thread   
    I don't know but I wouldn't be surprised if the other song was "Old Money". 
  11. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by ilovetati in Honeymoon - Pre-Release and Discussion Thread   
    I wish I could find the interview in which Lana said that her cover of The Other Woman was meant to carry over to the next album, insinuating that it would be jazz-inspired.
  12. ilovetati liked a post in a topic by VelvetNight in Lana changes Instagram profile photo to Lizzy era pic   
    I love AKA and Paradise, but rerecording of AKA like how Yayo was for Paradise? No thank you. I'm all for rerelease of the songs as is though!
  13. Anthem liked a post in a topic by VelvetNight in Lana changes Instagram profile photo to Lizzy era pic   
    I love AKA and Paradise, but rerecording of AKA like how Yayo was for Paradise? No thank you. I'm all for rerelease of the songs as is though!
  14. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by plush in Lana and Francesco spotted in Saint Barthélemy   
    Has anyone ever thought that maybe she spotted a photog taking pics and she felt Awkney.org? Aaaaand she looks really uncomfortable for some reason. Her bathing g suit is the only thing that's really killing me rn
    Lana u have the money now, you can buy all the bread and oranges and maybe a nice bathing suit instead of a panty and a tank top
    She goes from white v-neck 24/7 and this is the beach version of the white tee
  15. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by BlueJeans in Lana and Francesco spotted in Saint Barthélemy   
    Omg it looks like she's showing him the pic he took of her and saying "really ? That's all you can do ? i thought you were a photographer or something ..."
  16. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by YUNGATA in Lana and Francesco spotted in Saint Barthélemy   
    whenever i see new pics of them together i just envision barrie manically scrolling through them, sweat accumulating on his brow. "Bed time stories," he tells himself over and over, "bed time stories." then he goes back to remaster riverside yet again because if it's perfect surely she'll want him back.
  17. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by MermaidMotelle in Ridgefield, WA @ Amphitheater Northwest - May 22th, 2015   

    Actually, I'm super thrilled to be able to catch this show and see Courtney/Lana at all! It's going to be oodles of fun no matter how you dice it!
  18. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by Thunder Revenant in Lana Featured on New Emile Haynie Song "Wait For Life" - Out January 20th   
    I really like the sound of the snippet.
    I hope it will be a piece that feels .. "complete" again.
    You know, many songs on UV and the Big Eyes soundtrack songs had the feeling like there was just something missing .. lyrically. Like, not many lyrics or at least in such a repetitive way that it almost left you feel like you only scratched on a subject. Best examples for this are FMWUTTT and Big Eyes.
    Don't get me wrong, I love Ultraviolence as a record but I really would like to hear a song with a more "classic" construct again, ala BtD.
    The snippet sounds promising, let's see what we get.
  19. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by Godsandlana in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    I started translating the article, but everything may not be perfect, so… Be indulgent guys!!
    The many shades of a young and beautiful girl
    In a very short time, Lana Del Rey has become one of the most famous artists of this decade. For Grazia magazine, she remembers her strongest moments of 2014 and talks about the future, her next album and the madness of fame at the time of Twitter and Instagram. A very shy star.
    There is something really strange in the eyes of this young lady, a flash of lightning that comes right to her hands, swallowing around her tattered jeans. This is the lightning of her phlegm, the way she moves and talks. Here she is, right in front of us, quiet and mysterious, and yet she seems to not be really aware of her terrible charms. Then it appears hard to explain exactly what she inspires to us - is she just a good-looking girl? To be fair, she’s far from this archetype. An assumption comes to our mind when she starts posing for the photographer: Lana Del Rey is gracious, yet obstinate. Fragile, but confidente. She is a shy star who fell on earth to possess (or even haunt?) the body of a 2010s pop star. And this duality is responsible for her unpredictable personality. She’s probably the only one who’d be ok for an interview in such a short time before the end of the year (when usually it takes months before getting a proper interview of anyone really famous). We had asked her last Wednesday by mail, and only a few days later we were on the way to meet her in a city similar to Los Angeles (where she currently lives), New York city (where she goes whenever she can) and Paris. Yeah, we’re talking about London. That’s it, the strange freedom of this singer made of paradoxes: being able to control every aspect of her career and suddenly deviate from her initial path if she feels the need to do it. Taking time for herself, and giving to the others, investing all her energy into her interlocutor’s comfort if she feels relaxed with them. Our meeting could have lasted one day, one night, one week, one month or one life-long, with Lana, we never know. While we were chatting, she recalled that, when we first interviewed her two years ago, we had noticed how long her nails were. She showed them up again and told us that she had just shortened them. Then she started drawing little palm-trees in the sketchbook that was laid on the table while playing us some extracts of songs she plans to record. She also asked us our respective birth dates and started talking about astrological signs and american writer Joan Didion… Despite all of this curiosity, Lana never revealed herself completly. That is probably what makes her such a modern woman. She still is under her thirties and wears all the typical features of her generation (which is usually called X, Y or even Z depending on who you will be talking to). And although she is a celebrity, she is very discreet when it comes to her personal life. And although she has millions of fans over the world, she remains true to herself. She chose to sing her love and her lovers, but keeps protecting her privacy. Well, at least she tries to keep protecting it… The conversation that follows is a rare insight into Del Rey’s perception of the various events that marked 2014 and the release of her newest album, Ultraviolence. This interview is the first she gave for a very long time.
    How was your year?
    I’d say unusual. I’ve been messing up everything: I toured, from april to june, before releasing the album, and then I did absolutely nothing. I was really happy with how Ultraviolence sounded; but now when I hear it again, I start thinking about hunches I got when I still was writing the songs. These things make me think I went too far. I’ve been in some awful situations, you know, situations that I couldn’t control, that I didn’t even want to create. Especially with journalists, the one from Rolling Stone and the one from the Guardian, and all the others who were always asking me the same goddamn questions… “Do you really wish you were dead?”, “Did you fuck with someone in the industry?” Obviously, when I wrote tracks like Fucked My Way Up To The Top, I knew such kind of things would happen, and I should have simply answered “no”, I should have moved on.
    What is your state of mind now?
    I’m afraid this album will be forgotten. I’m always afraid good things will be forgotten, burried. Musically, I’m still looking for something different, with majestic choruses, beautiful orchestrations, a type of 50s vibe with a bit of soft grunge. Since march, I’ve been writing a lot of new songs, in a more conventional way -the verses, then the refrain, with a strong jazzy influence. I’m having a lot of fun with all of that. And next year, I’ll tour across the USA. I’ve been doing it only once before and I was really moved, especially in Detroit where I could feel the weight of its History. So, that’s why I decided I wanted to do it again, this time with my friend Courtney Love, for two months. My new album will come out after, maybe for late-august.
    Did you writing style change for this next record?
    My lyrics are very similar to me, who I truly am, but I must admit that I’m currently trying to do some new things. It’s a bit surrealist, full of colors. I feel much more inspired by people like Mark Ryden, Fellini or Picasso… Oh, I’m totally fond of this documentary: “Fellini : I’m a Born Liar”, which explains that the film-maker was in love with his hometown, and each of his movies is like one of its facets. I like his idea, the fact that truth should never impede to a beautiful lie… (she smiles)

    You seem to like evoking the 50s imagery in your songs: the golden age of recording studios, ladies singing late at night with their big band…
    Yeah, I love it. I love nightlife, the mood that comes from it. That’s why I wanted to meet Mark Ronson: I played him ten songs I just composed for this next album. Not so much that he added his usual signature, soul and funk, but rather it explores a sound close to the golden age of jazz. I wasn’t even born in the 50s but I feel like I was there. And when I still was living in New York, I was looking for this dream, maybe some other girls had the same, to live as a singer in a jazz club where I could sing some standards, but my own compositions too. I had a very ‘romantic’ vision of what a singer’s life should be. I daydreamed about tours in Europe, just like Chet Baker did, for example.
    You like drama, right? You find it attracting?
    I don’t. I came in [the music business] without any drama in me. But immediately, things started to get heavier.
    Isn’t it strange to be nostalgic of an era you never lived?
    Yes, yes it is and it might be the reason why I never really had a lot of friends -only those who feel, just as me, connected to the past and the future at the same time. And we are not many out there. I’m firend with James Franco… He’s one of the very few people I feel like really linked to the past, the actors of the past, the California of the 60s, and the New York of the 70s.
    You grew up in a small town near the Adirondacks. Do you miss the places of your childhood?
    Yes… The house is full of memories. It’s hard for me to come back there… I did two weeks ago, I was coming from New York, for the first time in four years. My room hasn’t changed. There’s the same poster as ever pinned on the wall, but everything seemed much smaller to me…
    You did a cover of ‘The Other Woman’, which was already famous for Nina Simone’s interpretation. The song is about a love triangle. But your version isn’t very clear: we don’t know which point of view, which ‘other woman’ you finally are in the song. So, I’m asking you: who are you? Are you the wife, the mistress, or even the husband himself?
    I always wanted to cover this song. I’ve been constantly listening to it for years. It’s interesting to see an ambiguity in the lyrics… (she starts humming a bit of it) I think I’ve always been ‘the other woman’ in a sense, well at least I always felt this way. I don’t necessarily wanna be at the edge of everything, but it’s a fact, I’m a kind of outsider. I’m always the one who stands outside of the circle. Even in my private life, I often feel like overwhelmed by what happens around me. That said, I already played the part of the normal girlfriend, the more ‘legitimate’ one…
    Do you feel like you are the spectator of your own life?
    More and more. With the Internet, now, when you are with someone else, it’s very different. People do not know you only from what you chose to tell them, they know you from what they’ve heard, seen or read on the Web. This is undeniable, especially when I meet someone for the first time.
    Even so, are you loyal?
    I want to be and I think I am in my heart. If I find someone I love, I will probably love them for ever. I am a very faithful person, emotionnaly, I offer all my trust. But I’m always careful. Because I always see like red flags around everyone new I tend to meet. Finally, I think I like people with a constant temper the best. I don’t want any more surprises in life.

    Are you a control freak?
    No, not really… OK, I totally am! (she laughs) When I have a sound or a mood in mind, even for a very simple song, sometimes I have to fight to get precisely what I wanted. But I try to chill. Otherwise I’d be doing the same things over and over again… And that’s not what I like in music.
    Do you think you’re impinged by your perfectionism sometimes?
    All the time. When I tour, for example… It’s painful for me to sing the same songs every night.
    Did you ever want to give up, to erase all this and start afresh?
    I have often thought about that, but I can’t. I’m famous.
    So, the fame is like a burden for you?
    It makes things more complicated than they used to be… I can’t do wathever I want, whenever I want anymore. Now even my hobbies, my other interests are planned. Apart from my private relationship with my family, everything is public. Even my phone calls: I can’t be sure they’re not listened to. You can’t even imagine what people already stole. Basically, excepting my memories and my imagination, there is nothing really private left to me! (she laughs before pausing for a moment) I am a very shy person, maybe even pathologically shy, and being famous doesn’t improve that. I like hanging out, dining in a restaurant, but it became almost impossible for me. Everyone has a phone or a camera… This is odd to say, but that’s what my daily life is made of. I’m always being photographed, even when I’m buying aspirin. Obviously I should have known better. But it is also true that when I started singing, when I was 20, the world was very different. It’s not easy to be quiet now. I never suffered from that; but I must be careful. There are many strange people out there. (she laughs again) I swim carefully in new waters.
  20. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by Sitar in Lana Del Rey Covers Grazia Magazine   
    '50s + grunge sounds like The Other Woman and Shades of Cool
  21. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by trayertrash in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don't like I Can Fly or Big Eyes. I find them bland, annoying and overrated by everyone. I don't think they're better than any songs on UV. Cruel World is still one of the best songs she's ever sung, but True Love On The Side will always be my #1. UV is better than BTD, but not as good as Sirens. I feel like the only one who really doesn't give a fuck about what Lana wears or what color her hair is or who she dates. She's a grown woman and I doubt she waked up and thinks what some 14 year old nobody thinks of her style or personal decisions. I can't stand fans who don't like any of the albums and only like unreleased and demos. Like what kind of hipster shit are you trying to pull?    I don't think any of the demos are better than album versions. I dislike Yayo, but the Paradise version is the best. I hope Lana continues to smoke and her voice changes drastically like Marianne Faithfull's did. I know it's bad to hope for that, but whatever. This probably isn't an unpopular opinion, but I hope Lana never sings pop music. I feel like the unreleased pop songs she did were just a pathetic attempt to be noticed by a label and the 'alternative' style she sings now is perfect for her/who she is. I hope her and Courtney sing together on the tour & someone gets at least decent audio of it. It'd be even better if they put out a duet, but that's unlikely. I think Lana should do a song with Jack White. Actually, they should cover some obscure blue grass song no one knows just so I can read about how many of you have always loved that song. Also, can't stand the fact that a few months ago people on here told me Courtney Love was an untalented murdering irrelevant whore but are now pretending to be her biggest fan & have been up her ass since the tour announcement. Hope all of you get bloody diarrhea today 
  22. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by VioletPrincess in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    I don't like the Endless Summer Tour poster. I mean the picture of her (and Courtney) are great, but the colors are kinda tacky
  23. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by Anthem in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    You probably already know this, but its suspected that Old Money was actually intended for Gatsby. This theory is supported by a few facts:
    She said somewhere that she had wrote a song for Gatsby (likely OM) but when they heard Young and Beautiful they decided they wanted that song instead. In retrospect, they probably wanted Y&B because of the Romeo and Juliet theme similarities in OM. "Old money" is literally a term straight out of the novel, and an important one at that. Some of the lyrics are very similar to Y&B. "Will you still love me when I shine from words but not from beauty" is literally the same as "will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful/I've got nothing but my aching soul" Tbh, I think OM would have fit the movie more too. 
    Oh and I've been meaning to add this to the thread: I actually like the Paradise cover. I know a lot of people find it unflattering but I love the colors on it. I find it kind of hilarious that she looks so bored in the picture. My love for the cover might be skewed by the love of the album though. 
  24. VelvetNight liked a post in a topic by Jazzmin in Unpopular Lana Opinions   
    Seeing all those posts about Lana not being "lyrically wise" (I mean not only the last few in this thread but also the criticism toward Y&B and lots of posts in other threads) I cannot tell whether it's actually an "unpopular Lana opinion" . Not like I don't entitle you to your own opinion cuz I entirely do (especially if I sometimes agree at least to a limited extend) but just wondering if it doesn't turn out that in fact there are more people disliking Lana lyrics (as textual works, not regarded in their context) than those really cherishing them.
    So if loving Lana as a songwriter is an unpopular one, here is mine:
    There countless Lana songs that I find lyrically exquisite. To list but very few examples:
    She's Not Me:
    "I'm the ghost in your mashine" - besides referring to philosophy (what itself makes the song more profound) Lana totally alters the whole concept. While orginally the term describes dualism in one person, Lana's use encompasses two of them. Translating this metaphore, it appears as "I'm [as a "ghost"] lingering inside your body ["mashine"] and no, I am not leaving". What it exactly means, we can surely argue but for sure she uses the philosophical concept to wrap with it the fact that her (ex-)boyfriend and she are binded.
    And this intended change of an already existing term smells kinda Gainsbourg-like to me... but I guess that's too far-fetched?
    I also love how she uses lots of slang expressions and idioms that literally are about death: "a ride or die bitch", the already mentioned "ghost", "dead and gone", "suicide blonde"... Crammed together, they add some thrill to those lyrics! Like there's something supernatural about it... I'm probably the only one to have such a weird association but the song matches some scenes of "Over Her Dead Body" where Kate, having died as Henry's fiancée, becomes a ghost and tries to hold back his new romance. The characters' aims are quite different in the romantic comedy film and in the song but I just want to point out that the concept of the ghost stalking her (ex?) partner fits quite well into the lyrics. Hopefully the movie helped me to illustrate it...
    I know it's ridiculous to interpet it literally but it's beyond me, I feel haunted by my stupid ideas.
    Off To the Races:
    The "Lolita" quote - "Light of my life, fire in my loins" is one of my favorite phrases ever, a pensive and good-sounding cluster of words (both because of the alliteration and its meaning).
    OTTR is full of other colorful epithets such as: "my red nail polish", "his cocaine heart", "your black Cristal", "your little scarlet starlet", "a soul as sweet as blood red jam", "my tar black soul"... All those color words colorize the song Actually, I perceive OTTR rather as an image than words. Some will say that's kitch-like but to me it is not - it would be if she constantly described characters in the story only by hair color (like in poorly-written fanfiction like "the tar-haired girl said this, the tar-haired girl said that") but referring colors to intangible notions sounds at least a bit fresher to be and doesn't make me cringe.
    And "scarlet, starlet" is alliteration again, if I'm not wrong? Another reason to love those lyrics!
    Talking of colors, may I just mention one lyrics from Hundred Dollar Bill? I agree that "I'm in my party dress, he says you're such a mess" isn't the cleverest lyrics under the sun but "you turn my mood from black to blue" is a really well-thought phrase. It uses two adjectives which literally both mean colors but also mean certain moods... Reminds me Emilie Autumn's "my ocean is bluer than the heart you had to break".
    I also think Lana can catch a lot of meaning in her similes: "life sweet like cinnamon, like a fucking dream I'm living in", "spinnin like a ballerina" (followed by "feelin gangsta" and that's why it's aww-some"), "like Jim Morisson", "when you talk, it's like a movie"... they tell more than non-poetic prose ever could tell!
    Or simple repeted sentences from some AKA songs "I'm in love with a dying man / I have done everything I can" is enough to describe her whole mischief/distress connected with the situation. Such songs really call for your imagination, telling you very little but at the same time kindling your curiosity.
    I know I'm an infinite bore to have posted my dull elaboration - but I just wanted to point out what indeed I see in Lana lyrics... Sorry if I'm too stupid to word my feelings... I am stupid :< .
    And that I worship so many Lana lyrics doesn't necessarily mean I'm a fan of "You're disgusting, I'm delicious" .
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